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I the King Walk Above the Law
"I pardon my family. I pardon my friends. Hey, I can pardon myself."

I am going to throw this down: the President of the United States has only a modicum of insight into the fundamental safeguard of our system: balance of power.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I pardon my family. I pardon my friends. Hey, I can pardon myself."

I am going to throw this down: the President of the United States has only a modicum of insight into the fundamental safeguard of our system: balance of power.

Which even if true couldn't come within the same universe as to the damage Obama willfully brought upon this nation. But QUOTH THE PARROT, nary a peep about any of that.
TheRealThing Wrote:Which even if true couldn't come within the same universe as to the damage Obama willfully brought upon this nation. But QUOTH THE PARROT, nary a peep about any of that.

You're kidding, right? A President muses about pardoning himself for, in my view, what may well rise to a "high crime and misdemeanor," and you trot out the little illiteracy? Pathetic.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You're kidding, right? A President muses about pardoning himself for, in my view, what may well rise to a "high crime and misdemeanor," and you trot out the little illiteracy? Pathetic.

Nobody's getting pardoned that I know of. The only things applicable to date for this Administration of which I am aware, are no crime nor misdemeanor. That and your own incredible short fall as to grasp of current events and the historical record.

You really think your personal denials of the past 8 years can in any way wash away the record? Much less the factual collusion according to every report from the media, about Hill and Bill's collusion, and Obama's hot mic comment to Russia's President Medvedev?

Try as you might to reference former Presidents, defeated foes, and other red herrings, the tweeting don is itchy, you are pensive, and we'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Try as you might to reference former Presidents, defeated foes, and other red herrings, the tweeting don is itchy, you are pensive, and we'll see.

No deflection is your gig. I'm only pointing out that you've walked past a veritable Mount Everest of damning evidence of Russian collusion for those mentioned, to get to speck of non-specific dust you claim is proof of collusion in Trump's case. And let's just not mention the fact that Trump's chief accusers to that end are the very ones guilty themselves, right?

Why ignore proof positive for the departing administration while dying on an imperceptible hill this time around? Answer, hopeless, bottomless bias.
⬆ Before we dive down into this: your contention is that the Obama administration colluded with the Russians. To what end?

To what end? Running back to hide behind Valerie Jarrett's skirt I would venture.

My contention? My observation.
CNN must have taken down the follow-up video on the matter.

That's not an answer. You confuse apples and oranges, yet again. We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
That's not an answer. You confuse apples and oranges, yet again. We'll see.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video of your hero rolling over on the countrymen he swore an oath to protect should be worth a boy howdy in the face of the lies you live by. Why don't you cite some real evidence to demonstrate your exceptional prowess on such matters to those here in attendance? Do you really expect anyone to believe any of your lies, or are you just too fond of septic tank Olympics to hold back? I mean, you're bound to have more gold medals than Michael Phelps.
⬆ Why would a tweeting don be musing about pardons and firings? The criminality of leaking does not silence the substance of the leak. Donald Trump is dirty. You know it. I know it. Now, he happens to demagogue down your alley, so, have at it, Zealot, but the tweeting don is getting increasingly itchy.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Why would a tweeting don be musing about pardons and firings? The criminality of leaking does not silence the substance of the leak. Donald Trump is dirty. You know it. I know it. Now, he happens to demagogue down your alley, so, have at it, Zealot, but the tweeting don is getting increasingly itchy.

Why would a dawning twerp be musing about giving credibility to lies? What I know is something you are too dishonest, even with yourself, to admit.
Everything you say is revisionist, and/or heretical lying nonsense.
TheRealThing Wrote:Why would a dawning twerp be musing about giving credibility to lies? What I know is something you are too dishonest, even with yourself, to admit.
Everything you say is revisionist, and/or heretical lying nonsense.

You, friendo, continue to be a zealot for a dirty don, which renders comical everything you screech.

I tried to copy and paste, but there were over 30,000 characters and BGR won't permit that much.

Presidents use the pardon. However, exploring whether or not one has the POWER to do a thing sidesteps the true issue.

A President exploring "Can I pardon myself" is quintessentially unamerican. "Can I pardon my son and son-in-law" is executive nepotism. "Can I pardon my close friends and campaign staff" is banana republic stuff.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Presidents use the pardon. However, exploring whether or not one has the POWER to do a thing sidesteps the true issue.

A President exploring "Can I pardon myself" is quintessentially unamerican. "Can I pardon my son and son-in-law" is executive nepotism. "Can I pardon my close friends and campaign staff" is banana republic stuff.

More smoke and lying slander by the Sombrero. Judge Napolitano addressed the issue of a President's power to pardon, including even himself. As it happens, actions of notable illegitimacy occurred under the watch of, and at the hand of one Barack Obama, and that's when this subject was first addressed in any public media of which I am aware. According to the good judge, although many would decry the act itself, a President CAN pardon himself.

Your subversive advocacy is quintessentially un-American.
TheRealThing Wrote:More smoke and lying slander by the Sombrero. Judge Napolitano addressed the issue of a President's power to pardon, including even himself. As it happens, actions of notable illegitimacy occurred under the watch of, and at the hand of one Barack Obama, and that's when this subject was first addressed in any public media of which I am aware. According to the good judge, although many would decry the act itself, a President CAN pardon himself.

