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Grimes question??
I have a serious question to ask. I do not follow politics closely, but I do cast my vote every election. I base my selection mostly on what friends and neighbors inform me on about each candidate. Every McConnell commercial you hear talks about Grimes being against coal. I want to vote for the best candidate to help our coal industry in the area. I noticed on Grimes campaign signs she is supported by the UMWA. I thought to myself if she is against coal then why is the UMWA supporting her? Can someone give me an honest answer to why the UMWA is supporting Grimes if she is against coal?
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I have a serious question to ask. I do not follow politics closely, but I do cast my vote every election. I base my selection mostly on what friends and neighbors inform me on about each candidate. Every McConnell commercial you hear talks about Grimes being against coal. I want to vote for the best candidate to help our coal industry in the area. I noticed on Grimes campaign signs she is supported by the UMWA. I thought to myself if she is against coal then why is the UMWA supporting her? Can someone give me an honest answer to why the UMWA is supporting Grimes if she is against coal?
Because she isn't against coal, and has said as much.
The endorsement of the UMW is decided solely by its leadership. The rank and file members of the union have no vote. As everyone knows, and has known for decades, the union bosses are one of the foundational blocks of the Democrat Party. They always endorse Democrats.

If you want your answer, consider that Grimes is a Democrat- the most junior of all Democrats. No record, no experience, strictly a novice. But still a loyal Democrat. If she wins she will obviously go along with the leaders of her party and her president. If you do a little research you will soon find that the Obama Administration, including Reid and Pelosi, are rabidly anti-coal.

Grimes can say what she pleases to get elected. She has been called a liar by several liberal newspapers- including the Washington Post.

Even TheRealVille knows that, when the marbles are in play, Grimes will go along with Obama. What else could she do?
^ Grimes has said she is pro coal. The UMWA supports her. Ask 70% of UMWA members if they support her, they will say yes. That's fact. It's not just the bosses that support her, union members in the rank and file, by a large percentage, will support her. The rank and and file UMWA do have a vote. You know nothing of union, except your anti union bias. The OP will never get an honest answer from you guys, because of your professed hatred of democrat politics.
This video should answer any question you have about where Grimes stands on coal.

Harry is right the union leaders will always support the democratic party, union members not so much. Remember the UMWA also supported Obama in 08 and 12.

TheRealVille Wrote:^ Grimes has said she is pro coal. The UMWA supports her. Ask 70% of UMWA members if they support her, they will say yes. That's fact. It's not just the bosses that support her, union members in the rank and file, by a large percentage, will support her. The rank and and file UMWA do have a vote. You know nothing of union, except your anti union bias. [B]The OP will never get an honest answer from you guys, because of your professed hatred of democrat politics[/B].

I have never read a post from you that didn't refer to the democrats in high orbit. Confusednicker: The conservatives on here, while heavily distrusting Obama, certainly are not huge fans of the republican party either. I think we stand a much better chance of getting an honest answer from these guys.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The hearings in the House on Benghazi begin tomorrow. Past history of such matters has taught us that the Republicans will botch the whole process.

The Republicans are using their usual boneheaded approach. Issa, Chaffetz, and the usual group of suspects have been all over television blowing about what will be proven by the testimony of the "whistle blowers". They should remind us of the team that blew about how bad they would defeat their opponent and proceeded to get their butts kicked when the marbles were on the table.

In matters such as this, the element of surprise is your best weapon. These morons have, again, blown this advantage. The Democrats know exactly what to expect and, being smarter and more devious than the inept Republicans, will have answers for everything. As they said on MSNBC this morning, the true facts are just "really muddy". The mud will be thrown and the GOP will get suffocated by it. They will fold their tents and slink away looking about as competent as the airhead, Sean Hannity.

Both Barry and Hillary will come out of it completely protected from any harm. The media, another element the Republicans seem to forget about, will spin the web. Poor dumb Republicans.

Why don't they ever learn?

TheRealThing Wrote:Statesmanship is sadly lacking in federal government circles in our day. John McCain is a good example, never knows when to be quiet. They believe the Thrill and the Hill's testimony of record will be enough to hang them. I'd say your point is well taken.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Republicans in the House all remind me of Sean Hannity in that they blow a lot of air but have little intelligence. Hannity has been blowing about the hearing both on his radio and television programs. I know many like him. However, I have always considered him to be a lightweight lacking in smarts and knowledge.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:If I still lived in Kentucky, there is no way that I would ever cast another vote for McConnell. Obama does not have a better ally in Washington than McConnell. I would vote for any Kentucky Republican over McConnell and I would abstain if my only choices were McConnell and a Democrat. McConnell has been worse than useless. I hope that Cruz and his allies can muster enough votes to strip McConnell of his leadership role and his perks. It is time for him to pack his ill gotten gains and go home, wherever that is these days.

