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Billionaires For Hillary

Since Hillary's tax plans would be devastating for this constituency, I have to wonder if what she is telling them is different than what she is telling us.
Pick6 Wrote:

Since Hillary's tax plans would be devastating for this constituency, I have to wonder if what she is telling them is different than what she is telling us.

I don't think billionaires losing a few million more dollars is going to be devastating to them. Neither do they apparently. Someone like Cuban has no problem sharing his wealth.Cuban Not everyone is blinded by exceedingly absurd profits.
^^Billionaires are taxed on income, not wealth. The level of their income is subject to be mitigated by everything from equipment upgrades, to overhead, to investments, travel, sumptuous business lunches and anything else one could imagine. The Buffets and Cubans out there know their wealth will remain protected as long as the establishment way of doing things remains in force, and of course, that would be Hillary's side.

I agree with you about some companies seeking huge profit margins. Unscrupulous CEO's sometimes see an opportunity to drive up stock prices by overcharging and even cannibalizing their own company's infrastructure so as to create wider margins. Then when stock is at it's manipulated highest the CEO sells out, takes his severance and retires with intentions of living the high life. That's greed. And the company which is left behind is stuck with the grief of cleaning up the mess to see if they can reclaim their former state of solvency which, often means layoffs, hard feelings, and even merger or closure. And then there are those such as Wells Fargo who game the system, knowing they will either be bailed out or excused by government loopholes.

But don't buy the baloney the Dems want to feed you about the rich paying their fair share. The whole notion is a lie. Business owners operate within the laws which govern commerce in this country, and the laws and regs are replete to say the least. There is nothing within the US Constitution by which we can justify the idea that the rich of this land were ever meant to take care of the less fortunate. At one point we relied on taxes to finance this nation's well being from certain perspectives such as infrastructure and the Armed Services. Liberal politics has added 50 million on food stamps along with free housing and utilities, and nobody knows how many or to what extent ObamaCare will weigh down the once comfortable middle class with unrealistic tax burdens.

There is no such thing as a fair amount to tax people for giveaway programs. However, everybody would voluntarily give some amount of their income to help the poor. The problem is the government seizing the people's money to give it to those who are poor and who conveniently happen to always vote for them. Helping people is one thing, demanding a comfortable lifestyle on the taxpayer dime is a very different deal.
Motley Wrote:I don't think billionaires losing a few million more dollars is going to be devastating to them. Neither do they apparently. Someone like Cuban has no problem sharing his wealth.Cuban Not everyone is blinded by exceedingly absurd profits.

Sharing their wealth?....Boy are you naïve....You still riding on the turnip truck?

Billionaires wont pay a bit more than they are now if their accountants do their job...There are always new and creative ways to divert, divest, and invest..Wasn't it ironic that Buffet was being sued by the feds for not paying his taxes at the same time he was doing his carnival act about his secretary....Complete BS to think it doesn't bother them.

All a bunch of baloney and propaganda to get a vote..

And how do I know all this?...I play the system myself for all it's worth. I'm a multi-hundredaire.

Cuban, now that's a laugh...A Donald Trump wannabee....He is so jealous of Trump, it aint funny.

Sorry TRT, looks like I said what you already did.
Bob Seger Wrote:Sharing their wealth....Boy are you naïve....You still riding on the turnip truck?

Billionaires wont pay a bit more than they are now if their accountants do their job...There are always new creative ways to divert, divest, and invest..

All a bunch of baloney and propaganda to get a vote..

And how do I know all this?...I play the system myself for all it's worth. I'm a multi-hundredaire.

Cuban, now that's a laugh...A Donald Trump wannabee....He is so jealous of Trump, it aint funny.

Sorry TRT, looks like I said what you already did.

Oh that's okay. It kills me to see that so many people who've had their opinions handed to them by the likes of Barack and Hillary, are so willing to spread the liberal gospel. I heard Mark Cuban being interviewed by Neil Cavuto after the debate. And BTW, you'll never convince me that Cavuto doesn't actively seek out people like Cuban to voice things he dare not, in order to retain some semblance of neutrality. But to say the words, 'share the wealth,' or 'pay your fair share' is a grand sounding Orwellian dose of doublespeak if I ever heard it. Of course, as soon as I see Cavuto or one of his devotees, Charlie Gasparino, Degan McDowell, Liz Claman, etc., I usually just change the channel because you know what's coming. They're so in-the-tank for Hillary it's sickening to listen to. But I digress LOL.

Anyway Cuban actually said he knew for certain that Hillary was completely innocent of any wrong doing period. Which means of course, for somebody to accept his statement, they'd have to stipulate that Cuban knows better than the entirely of the conservative media world plus the US Congress, and other notables of patriotic stature including those such as John Bolton, and various and sundry retired officers of the Armed Services, the FBI and government circles. So that being the case, why waste the tax payer money by these Congressional investigations? Just ask Cuban cause obviously he knows everything.

I know what it takes to build a business and you know that I have only the highest respect for you Bob, but how in the world men like Mark Cuban can be so rich and talk so dumb sort of escapes me. Right now the Dems are looking for the next Khizr Khan moment to hang on the Trump campaign. They're out turning over rocks, examining and investigating to see if there is any scandal to hang around Trump's neck which can in any way come close to the manufactured success of the Khan family brouhaha. Cuban ain't it, LOL.

