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Ashland Blazer head coach Leon Hart retires.
That's a big loss for the Kitty Cats.
I had heard he thought about retiring at the end of this season. Any word on a possible replacement? Will the Tomcats promote a current coach on staff or look to bring someone in?
I heard it's going to be Tony Love
If they were smart they would make a real aggressive move to get Luke Salmons from Cabell Midland, guy is an outstanding coach and best option, but if staying in the system what they want to do I would say Chad Tackett would be the best canidate.
Hart is quoted in this morning's paper as saying if they don't hire Tony Love Ashland is making a huge mistake. I'd say that statement carried a lot of weight.
Love has been there a long time and probably earned his shot.

I think the cupboard being left a little bare after this year plays into this as well.
How long has Coach Hart been a coach in Ashland? If I'm not mistaken, wasn't he an assistant coach at EKU back in the mid 80's?
10 years at Ashland Blazer and yes he was an assistant coach at EKU under Kidd.
FBALL Wrote:Love has been there a long time and probably earned his shot.

I think the cupboard being left a little bare after this year plays into this as well.

I don't think that has anything to do with the decision. Leon Hart doesnt need Ashland football wins to define who he is. He never has and a mediocre season if that is what were to happen next year doesn't define him as well. I have had two children play for coach Hart and it has never been about wins and losses defining the person. I have watched other coaches who seem to measure their self esteem by wins and losses and to them the players are expendable. I don't know what direction the administration will go, but I feel safe in saying there are at least 3 assistants who are more than capable.
FBALL Wrote:Love has been there a long time and probably earned his shot.

I think the cupboard being left a little bare after this year plays into this as well.

I think your last statemet is a discredit to Leon Hart. Let's remember a lot o folks thought this year would be a down year for Ashland. As for talent, as long as Baker is in the backfield they are dangerous.
It's not meant to be a discredit on the man and they will not be down this year. It's the year after when the depth of talent drops off. I respect what coach Hart has done. I think he is the best coach Ashland Blazer has had in any sport maybe in my lifetime. I just wonder as much as he puts in if he would really want to go through some leaner years talent wise. I know coach McGlone has taken alot of undue criticism after having a few down years. It's going to happen anywhere. It's not a question of self esteem or ego. He's earned that respect and I don't question his decision. I just wonder if that's a part of it. Obviously the man is a competitor or he wouldn't have chosen that profession. Competitors don't like to lose.
Great coach and even better person. I personally would open up the search and see who is interested before I hire 1 of the assistants. Vanderhoof, Matney, and a few more might be very interested in 1 of the better coaching jobs in E. Kentucky!!! If I was Swift (A.D.) I would call Highlands try to get Asst. H.C.
T-CATS Wrote:Great coach and even better person. I personally would open up the search and see who is interested before I hire 1 of the assistants. Vanderhoof, Matney, and a few more might be very interested in 1 of the better coaching jobs in E. Kentucky!!! If I was Swift (A.D.) I would call Highlands try to get Asst. H.C.

Unless I'm mistaken the job has to be posted for 30 days.
Class act. I learned alot from coach hart and wish him and his family well. Sad day in maroon and white for sure. Coach hart we will be welcome back at Putnam anytime.
T-CATS Wrote:Great coach and even better person. I personally would open up the search and see who is interested before I hire 1 of the assistants. Vanderhoof, Matney, and a few more might be very interested in 1 of the better coaching jobs in E. Kentucky!!! If I was Swift (A.D.) I would call Highlands try to get Asst. H.C.

Didn't they pass up on Matney once before? I had always heard that, just wondering if true.
Best of luck to Coach Hart, and I really hope we get a top notch person and coach to lead our kids!
He beat my Tigers 2 out of 4 years. Not many coaches can say that.
When you are in the same region as Fort Thomas Highlands and Covington Catholic, your chances of winning a regional championship and moving to the final rounds are virtually zero.

Good luck to Coach Hart as he moves on.
papagrit Wrote:How long has Coach Hart been a coach in Ashland? If I'm not mistaken, wasn't he an assistant coach at EKU back in the mid 80's?

He was an assistant coach at EKU two different times. He actually left at one point and became the head coach @ Elon in North Carolina when they were still in D2 (not, 1-AA, there is a difference...not meant towards you papa grit, but others who might be reading that and thinking they were the same.)
Truth Wrote:When you are in the same region as Fort Thomas Highlands and Covington Catholic, your chances of winning a regional championship and moving to the final rounds are virtually zero.

Good luck to Coach Hart as he moves on.

He isn't moving on he is done with coaching. He is leaving for family issues with his sick father and to visit his kids in North Carolina. It has nothing to do with Cov Cath or Highlands much like Ironton when he first arrived he loved the challenge of trying to beat those teams and I'm sure with time he would've stole a win or 2 once he figured out a strategy to make up for the difference in number of kids.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:He isn't moving on he is done with coaching. He is leaving for family issues with his sick father and to visit his kids in North Carolina. It has nothing to do with Cov Cath or Highlands much like Ironton when he first arrived he loved the challenge of trying to beat those teams and I'm sure with time he would've stole a win or 2 once he figured out a strategy to make up for the difference in number of kids.

