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Biggest FAIL'S or Blunders in Pro Wrestling
Mr McMahon getting killed off.....only to get better.

Dr Isaac Yankem

Michael Cole's "Cole Mine"

Michael Cole's win over Jerry Lawler at WM last year
The ShockMaster...............
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:Mr McMahon getting killed off.....only to get better.

Dr Isaac Yankem

Michael Cole's "Cole Mine"

Michael Cole's win over Jerry Lawler at WM last year

McMahon was killed off the week that the Benoit tragedy happened! That will ruin a story-line every time.......:igiveup:
One FAIL that I'm surprised that nobody mentioned is when ECW became a 'brand' of the WWE.

WWE is sports entertainment, period.
The old ECW was just crazy. I remember as I got a little bit older, I had to sneak over to a friends house that had DirecTv so I could watch it with out mom and dad finding out because of the style of wrestling ECW had. Not just the wrestling, but the women, the promo's, the crowd chants..... everything about ECW was, well... Extreme.

Then seeing a watered-down version of ECW on a WWE broadcast where maybe one time a show you'd see an "ECW rules" match..... which may have been a hardcore match, but was nothing like the old ECW. The smaller venue's meant a smaller crowd.... which inturn made for a more loyal and dedicated fan base to ECW. RVD, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Taz, The Dudley Boyz, The Sandman...... All of these guys may not have started their career's in ECW, but if you watch an ECW highlight video from the 90's your gonna see all of these guys doing something crazy. And then to see them in the WWE as mid-card talent actually trying to wrestling was just wrong. When the WWF Hardcore title was introduced and the "hardcore match" era was a result of the popularity that ECW had gained and was an attempt to pull some of the ECW fan base to the WWF. Which didn't happen til VKM bought the company out.

Sorry VKM, this is one sleeping dog you should have let lie...... FAIL!!!!

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