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Any coaches jobs still open?
Just wondering if there are any HC jobs still not filled this late in the year? Is GRC open or not ?
Mike Riddle got the GRC job. Fulton City is the last open HFC job in the state to my knowledge.
Webster County. Their new coach resigned after 2 months on the job.
Jackson05 Wrote:Webster County. Their new coach resigned after 2 months on the job.

Wow what happened??? That will be tough to fill not a very good job anyway and it being this late.
Taking a job somewhere else as an assistant. He had been trying for a couple of years but things never worked out. It finally did this year, just late in the game.
Why are we asking for coaching jobs? Is 64 not going to Corbin now?
Who is 64
If it's who I think, he could come to Whitley ..
Fulton City and Webster is it. IF and it's a big if, but if City and County ever merged they would be an automatic 1A contender (yes, they'd still be 1A and a middle of the road 1A school at that in terms of enrollment).

Webster County is a dumpster fire. Turner got in there and realized it real quick. Some will probably want to put some kind of guilt on him, but it needs to be placed on Webster County. That place has been an out of control grease fire for several years in terms of football program support. If he (Turner) ends up as an assistant at the school I think he is going to be at, it is a MUCH better career move. a lot of schools in KY need to decide if they want to help do what it takes to do all they can to put a quality program on the field or just fold the tent.
Sur64. The favorite fan of Williamsburg, Whitley Co, Corbin, Leslie Co and others.
To my knowledge Phelps is still open
64 would be a great fit got Phelps.
mysonis55 Wrote:64 would be a great fit got Phelps.

I would be proud to coach Phelps and play Fulton and Fulton City if you would agree either one of the Fulton team. Confusederiously:
Fulton Co has plenty of talent to make a good team out of. I think that could be done.
Bishop Brossart is now open.
64 we found you a new job since you are retired.
redstorm Wrote:If it's who I think, he could come to Whitley ..

No I know him personaly he is from Harlan County, up Dobber Hollow.

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