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UPDATE- Estill co. 16 Morgan co. 0 at the half
Estill has shut Morgan down completely! Morgan qb has been eliminated with only 5 yards rushing in the first half. I posted in the Morgan-Estill thread I thought Estill might just pull it off this Friday. Morgan scored 53 points in one half against Powell last Friday, Estill has ran it down their throat and shut Morgan's spread option offense down. Estill has not won a game this season.
I spoke too soon! I typed that with less than a minute to go in the half. Morgan just scored as the first half ended making it Estill 16 Morgan 6. Ward fb for Morgan broke one right up the middle for a long TD.
Morgan looked like World beaters vs. Powell last Friday in a 65-6 win in Stanton.
Estill drove inside the 10 and threw a pass that just went off the receivers fingertips.
They could have scored 3 times in the first half on Morgan. Estill better not be overlooked because they are a much improved football team.
Morgan qb Henderson broke a 45 yard run for a touch down early in the 3rd. Estill held them on the 2 point conversion try. Estill 16 Morgan 12. Estill has took the following drive down to the their own 30 yard line. Estill has rushed for over 2oo yards in the game so far.
Estill scored again with the 3rd quarter ending making it Estill 22 Morgan 12.
Morgan can not stop Estill in that Double wing.
Morgan's tried to go spread, Estill intercepted the football . Estill is driving the ball again in the 4th quarter.
Estill just broke a 20 yard run , Threatening to score again. Estill county has dominated this game on the ground. Estill controling the clock in the 4th.
2:oo minutes to go in the game Estill scored but a holding call brought it back. Alley the kid from California has dominated Morgan. Morgan runs a control offense theirselves so I'm off, Just don't see a comeback in this one. Estill has not won a game in 2 years but came out tonight and punched Morgan right in the mouth.
Congrats Estill on whipping Morgan tonight. After Morgan's 65-6 win at Powell I thought they would make some noise the rest of the season.Estill rushed for over 300 yards tonight and flat out took it to Morgan.

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