Your subversive advocacy is quintessentially un-American.

Judge Napolitano is in the miniscule pool, as are you. I know of no other President, not even Nixon, who floated the "me pardon me" idea. You're wrong, PeeWeeGee, and shamefully so.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Judge Napolitano is in the miniscule pool, as are you. I know of no other President, not even Nixon, who floated the "me pardon me" idea. You're wrong, PeeWeeGee, and shamefully so.

Still better than being a narcissist amoeba, which being pressed between two slides imagines itself chief among creation. And let's be clear, your ridiculous spates on here fool absolutely nobody. Who cares what you 'know of' when every bit of what you know is copied from somebody else? :please:

But if I was wrong, you'd need somebody else to explain it to you. I had you just right when Bob and I spoke of you some weeks back. You're like a grape with a memory chip. You can copy and paste big words but they're just sprayed out like grass clippings and make about as much sense.

In my opinion you are a traitorous slug who hasn't got enough on the ball to realize you're wishing for your own demise.

Ah, traiterous slug, nice. You are full of Scripture but absent grace. Physician, heal thyself.

We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Ah, traiterous slug, nice. You are full of Scripture but absent grace. Physician, heal thyself.

We'll see.

Grace does not provide license to do as one will. The law of God and men still applies and truth never conflicts with other truth. Which of course means that you are not allowed to lie and dress it up in the dignity of The Lord or the flag. You don't know if the first slander you've put up on here regarding any of your assault on DJT is at all founded in truth, but you are nonetheless content to run with it anyway. Which in my view makes you a traitorous slug.
TheRealThing Wrote:Grace does not provide license to do as one will. The law of God and men still applies and truth never conflicts with other truth. Which of course means that you are not allowed to lie and dress it up in the dignity of The Lord or the flag. You don't know if the first slander you've put up on here regarding any of your assault on DJT is at all founded in truth, but you are nonetheless content to run with it anyway. Which in my view makes you a traitorous slug.

And, I say, we'll see, as a preponderance of the tweeting don's wee hour missives have you itchy as well.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, I say, we'll see, as a preponderance of the tweeting don's wee hour missives have you itchy as well.

The roles are now reversed. I would have liked to see Obama go, and I hated the fact that he won reelection. But I knew getting rid of him was extremely unlikely and was forced to watch him dismantle Americanism and stomp on the cause of Christ for a nightmarish 8 years. I just hope your suffering is a fraction as bad as you act and all I can say is, this is just the beginning because dawning twerp... President Trump isn't going anywhere until his 8 years are up. Rust belt Democrats put him in office, and they will return him to power in 2020. Enjoy that. And BTW, in Trump's speech yesterday he said, "Americans worship God, not government." Make America Great Again!
TheRealThing Wrote:The roles are now reversed. I would have liked to see Obama go, and I hated the fact that he won reelection. But I knew getting rid of him was extremely unlikely and was forced to watch him dismantle Americanism and stomp on the cause of Christ for a nightmarish 8 years. I just hope your suffering is a fraction as bad as you act and all I can say is, this is just the beginning because dawning twerp... President Trump isn't going anywhere until his 8 years are up. Rust belt Democrats put him in office, and they will return him to power in 2020. Enjoy that. And BTW, in Trump's speech yesterday he said, "Americans worship God, not government." Make America Great Again!

Dearest PeeWeeGee, Syrian citizens and refugees are suffering. You and I are discoursing about politics. Please note the difference. I am not prepared to prognosticate 2020 yet. In America, people worship, or decline to worship, as their individual conscience dictates. And that is as it should be. The tweeting don violates the spirit of the Constitution's emphasis on balance of power quite often. We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Dearest PeeWeeGee, Syrian citizens and refugees are suffering. You and I are discoursing about politics. Please note the difference. I am not prepared to prognosticate 2020 yet. In America, people worship, or decline to worship, as their individual conscience dictates. And that is as it should be. The tweeting don violates the spirit of the Constitution's emphasis on balance of power quite often. We'll see.

Yeah tell us more about Paulo Freire and the US Constitution there dumbrero.
When Donald tweeted
"Americans worship God, not government." Make America Great Again!
Was that before he grabbed women by the cat or after ?
Or was it before his first marriage or his third ?
All I got to say I hope he doesn't turn out like another Jim Jones they will be dead bodies everywhere
^^ Both of you guys are bozos. The President didn't tweet that, it was included in a speech he made in Youngstown, Ohio. I mean, I ain't like it wasn't clearly stated in post 22 of this thread, and you still missed it.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Both of you guys are bozos. The President didn't tweet that, it was included in a speech he made in Youngstown, Ohio. I mean, I ain't like it wasn't clearly stated in post 22 of this thread, and you still missed it.

Bozo I told you that you have got your head so far up Donald's A$$ that no one or anything will be able to pull you out
I wish Trump would order the arrest of every democrat politician in DC.
vector Wrote:Bozo I told you that you have got your head so far up Donald's A$$ that no one or anything will be able to pull you out

You got lucky with that one and even then somebody else PM'd you with it. Contextually in this case, the reference was in regard to Trump's speech in which he quoted the statement. He didn't tweet a whole speech.
diceman Wrote:I wish Trump would order the arrest of every democrat politician in DC.

I'd settle for about 10 of the big fish. :biggrin:

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