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so what now?
now that tryouts are over and cheerleading is at a stall.... what do we discuss now> American Idol?:lmao:
friendofbelfry Wrote:now that tryouts are over and cheerleading is at a stall.... what do we discuss now> American Idol?:lmao:

NO :redboxer: That just makes me mad! Vote Chris off??? :argue:
i love katherine mcphee
friendofbelfry Wrote:now that tryouts are over and cheerleading is at a stall.... what do we discuss now> American Idol?:lmao:
It isobvious that you know nothing about cheerleading by no means is cheerleading ever at a stall. I know that Belfry is like Central I am sure they are doing everything they can do to get ready for next year. I know that my daugter has not slowed at all right now is a good time for the girls put 200% into their gymnatics, she is really working hard along the rest of the squad.Pirate Pal can you believe friendofbelfry???????????
Gymnastics, stunt practices or privates, ordering camp wear and new unis, making one's camp arrangements... no, this is no "down time" by a long shot!
IISnakE Wrote:Gymnastics, stunt practices or privates, ordering camp wear and new unis, making one's camp arrangements... no, this is no "down time" by a long shot!
Is there a limitation of seasons for cheerleading???
Yes, Cheer is covered (dead period) by a group who doesn't recognize them as a "sport".... go figure.... but anyway, there is plenty to get organized in the mean time. Fittings for camp items and new uniforms, and privates for those wishing to improve gymnastics and stunts take place as well. When I say "privates" I mean, girls taking it upon themselves to go to gymnastics on their own. I hope no one tries to go to their own school's gym for gymnastics as a group, even if the coach isn't there, because that's not allowed either... even if the coach designates someone other than themselves, to be there to "cover" the insurance requirement.
BAYPC CHEERBABE Wrote:It isobvious that you know nothing about cheerleading by no means is cheerleading ever at a stall. I know that Belfry is like Central I am sure they are doing everything they can do to get ready for next year. I know that my daugter has not slowed at all right now is a good time for the girls put 200% into their gymnatics, she is really working hard along the rest of the squad.Pirate Pal can you believe friendofbelfry???????????

I know that cheerleading is not by any means over, yes we are preparing for camps , uniform ordering, and all the craziness that spring brings. We have already fundraised like crazy!, I was just tyring to start a fun thread on here that wouldn't bring all the BITCHINESS. Apparently some are not above it!:redboxer: And I am sure Pirate_Pal will back me, since our daughters cheer together! But you know over here at Belfry we don't sweat the small stuff! Every little thing is not DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!
Pirates~R~Us Wrote:NO :redboxer: That just makes me mad! Vote Chris off??? :argue:
I thought maybe you might be a Big TAYLOR fan. Chris will go on to do big things. Now he is not locked into the American Idol contract, I know he woulda loved to had it, but I hear offers are already rolling his way!:thumpsup:
Hey :wtf1: You was the one that stated that cheerleading was at a stall. I would talk about bitchiness .I am sure that Belfry as well as us are busy doing something, and all I was saying was that all squads work very hard through the summer without recongnition of what they do. People think because the games are over and compition is over that the cheerleading is over also -and I know that it don't work that way - whether you are a Belfry or Pike Central cheerleader - It never stops- not even when tryouts are going on because all of the girls are working hard to beat the next girl out of thier spot. As for the pettiness - I take nothing that my daughter does as a petty situation - and as for my bitchiness - you don't know me well enough to be calling that - and since your daughter is on Belfry's squad you should know there is never a STALL in cheerleading - but after all Belfry beat us at KAPOS so I quess we HAVE to work a little harder - they don't have a choice. If they plan to look good next year and they will. :closed:
BAYPC CHEERBABE Wrote:Hey :wtf1: You was the one that stated that cheerleading was at a stall. I would talk about bitchiness .I am sure that Belfry as well as us are busy doing something, and all I was saying was that all squads work very hard through the summer without recongnition of what they do. People think because the games are over and compition is over that the cheerleading is over also -and I know that it don't work that way - whether you are a Belfry or Pike Central cheerleader - It never stops- not even when tryouts are going on because all of the girls are working hard to beat the next girl out of thier spot. As for the pettiness - I take nothing that my daughter does as a petty situation - and as for my bitchiness - you don't know me well enough to be calling that - and since your daughter is on Belfry's squad you should know there is never a STALL in cheerleading - but after all Belfry beat us at KAPOS so I quess we HAVE to work a little harder - they don't have a choice. If they plan to look good next year and they will. :closed:
hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I will let you have this one, it really isn't worth the argument. No need for me to try and get the last reply posted on every thread! This thread was posted as something fun, in no means did I want to imply that cheerleaders do not work hard during the summer.( Lord, I hope everyone was not as offended as some) Most of our cheeleaders are busy with other sports right now, so just as a cheer mom, I am not that busy with cheerleading.:popcorn:
friendofbelfry Wrote:hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I will let you have this one, it really isn't worth the argument. No need for me to try and get the last reply posted on every thread! This thread was posted as something fun, in no means did I want to imply that cheerleaders do not work hard during the summer.( Lord, I hope everyone was not as offended as some) Most of our cheeleaders are busy with other sports right now, so just as a cheer mom, I am not that busy with cheerleading.:popcorn:
Yes, Pike Central knows they have to work extra hard to comptete with Belfry. We always know when Belfry is in the house and believe or not they respect that fact.
BAYPC CHEERBABE Wrote:Yes, Pike Central knows they have to work extra hard to comptete with Belfry. We always know when Belfry is in the house and believe or not they respect that fact.

Not once have I mentioned any competition between any squads, Have you not read any of MY posts on here, I think I started this thread as an outlet to talk about something else........I know this is a cheerleading site........but I just thought it would be something fun to talk about. Since I am pretty sure no one has any stake in to who wins American Idol, I thought it was a safe subject. Sorry about that.:igiveup:
This is down right ridiculas :lmao: why does every freakin thread have to turn into a pc/belfry competition???? She was makin a joke and i replied and i believe someone else tried to. but SOME people ALWAYS have to turn things into something they arent and SOME people think they have to have the last post in every thread and SOME people think PC is all Belfry ever thinks about Rolleyes Yes your talented as are we and many other squads :moon:

Belfry IS staying busy with gymnastics and starting to get things together for next year and fund raising BUT the VERY BUSY scheduals from competitions and tryouts are over is basically what she meant! Things have calmed down a little! DAMN take a chill pill :igiveup:

I love Taylor but i loved Chris too and i was ready for katherine to go rather than one of the guys.

Thats just my opinion now dont dont gettin mad :lmao:
bmscheerleader Wrote:i love katherine mcphee

my daughter does too :thumpsup:
All these cheerleaders need to cheer on TAYLOR!!!!!:brunettec
Looks like they came through for TAYLOR

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