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Left Leading From the Front on Matters of Intolerance
TheRealThing Wrote:RV playbook, Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck and Dodge.
:biggrin: That's funny stuff. When I read RV's mis-description of how the pill works, another Patches quote came to mind, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." RV's posts are powerful wrench magnets - he tries to dodge but he keeps getting nailed with wrenches.
TheRealThing Wrote:I've taught you most of what you know, the stuff that actually matters anyway, so why stop now? "It's pretty common for people (like you) to be confused about how birth control pills work. Here’s what it boils down to: birth control pills are made of hormones. Hormones are chemicals made in our bodies. They control how different parts of our bodies work.

Some birth control pills contain two hormones — estrogen and progestin. These are called combination pills. Some are progestin-only pills. Most women on the pill take combination pills.

The hormones in the pill work by

(1) - Keeping eggs from leaving the ovaries. Pregnancy cannot happen if there is no egg to join with sperm.
(2) - Making cervical mucus thicker. This keeps sperm from getting to the eggs."

I know it's tough for you, trying to maintain the image of your imagination must cause you a fair amount of distress.
Class dismissed, again.
You are keeping God from forming his kid in the womb. You know, "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".
Hoot Gibson Wrote::biggrin: That's funny stuff. When I read RV's mis-description of how the pill works, another Patches quote came to mind, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." RV's posts are powerful wrench magnets - he tries to dodge but he keeps getting nailed with wrenches.
I know how the pill works, basically. It was a lead in question to this answer.

"before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".

10 to 1 says TRT looked up how they work on the internet before he made the post.
TheRealVille Wrote:I know how the pill works, basically. It was a lead in question to this answer.

"before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".

10 to 1 says TRT looked up how they work on the internet before he made the post.

which is a lot better than posting
stuff from the Internet without even looking at it

right trv? :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:I know how the pill works, basically. It was a lead in question to this answer.

"before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".

10 to 1 says TRT looked up how they work on the internet before he made the post.

I knew the "pill" had been on the scene since the 60's. I also knew it is classified as a contraceptive which, by definition, prevents conception. You asked among other statements I'm sure you'd like to take back, "You don't consider that another form of abortion?"

No I don't consider that another form of abortion. But then, I am somewhat aware of what I'm talking about. And, as usual, you've mixed in a convoluted piece of the truth. Once conception has taken place, apart from the influence of chemicals or the butcher, a baby is born 9 months later. Therefore, most rational folks rightly believe that new life is viable from that day forward.
TheRealThing Wrote:I knew the "pill" had been on the scene since the 60's. I also knew it is classified as a contraceptive which, by definition, prevents conception. You asked among other statements I'm sure you'd like to take back, "You don't consider that another form of abortion?"

No I don't consider that another form of abortion. But then, I am somewhat aware of what I'm talking about. And, as usual, you've mixed in a convoluted piece of the truth. Once conception has taken place, apart from the influence of chemicals or the butcher, a baby is born 9 months later. Therefore, most rational folks rightly believe that new life is viable from that day forward.
What about the "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you"? That only counts for the ones that you let be formed?
TheRealVille Wrote:What about the "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you"? That only counts for the ones that you let be formed?

Change of subject again? Of course that only counts for the ones that people "let be formed". We have every right to avoid conception in God's eyes. As long as conception has not as yet occurred, nobody's future has been taken from them. The mistake you make is in thinking that you or anybody else can begin to fathom the character of God. Your posts demonstrate that you think you have a handle on that but let's get real here. God cannot be fully defined, understood or put into some kind of a box. It's perfectly legitimate to abstain from sex, is it not? The average male produces about 525 billion sperm cells in a lifetime. And 250 million are released every time he has sex. Women are born with about two million eggs in their ovaries. You want to take a stab at predicting how many potentially different people that might entail? And yet God knows every last one of these possibilities. Nobody is responsible for the vast pool of 'possibles' and yet, once that sperm unites with an egg, from that day forward the matter should rest in God's hands. He is the One that in Whose purview that privilege should lie. But, along comes the liberal and the resultant billions of world wide abortions which, have left a trail of dead bodies that will haunt them for eternity.

Just as in the doctrine of predestination, God knows the history of man before it even unfolds. This is why the prophetic texts in scripture are always 100% accurate, 100% of the time. Prophesy is God's recording of history before it happens. Similarly with predestination, He knows who is going to by faith accept Him as Lord before they do it. Time has no meaning to the infinite being of God, the "Great I Am". No beginning and no end, just eternal "I Am". He therefore can 'look' forward and backwards in time, as if it were a vcr tape.He is not restricted by time, rather time is a scaffold if you will, a matrix to support the existence of men on this planet. And, after we pass from this life, time will at least be different in that we will never cease to exist after that point. We have so many days to use up here, but, not so of the great beyond that awaits us all.