He is moving on to another phase of his life. Good luck to him. I'm sure his retirement had nothing to do with Highlands or CovCath. I always figured Ashland lost to Highlands and CovCath because the two schools always have superior football teams. It is interesting to learn that it is because of "number of kids". That sounds more like an excuse than a reason. Last time I checked, each team plays eleven at a time. But, as I said, I wish Hart good luck in his retirement. I guess we'll never know if he could have figured out that way to steal a win or two from the northern Kentucky powers or how long it would have taken.
Truth Wrote:He is moving on to another phase of his life. Good luck to him. I'm sure his retirement had nothing to do with Highlands or CovCath. I always figured Ashland lost to Highlands and CovCath because the two schools always have superior football teams. It is interesting to learn that it is because of "number of kids". That sounds more like an excuse than a reason. Last time I checked, each team plays eleven at a time. But, as I said, I wish Hart good luck in his retirement. I guess we'll never know if he could have figured out that way to steal a win or two from the northern Kentucky powers or how long it would have taken.

Even most highlands fans will tell the biggest difference between Ashland And highlands is the number of kids that play both ways. Ashland actually had a lead on highlands until about 2 minutes in the first half then they became gassed cause highlands kids were fresher and just kept subbing in fresh equally talented kids. The top 20 kids on these teams were probably pretty comparable talent wise. It's kids 21-40 that seperate highlands and Cov Cath from JC and Ashland.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Even most highlands fans will tell the biggest difference between Ashland And highlands is the number of kids that play both ways. Ashland actually had a lead on highlands until about 2 minutes in the first half then they became gassed cause highlands kids were fresher and just kept subbing in fresh equally talented kids. The top 20 kids on these teams were probably pretty comparable talent wise. It's kids 21-40 that seperate highlands and Cov Cath from JC and Ashland.

You are a good Ashland fan,tomcatfan722000. The difference may well be in the number of quality players that each school has at its disposal. Ashland probably needs to develop more quality players from what is available to them in their student body. I assume the schools are similar in population.

Nonetheless, I don't see the northern Kentucky advantage becoming any less dominating in the near future. But, who knows for absolute sure?
Good Luck Coach Hart!
Lynch47 Wrote:Didn't they pass up on Matney once before? I had always heard that, just wondering if true.

The A.D.(Swift) would burn Putnam Stadium to the ground before he would hire Matney!!!!! LOL
#26 I guess there is some truth there.
Jim matney will not ever coach at Ashland. This is not my personal opinion but I do know some high level boosters do not like the man and I have been told he isn't to fond if some of Ashland administration as well.
Truth Wrote:You are a good Ashland fan,tomcatfan722000. The difference may well be in the number of quality players that each school has at its disposal. Ashland probably needs to develop more quality players from what is available to them in their student body. I assume the schools are similar in population.

Nonetheless, I don't see the northern Kentucky advantage becoming any less dominating in the near future. But, who knows for absolute sure?
Actually Ashland is one of the bigger schools in 4A while highlands one of the smallest. The highlands staff just does a great job of devoloping there kids and keeping kids interested. I've heard the Highlands JFL program is run very well and develops all kids. While the coaches at Blazer are all capable some of the people running the JFL teams an Programs like to think winning a JFl game on Saturday is more important than keeping kids playing and devoloping and it hurts the talent. No excuse really for schools the Size Of Ashland to have less of a turnout than highlands. Coach Hart did a great Job getting kids out and numbers and iterest continues to grow. I hope the next coach can continue and improve on what he started.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Actually Ashland is one of the bigger schools in 4A while highlands one of the smallest. The highlands staff just does a great job of devoloping there kids and keeping kids interested. I've heard the Highlands JFL program is run very well and develops all kids. While the coaches at Blazer are all capable some of the people running the JFL teams an Programs like to think winning a JFl game on Saturday is more important than keeping kids playing and devoloping and it hurts the talent. No excuse really for schools the Size Of Ashland to have less of a turnout than highlands. Coach Hart did a great Job getting kids out and numbers and iterest continues to grow. I hope the next coach can continue and improve on what he started.

I wouldn't say Ashland has a terrible turnout. 80 Kids or so grades 9-12 for a 4A school isn't all that bad.

Highlands is an anomaly, it really is. I'm not sure there is another co-ed, public school in the entire country with an enrollment like theres that has almost 120 kids in their program, grades 9-12. I really dont. I'm sure that there is, though, but you get what I'm saying.

Is this going to be an inside hire or are they going to open it up?
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:I wouldn't say Ashland has a terrible turnout. 80 Kids or so grades 9-12 for a 4A school isn't all that bad.

Highlands is an anomaly, it really is. I'm not sure there is another co-ed, public school in the entire country with an enrollment like theres that has almost 120 kids in their program, grades 9-12. I really dont. I'm sure that there is, though, but you get what I'm saying.

Is this going to be an inside hire or are they going to open it up?
I would say Ashland defensive coordinator tony love gets it. He has the endorsement of coach hart and a good football mind. He is also good with the kids. That would be my guess.

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