TheRealThing Wrote:^No offense intended here Hoot. I'm certainly no RINO fan either. However, though I can offer no defense for the chinless McConnell, he and the rest of the RINO's are still a better option on the spiritual plane. I despise his bent for undercutting and judging folks like Cruz but, as long as he continues to vote against abortion rights, the gay agenda and represents no threat to become just another Obama rubber stamp as Lundergan would surely be, I'm not about to let my vote lay on the sidelines.

Something always rushes in to fill a vacuum. I'd rather roll the dice and hope a better candidate comes to the fore the next time, than to see another brainless liberal gain a seat in the Senate.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Absolutely correct, RunItUpTheGut. There is no choice but McConnell. A vote for Bevins is a vote to guarantee that Little Lundergan wins in the end. That would be a disaster far worse than McConnell. So, we need to hold our noses and vote to hold the seat for Republicans and out of the hands of a rubber stamp for Small Barry.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Grimes has said she is pro coal. The UMWA supports her. Ask 70% of UMWA members if they support her, they will say yes. That's fact. It's not just the bosses that support her, union members in the rank and file, by a large percentage, will support her. The rank and and file UMWA do have a vote. You know nothing of union, except your anti union bias. The OP will never get an honest answer from you guys, because of your professed hatred of democrat politics.

No. What you claim is not fact. It is your opinion. Opinions are worthless if you can't back them up with facts. And, of course, you can't, can you?

And, when did I ever profess a "hatred" of democrat politics? You are delusional. You create your own "facts". And, as for unions, I know too much about unions.

Maybe you can enlighten us, knowing that Little Lundergan will fall in line with Obama and Reid, as to just how she can be of benefit to coal miners. She will merely march as instructed and keep her whiny mouth shut. Fortunately, she won't win.

But, since you seem to think you are a mind reader, maybe you can locate the whereabouts of Andy Lundergan. Apparently, no one else can do so.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:No. What you claim is not fact. It is your opinion. Opinions are worthless if you can't back them up with facts. And, of course, you can't, can you?

And, when did I ever profess a "hatred" of democrat politics? You are delusional. You create your own "facts". And, as for unions, I know too much about unions.

Maybe you can enlighten us, knowing that Little Lundergan will fall in line with Obama and Reid, as to just how she can be of benefit to coal miners. She will merely march as instructed and keep her whiny mouth shut. Fortunately, she won't win.

But, since you seem to think you are a mind reader, maybe you can locate the whereabouts of Andy Lundergan. Apparently, no one else can do so.
Grimes has said she is pro coal, and that is fact.

We can't say the same for McConnell, his wife is on the board of a company that gave 50 million to The Sierra Group. Show us where Mitch has fought for coal. You seem to have a "guy love" infatuation for Andy. Is he running for senator?
TheRealVille Wrote:Grimes has said she is pro coal, and that is fact.

We can't say the same for McConnell, his wife is on the board of a company that gave 50 million to The Sierra Group. Show us where Mitch has fought for coal. You seem to have a "guy love" infatuation for Andy. Is he running for senator?

Now, now, TheRealVille, don't attempt to play the "fairy card". Remember, those types are almost always liberal Democrats. I don't "qualify".

I mention Andy Lundergan because he is never seen nor heard from. Even you must admit that it is rather peculiar to say the least. Spouses always are seen with the candidate. But, never Andy Lundergan and we know he is not working anywhere.

Finally, why do you think anyone other than you would put any remote level of credibility to a campaign release from Clueless Barbie's own group? You really need to get a grip.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because she isn't against coal, and has said as much.

:please: How many times do they need to run the ad where she admits to being an Obama agenda supporter? I've heard her being talked about on every TV channel from MSNBC to FOX and nobody thinks she has the first clue. Obama said he would approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, and in the debates he laughed at Mitt Romney when he said "Russia is our biggest geopolitical foe." Shortly thereafter Russia rolled into the Ukraine and we're still waiting on that pipeline. Dems will say or do anything to get elected.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Now, now, TheRealVille, don't attempt to play the "fairy card". Remember, those types are almost always liberal Democrats. I don't "qualify".

I mention Andy Lundergan because he is never seen nor heard from. Even you must admit that it is rather peculiar to say the least. Spouses always are seen with the candidate. But, never Andy Lundergan and we know he is not working anywhere.