When the ova and sperm unite, the dna map of that one of a kind, completely unique person is created, a "viable" human being as they appear in their first moments. God knows every last thought of every last person on this earth. He knows the faces and form of every last aborted "fetus" and who made the decisions which led to the end their lives. Everybody, who has a hand in making abortions happen will bear some of the burden and pain of judgment. The patients and medical staff, the lawmakers and voters that have caused it to become the law of this land, the activists and the unconcerned, will all be appointed their share. That is until and unless any of these folks repent, thusly will they be forgiven.

But, your tactic of trying to make everybody guilty of doing the same thing is typical and straight from scripture. Satan tried to tempt Jesus Himself when He fasted for 40 days at the beginning of His earthly ministry to man. If Satan could have just gotten the Lord to turn even one of those stones into a loaf of bread, He would have been guilty of sin and thus an unworthy sacrifice to save man from sin. This is the nature of Satan's 'work' here. Trying to derail God's plan for men. If Hitler could have actually managed to kill every last Jew, the Abrahamic Covenant in which, God promised Abraham that his seed would go on forever without end, would have been broken, thus causing God to have spoken an untruth. It didn't work and neither will your attempt to dodge responsibility for your own actions by pointing out the imperfections of others. There are two kinds of people on this earth. Those whose sins are under the blood, and those whose sins are not. God gave up His only Son to die a substitutionary death on the cross so that men could live forever with Him. Accepting that fact by faith and repentance, or rejecting that fact is the fork in the road that defines every man.
^It's funny how what God wants always coincides with what man desires.
TheRealVille Wrote:She was one of the 7 that ruled favorably?
She was Roe
nky Wrote:She was Roe
Does that change the fact that 7 Justices ruled in favor of abortion being a constitutional right?
Only the the main person show as a champion of a womens choice didn't believe in the cause and felt that she was used
nky Wrote:Only the the main person show as a champion of a womens choice didn't believe in the cause and felt that she was used
If I were you, I'd call her and tell her that she is responsible for the "deaths of 50 million babies".
^ That's pretty much par for course though. Thinking things she did, that she now thinks was wrong, is somebody else's fault. Now that she's pro-life, she wants others to take"responsibility for their actions", but she can't take ownership of hers?
TheRealVille Wrote:^It's funny how what God wants always coincides with what man desires.

Oh, so it's God that wanted to see the abortion of 55 million plus and counting, and it's God Who wants rampant homosexuality and to see the redefinition of the institutions He first set up between Adam and Eve? :please:
TheRealVille Wrote:If I were you, I'd call her and tell her that she is responsible for the "deaths of 50 million babies".
She already knows and lives with it everyday
TheRealVille Wrote:^ That's pretty much par for course though. Thinking things she did, that she now thinks was wrong, is somebody Elyse's fault. Now that she's pro-life, she wants others to take"responsibility for their actions", but she can't take ownership of hers?
She tried to have the case dropped back before it went to the Supreme Court but it was out of her hands as her "free" legal team to took to their political agenda. By the time it went before the Supreme Court her "Fetus" non life was a 3 year old girl living with someone else
TheRealVille Wrote:If I were you, I'd call her and tell her that she is responsible for the "deaths of 50 million babies".

Timeout here TRV 20 dead kids is worth eviscerating the constitution even though no law proposed would have prevented what happened but 50 million killed before they have a chance at life is funny to you? Better example as a average that awful day at sandy hook there were 3,750 abortions performed that is 3,750 lives that could have been. How can you rationalize that?
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Timeout here TRV 20 dead kids is worth eviscerating the constitution even though no law proposed would have prevented what happened but 50 million killed before they have a chance at life is funny to you? Better example as a average that awful day at sandy hook there were 3,750 abortions performed that is 3,750 lives that could have been. How can you rationalize that?
Did you notice the "" marks in my statement. I, unlike you, don't think a life starts at conception. The 20 kids were actually alive and walking. The so called 50 million since 1973 weren't lives. BTW, you answered your own question, "before they have a chance at life."
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you notice the "" marks in my statement. I, unlike you, don't think a life starts at conception. The 20 kids were actually alive and walking. The so called 50 million since 1973 weren't lives.

google images ABORTED BABIES
see if those babies "weren't lives"
WideMiddle03 Wrote:google images ABORTED BABIES
see if those babies "weren't lives"
They are babies, and lives, after they can live outside of the womb.
TheRealVille Wrote:They are babies, and lives, after they can live outside of the womb.

really? why won't you look at the photos then
why don't you post one
WideMiddle03 Wrote:really? why won't you look at the photos then
why don't you post one
A cancer tumor can have hair and teeth. Does that make it a baby? A fetus is not a baby, until it is viable.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:really? why won't you look at the photos then
why don't you post one
If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you are against gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. But, you have zero right to tell another human what they can do with their body. None.
TheRealVille Wrote:^It's funny how what God wants always coincides with what man desires.