It is incredible though, to think that the liberal investigative forces are out, unsuccessfully mind you, looking for something to pin on Trump in the very shadow cast by the mountain of scandal and misdeeds of the Clinton campaign. It has been laughable so far and nobody is covering the story adequately. Just like the Miss America deal to which Hillary made her mechanical reference at the end of the debate. To make that particular allege, she and her rabid staffers had to strain credulity thinner than a gnat's butt stretched over a boxcar. But I know better than to think their efforts are over, far from it. I still remember Harry Reid's statement from back in 2012 from the Senate Floor; "The word's out that he (Romney) hasn't paid taxes in 10 years."

Desperation has set in and my guess is we'll all be jaw agape when we see what is yet to come from these guys.
^^FTR, I have no idea how the thumbs down icon made it onto my last post. I have the (no icon) circle checked so who knows.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh that's okay. It kills me to see that so many people who've had their opinions handed to them by the likes of Barack and Hillary, are so willing to spread the liberal gospel...

It is incredible though, to think that the liberal investigative forces are out, unsuccessfully mind you, looking for something to pin on Trump in the very shadow cast by the mountain of scandal and misdeeds of the Clinton campaign. It has been laughable so far and nobody is covering the story adequately. Just like the Miss America deal to which Hillary made her mechanical reference at the end of the debate. To make that particular allege, she and her rabid staffers had to strain credulity thinner than a gnat's butt stretched over a boxcar. But I know better than to think their efforts are over, far from it. I still remember Harry Reid's statement from back in 2012 from the Senate Floor; "The word's out that he (Romney) hasn't paid taxes in 10 years." Desperation has set in and my guess is we'll all be jaw agape when we see what is yet to come from these guys.

Sorry for quoting myself but it only took a few minutes for Hillary to pull the exact shenanigan against Trump, that Reid did against Romney as detailed above. Clinton has been attacking Trump, accusing him of not paying--- you guessed it, income tax. I mean the guy gets audited nearly every single year. If there were the slightest uh-oh on his tax returns the IRS would crucify him for it and that is a fact of which anyone with at least two linked brain cells, should be aware.

POLITIFACT, is hardly an organization which may be construed as being in-the-tank for Donald J Trump. Nonetheless, they are honest enough to refute Hill's bogus claim and present the facts on the matter of Trump's tax paying record apart from the political spin, (I call it lying) that Hillary and the rest of the Dems have no aversion to doing whatsoever.

Just saying--- these kinds of personal attacks are straight from the DNC playbook and easy to predict. The distortions are far from over. She has to do it, I get that. But the thing that blows my mind is her record of atrocity is being effectively countered with stupid stuff like Trump telling somebody they need to lose weight. Other than Megyn Kelly, who really cares about stuff like that? I'm a little more worried about the Iran Nuke deal myself.
So am I!

That was one of the few shinning moments for Trump in the first debate. Another was when he offered to go against his attorney's advice and make his taxes public before the audit is finalized if Hillary would recover those emails she had scrubbed. If there is one thing wrong with those returns the media will crucify him, so I don't blame him for waiting until the audit is finalized.

If reputations were reversed and Trump had Hillary's history, and vice versa, the media would be DESTROYING Trump.......much more than they are now. Trump gets verbally assaulted for using the wrong verbage while Hillary gets away with murder. (literally?)

I get to the point where I cannot be objective when I hear the bias in the news media, and that really concerns me on more points that one.
Granny Bear Wrote:So am I!

That was one of the few shinning moments for Trump in the first debate. Another was when he offered to go against his attorney's advice and make his taxes public before the audit is finalized if Hillary would recover those emails she had scrubbed. If there is one thing wrong with those returns the media will crucify him, so I don't blame him for waiting until the audit is finalized.

If reputations were reversed and Trump had Hillary's history, and vice versa, the media would be DESTROYING Trump.......much more than they are now. Trump gets verbally assaulted for using the wrong verbage while Hillary gets away with murder. (literally?)

I get to the point where I cannot be objective when I hear the bias in the news media, and that really concerns me on more points that one.

IMO people should carefully weigh everything they hear from main stream media and that includes FOX. Megyn Kelly did a whole segment last night about a golf course owned by Trump out in California. She went on and on about him asking the management to make sure they had hostesses that were pretty. He didn't say the wait staff, just those sweet little fresh faced hostesses. Now, call me stupid but I for one get it. You walk in to a swank golf course restaurant, and the person telling you to wait for 35 minutes to be seated is a vision of pleasantness. I don't see the problem, but of course this brouhaha, like that of the Khzir Khan blowup is, m-a-n-u-f-a-c-t-u-r-e-d.

I don't watch Hannity very much anymore but he read off the list of Hillary's scandals two nights ago, and even I was a bit taken back. And that was before we learned that the Clinton Foundation's signature achievement was to give watered down HIV drugs to the desperate folks there in Africa. The point is obviously, even if Trump did insult a hostess it hardly compares to Benghazi, or the email scandal/FBI investigation. But the main stream media spend 98% of their time blasting Trump with a manufactured case of misogyny. That was mirrored in the moderating performance of Lester Dolt Monday night. Questions to Hillary concerning her precedent setting laundry list of scandalous behavior?--- zero. Questions meant to embarrass Trump? at least 6.

I believe the whole presidential scenario has been manipulated to help Hillary as much as possible. Further, I do not trust (fully) the polling results. The lie is king right now and it is to me nauseating.

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