Finally, why do you think anyone other than you would put any remote level of credibility to a campaign release from Clueless Barbie's own group? You really need to get a grip.
Where else to find out what a candidate stands for, than the candidate's own words?
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I have a serious question to ask. I do not follow politics closely, but I do cast my vote every election. I base my selection mostly on what friends and neighbors inform me on about each candidate. Every McConnell commercial you hear talks about Grimes being against coal. I want to vote for the best candidate to help our coal industry in the area. I noticed on Grimes campaign signs she is supported by the UMWA. I thought to myself if she is against coal then why is the UMWA supporting her? Can someone give me an honest answer to why the UMWA is supporting Grimes if she is against coal?

See what you started???

Simple answer......McConnell sucks but has a position of power if re-elected. Grimes sucks harder; no way she's getting the respect McConnell already has.

Solution.........hold your nose and vote for McConnell, or don't vote this position at all.

Granny Bear Wrote:See what you started???

Simple answer......McConnell sucks but has a position of power if re-elected. Grimes sucks harder; no way she's getting the respect McConnell already has.

Solution.........hold your nose and vote for McConnell, or don't vote this position at all.


Thanks Granny. The simplest answer yet it made the most sense.
Granny Bear Wrote:See what you started???

Simple answer......McConnell sucks but has a position of power if re-elected. Grimes sucks harder; no way she's getting the respect McConnell already has.

Solution.........hold your nose and vote for McConnell, or don't vote this position at all.


That is exactly the way Harry Rex sees it. Thank you, Granny Bear, for summing it up with brevity, no spin, and common sense.

I'll bet that, if honest, even TheRealVille would have a difficult time disagreeing.
Oh honey! RealVille was put on this earth for the sole purpose of disagreeing!!
TheRealVille Wrote:Where else to find out what a candidate stands for, than the candidate's own words?

I hope this sarcastic. I really, really hope you aren't naive enough to believe everything you hear, especially coming out of a politicians mouth, during an election campaign, in a time when she is perceived to be far behind her opponent.
But, to answer the original question, if you want a senator from Kentucky who actually has the ability to make a difference, and have a voice in DC, then McConnell is clearly the choice to go. This is especially true in a year when, as many have predicted, the republicans are going to win control over the Senate making McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. This could have tremendous benefits for the state of Kentucky, as legislation featuring KY will frequently be brought to the floor. Conversely, if Grimes is elected, and the predictions are correct and the Republicans take control of the Senate, not only will Grimes be the least qualified democratic senator, but she will also be in the minority party, rendering her to be essentially worthless as a politician.

I understand the some may not agree with McConnell's political views on certain issues, but as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the only logical choice to promote the betterment of the state is to put McConnell back in office.
Granny Bear Wrote:See what you started???

Simple answer......McConnell sucks but has a position of power if re-elected. Grimes sucks harder; no way she's getting the respect McConnell already has.

Solution.........hold your nose and vote for McConnell, or don't vote this position at all.


#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Thanks Granny. The simplest answer yet it made the most sense.

You always vote, even if that vote is just to keep a bigger nimrod from replacing the lesser nimrod. Right now Kentucky, the US and even the world at large would benefit greatly from the reelection of McConnell. A better man may come our way at some point but, in the mean time, don't let anybody try to tell you McConnell is anti coal and Grimes is pro coal. That is absurd.
LaFlamaBlanca Wrote:But, to answer the original question, if you want a senator from Kentucky who actually has the ability to make a difference, and have a voice in DC, then McConnell is clearly the choice to go. This is especially true in a year when, as many have predicted, the republicans are going to win control over the Senate making McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. This could have tremendous benefits for the state of Kentucky, as legislation featuring KY will frequently be brought to the floor. Conversely, if Grimes is elected, and the predictions are correct and the Republicans take control of the Senate, not only will Grimes be the least qualified democratic senator, but she will also be in the minority party, rendering her to be essentially worthless as a politician.

I understand the some may not agree with McConnell's political views on certain issues, but as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the only logical choice to promote the betterment of the state is to put McConnell back in office.

Right on all counts. And frankly, I can't believe some folks are struggling with accepting McConnell as majority leader after suffering through SanFranNan [borrowed from Seger] running the House, (and ObamaCare down our throats). And Harry Reid turning the World's most renowned governmental institution, that being the US Senate, into the circus of dysfunction and chaos that we see today. The reputation of the US as a bona-fide superpower has suffered mightily in the eyes of the world thanks to these two rabid chipmunks.
Could not agree more on the diminishing image of the US internationally as a result of the current administration.
#21 to go down as an all time BGR classic!!