There's nothing funny about what God wants. He has made His meaning crystal clear in the scriptures. The problem has always been in the way that His creation has viewed the prospect of His Lordship over them in their personal lives. That's what man's moment of the grand stage has always been all about. The opportunity to accept His Lordship, or do things their own way, according to the world. Hence we have the test for man. He comes into this world with only one freedom, the power to choose. And choice is what defines the life of every man. Many times people have wondered how a loving God could condemn certain people to hell. He paved the way in the blood of His own Son. Men CHOOSE either to obey and live, or to disobey and suffer eternal separation from God and His goodness.

So, for us to have been able to make a choice, there necessarily would have had to have been at least the two options. God's way, or the way that seems right unto man. Satan's fatal flaw (rebellion against the authority of God, became Cain's fatal flaw. God made it clear to Cain that it would take a blood sacrifice to please Him. Cain ignored that, and brought God the first fruits of the bounty of his crops. God rejected Cain's offering and accepted Abel's. Cain stalked Abel and murdered him in a fit of jealousy and hatred. People who rebel against God HATE those who choose to serve Him, and so will it always be. This fact of life is in abundant evidence today as the war rages between good and evil and which, has coalesced into a fight between liberals and conservatives for control of the American Government. Again, God told King Saul through His prophet Samuel, to utterly destroy Amalek. Every man woman and child and every last animal of that land were to be utterly destroyed. Saul disobeyed and brought back the King and certain livestock among other things as plunder. So God took Israel from Saul and made David King. "What God wants always coincides with what man desires?" I doubt that sincerely.

Today, in this era of self enlightenment, nothing much has changed. Oh technology is through the roof but, America thinks she has outgrown her need for God. The 'people' have allowed themselves to be turned from following Him. So, as a nation, God will judge America. We individuals still have a choice in the matter though. So, when it seems the majority are laughing their heads off at Christians for their quaint but, ridiculous dedication and belief in Christ, and mock us for voting against abortion and against laws that support the homosexual movement in this country. We should remember Noah. While he was building the Ark as God commanded him to do, the people of the time laughed him to scorn. But, God's Word never returns unto Him void. The flood came just as He said it would, and just as surely, judgment is coming to America for turning her back on Him.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you are against gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. But, you have zero right to tell another human what they can do with their body. None.

Yeah well, he's got a right to vote against laws that support things like that. And when it boils down that's why you want the supreme court to force acceptance of those liberal center pieces down our throats cause you know in a vote it will never pass.
TheRealVille Wrote:A cancer tumor can have hair and teeth. Does that make it a baby? A fetus is not a baby, until it is viable.

TheRealVille Wrote:If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you are against gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. But, you have zero right to tell another human what they can do with their body. None.

then y don't you go to google images and get a pic of an aborted baby to put on here? if it's nothing you shouldnt be ducking/dodging my points

you have zero right to dictate the morality of society

you need to get some work ixperience under you're belt
WideMiddle03 Wrote:then y don't you go to google images and get a pic of an aborted baby to put on here? if it's nothing you shouldnt be ducking/dodging my points

you have zero right to dictate the morality of society

you need to get some work ixperience under you're belt
I've saw the images, that still doesn't give me the right to tell another person what to do with their body. And, a fetus isn't viable until 22 weeks.

You said it. :biggrin:

You need to go to school and learn grammar.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've saw the images, that still doesn't give me the right to tell another person what to do with their body. And, a fetus isn't viable until 22 weeks.

You said it. :biggrin:

You need to go to school and learn grammar.

you said you'reself that it doesnt matter as long as the point is understood right?
why the sudden change?
why dont you post the images here?
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you said you'reself that it doesnt matter as long as the point is understood right?
why the sudden change?
why dont you post the images here?
You said you have zero right to dictate morality. You are correct. You keep wanting me post pictures. You are the one that keeps naming them, if you want to post the frigging pictures, post them. I don't give one rat's ass what the pictures look like, a life isn't a life until it's viable.
I guess the title of this thread is correct

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