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What's the difference between Dems and Socialists?
You gotta watch this. Dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge at its best.

The obvious answer, not much.
That's a good question and I was hoping the chair of the Democratic party could answer that for us. Unfortunately, she couldn't.
There is no difference. But, while the Democrat Party is amoral, the Republican Party is spineless.
What's the difference between Dems, Socialists and current republicans in congress?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:What's the difference between Dems, Socialists and current republicans in congress?

Well IMHO, if you're speaking along the lines of Lindsey Graham or John McCain not all that much. But, if you're talking about Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton or some other Tea Party Candidate, there is a very big difference. True conservatives are hated by both political parties and for exactly the same reason. That being their stand for the Christian principles on which this land was founded and to which they openly profess rigid loyalty and support.

Liberals/Dems/Socialists, believe they can settle all issues foreign and domestic on their own, without any observance of God. That is why they support Planned Parenthood, Roe v Wade, the repeal of DADT, and so on. And obviously, that is why they care nada, for overruling God in using the puny laws of men to declare gay rights as valid, and abortion on demand legal.

In short, Republicans by in large, espouse traditional conservative values, while Democrats do not. Therefore the Obama administration has done their best to pass a tidal wave of regulation, litigation and legislation in order to drown any hopes a succeeding President may have to fix the problems. But, on the secular side. Liberal Dems view the new world realignment, featuring a greatly diminished America, as collateral damage they willing to accept. What kills me is the fact that they are more than willing to force that nonsense on the rest of us. They're so smart, especially in their own minds, LOL. In the meantime, they were always going to give Iran whatever they had to and are not about to face off against them, Russia or China. They believed they had to break a lot of eggs to make the 'new world omelet' of the liberal vision.

Republicans have yet to catch on and are hanging on in hopes of restoring order, as their only real objectives have to do only with governing the country. So, on the one hand you have the founders of the new world order, and on the other you have the Republicans who just want things to go on as they always have.
The republicans need to find a way to split the democrats the way they have been lately.
Breaking up that voter base would be huge.

They need to split it up with extremist socialist like Sanders and puppets for play like Hillary.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The republicans need to find a way to split the democrats the way they have been lately.
Breaking up that voter base would be huge.

They need to split it up with extremist socialist like Sanders and puppets for play like Hillary.
I respectfully disagree. If Democrats continue to circle the wagons around Hillary and do not allow voters a good alternative, then the result of that strategy should be akin to aming a machine gun at their feet and pulling the trigger. There is no way that Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders can win an election, but the media might be able to fool enough voters to elect a lesser known candidate like Elizabeth Warren or Martin O'Malley.

If the eGOP does not continue to rig the nomination process in Clinton buddy Jeb Bush's favor, a candidate like Cruz or Fiorina will slice and dice Clinton in the general election. Whoever wins the Republican nomination would be crazy not to select and unleash a hatchet man (or woman) on Clinton as the second person on the ticket. It will not be enough to put a fiery candidate on the ticket and then muzzle them, the way that McCain muzzled Palin. We certainly do not need another plain vanilla VP candidate like Paul Ryan if Democrats are dumb enough to risk having their candidate indicted during the campaign.

If Hillary is the Democrats' answer to 8 disastrous years of Obama, then Republicans' answer should include a candidate that can play the prosecutor role that a real Attorney General should have filled.
I can agree with that. Its obvious electing a RINO to head to a November election isn't going to win the Republicans anything.

This is exactly the problem FOX had with there debate and strangling Trump. Do they not understand the poll numbers? They even had actors set there and try to sway the opinions of viewers by saying they were turned off by Trump. The repubs aren't going to win any election today by electing the Bush's, Mccains, or Christies of the world.
Its going to take someone different to get voters to the polls.

As for Swatchulman or whatever her name is, I don't understand how anyone could look at here, listen to her, and actually think she has any sense at all.

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