Thank you Seger!
LaFlamaBlanca Wrote:But, to answer the original question, if you want a senator from Kentucky who actually has the ability to make a difference, and have a voice in DC, then McConnell is clearly the choice to go. This is especially true in a year when, as many have predicted, the republicans are going to win control over the Senate making McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. This could have tremendous benefits for the state of Kentucky, as legislation featuring KY will frequently be brought to the floor. Conversely, if Grimes is elected, and the predictions are correct and the Republicans take control of the Senate, not only will Grimes be the least qualified democratic senator, but she will also be in the minority party, rendering her to be essentially worthless as a politician.

I understand the some may not agree with McConnell's political views on certain issues, but as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the only logical choice to promote the betterment of the state is to put McConnell back in office.

Thanks for the input.
TheRealThing Wrote:You always vote, even if that vote is just to keep a bigger nimrod from replacing the lesser nimrod. Right now Kentucky, the US and even the world at large would benefit greatly from the reelection of McConnell. A better man may come our way at some point but, in the mean time, don't let anybody try to tell you McConnell is anti coal and Grimes is pro coal. That is absurd.

I do always vote. I just don't watch debates and listen to politicians simply because they are all liars. I like to hear from other people in the community who know more than I do about the candidates to make my own decision. I appreciate your input.

I think some of you are being honest because basically what I am hearing from everyone is neither is the best candidate, but you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I do always vote. I just don't watch debates and listen to politicians simply because they are all liars. I like to hear from other people in the community who know more than I do about the candidates to make my own decision. I appreciate your input.

I think some of you are being honest because basically what I am hearing from everyone is neither is the best candidate, but you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

I believe you Blackcat, I was speaking by rule rather than by exception. But no, I wholeheartedly believe McConnell is head and shoulders the better candidate. For Kentucky, our industry, and his expertise at the federal level, Alison is no viable alternative.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:I do always vote. I just don't watch debates and listen to politicians simply because they are all liars. I like to hear from other people in the community who know more than I do about the candidates to make my own decision. I appreciate your input.

I think some of you are being honest because basically what I am hearing from everyone is neither is the best candidate, but you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

Many of us bloviate and spin in these threads merely for the entertainment of doing so.

However, when you remove all the silliness, we still have two less than attractive candidates.

One has served in the senate for 30 years and is in a possible position of becoming the Majority Leader in the US Senate. In that position he directs and orchestrates everything that occurs in that body.

The other is a 35 year old with no real public experience. True, she is the Kentucky Secretary of State but anyone familiar with the office knows that, Republican or Democrat, it runs itself with career employees. The secretary is a figurehead. Really nothing more. If elected to the senate she would be the most junior of junior senators and would be expected to keep quiet, vote as told, and follow the lead of those above her- Harry Reid, etc.

Because of the irrefutable truth of the above and because we all know that her leadership is anti-coal, our choice is really not difficult.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Many of us bloviate and spin in these threads merely for the entertainment of doing so.

However, when you remove all the silliness, we still have two less than attractive candidates.

One has served in the senate for 30 years and is in a possible position of becoming the Majority Leader in the US Senate. In that position he directs and orchestrates everything that occurs in that body.

The other is a 35 year old with no real public experience. True, she is the Kentucky Secretary of State but anyone familiar with the office knows that, Republican or Democrat, it runs itself with career employees. The secretary is a figurehead. Really nothing more. If elected to the senate she would be the most junior of junior senators and would be expected to keep quiet, vote as told, and follow the lead of those above her- Harry Reid, etc.

Because of the irrefutable truth of the above and because we all know that her leadership is anti-coal, our choice is really not difficult.

:thatsfunn Bloviate, spin and gripe!

I did not know that Hugh Jass Burgers was her restaurant!!
Granny Bear Wrote:

I did not know that Hugh Jass Burgers was her restaurant!!

You beat me to this one Granny.

Does anyone else need any more proof that she is a phony and will do and say anything to get elected?

Is there an honest bone in this woman's body?
Bob Seger Wrote:You beat me to this one Granny.

Does anyone else need any more proof that she is a phony and will do and say anything to get elected?

Is there an honest bone in this woman's body?

No. The restaurant was obviously named by her daddy and, as we well know, her daddy pulls all her strings.
Anybody actually read this besides Seger?? Their largest serving of ribs is entitled Charlotte's rack, and the huge ass burger was named for Alison's sister. There's also some information about the number of employees there who are paid minimum wage.

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