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Wrestlemania 28
Punk connects with a suicide dive, then he sends Jericho into the ringpost before rolling him inside. He goes for a springboard clothesline but Jericho counters with a Codebreaker for another close fall, then Jericho talks trash as he pulls Punk up. Punk goes for a GTS but Jericho fights it off twice, then he sends Punk into the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Punk surprises him with an enziguiri and puts him on his shoulders, then he calls for a GTS but Jericho lands on his feet and puts Punk in the Walls of Jericho. He tries to reach the ropes and Jericho pulls him towards the middle of the ring, and Punk counters with the Anaconda Vise while they trade some near fall pin attempts. Punk puts him in the Anaconda Vise, and Jericho tries to counter with the Walls of Jericho and some knees to the head, but Punk won't let go and eventually gets Jericho to tap out.
Brodus Clay comes out and says he is finally a part of Wrestlemania, so he is going to do something special and tells everyone to grab their phones. He calls his momma and she says she is there at the arena with her bridge club, then she comes out after Brodus introduces her. Momma busts a move while a bunch of other "mommas" from the bridge club dance behind her and everyone continues to dance as we get a preview of the final match.
Once In A Lifetime
John Cena vs The Rock
This sucks!
This match should have been in the middle of the card
Double clotheslines!!! They stopped that 20 years ago
Cena is calling the match, but Rock is RUSTY
Rock and Cena face off and look at the crowd before the ref backs them off into their corners, then the bell rings and they lock up but Cena throws Rock to the mat. Rock gets back up and shoves Cena into the corner, then they lock back up and Rock applies a side headlock but Cena reverses into an armdrag. Rock comes back with an armdrag of his own, then he gets a near fall and Cena holds up his hand and says it was only a two count. Rock sends him off the ropes and hiptosses him, then Cena comes back with an armdrag and a side headlock, but Rock breaks the hold and punches Cena in the head. He goes for a leg submission but Cena rolls outside, then he climbs back in the ring and rams his shoulder into Rock's midsection. He backs up and hits a clothesline, then he puts Rock in a bearhug but Rock punches him in the head to break the hold.
Cena pulls the top rope down and Rock crashes to the floor, then Cena follows him out and drops him throat first on the barricade. Rock tries to pull himself up but Cena scoops him up and throws him on the announcer's table, then he rolls Rock in and gets a near fall. Cena continues to target Rock's ribs and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count, then he blocks a punch and puts Rock in a bear hug. Rock looks like he is fading out, but he comes back with some right hands to break the hold and drops Cena with a snap DDT for a two count. Rock follows this up with a spinebuster and goes for a People's Elbow, then Cena counters with a STF attempt but Rock breaks the hold. Cena hits him a few times and connects with a Five Knuckle Shuffle, then he smirks and goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Rock counters and they double clothesline each other.
Both men get to their feet at the seven count and they trade punches, then Rock unloads with a few rights and mocks with the 'U Can't See Me' taunt but Cena hits an AA! Rock kicks out at two, then Cena pulls him up but Rock surprises him with a Rock Bottom for another hear fall. Rock gets up and kicks Cena in the corner, then he tries to whip Cena to the opposite corner but Cena counters with a side slam for another near fall. Cena climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Rock to stand up, then he jumps off and hits a legdrop bulldog for another very close fall.
Rock breaks the hold, but puts Cena back into the hold until Cena grabs the ropes again, so Rock goes outside and punches him on the ring apron.
He throws Cena into the ring steps, then throws his head into the side of the steps before rolling him back onto the apron. Rock tries to pull him back in but Cena springboards back in and puts him in the STF, and Cena screams 'TAP' but Rock reaches for the ropes. Cena readjusts himself and pulls Rock towards the center of the ring,
sounds like Cena is whippin the Rocks Ass
Cena counters with an AA attempt but Rock blocks it and hits a spinebuster, then he sets Cena up and hits a People's Elbow for a two count. Rock pulls himself up and moves towards Cena, but Cena rolls him up and gets a two count before slingshotting him into the corner for another near fall.
Rock punches him in the ribs and shoves him back down to the mat. Rock stands up and hits a crossbody, but Cena rolls through and picks him up to hit an AA, but Rock kicks out at two. Cena can't believe it, then he looks at his hand before going for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Rock leaps up at drops Cena with a Rock Bottom and makes the cover to win.
Rock won? Really?
Thank God.
If Rock did win, it is TERRIBLE! Cena needed the win for his legacy.
^ Probably still trying to make Cena turn heel. Kane was right if he didn't hate he wouldn't beat Rock. I hope the Kane/Cena feud get's back up and Kane beats the H*** outta him or I hope Mark Henry beats the H*** outta Cena
#TeamBringIT #Boots2Asses #TheRock

I really hope Cena doesn't get on Raw tomorrow and start whinning and b**ching about it
Cena sucks. WWE tried to hard to get him over. Basically forced him down your throat. They wanted him to be today's Rock. I got tired of him when they gave him superman powers.
Awesome show.

I really, really enjoyed all the big 3 matches.

Also, mad love to Big Johnny's white pimp suit.
Overrated Wrote:Cena sucks. WWE tried to hard to get him over. Basically forced him down your throat. They wanted him to be today's Rock. I got tired of him when they gave him superman powers.

This a Mark reply or do you really have a clue how it works? If you really think that, then you are absolutely clueless to how the entertainment part of business works! Cena has made more money than any other wrestler in history! Don't give me this completely uneducated BS about Cena being pushed down our throat!

Fans LOVE this guy! They pour their money into his merchandise! And no, it's not because they forced him down the consumers throat! That's ignorant! If that was the case, then Dolph Lundgren would have been a major movie star instead of Steven Seagal! Hardees would be the most famous hamburger restaurant instead of McDonalds! No, the consumer chooses who they want, and what business that is not in it to make as much money as possible would not react to that! No, lets build the company around revenue losing charecters! Cena Maint Event PPV's bring in more buys than the Rock, Austin or Hart when they were champions! And this is an era when television viewrship is half of what it was 15 years ago, and even more PPV buys now even with the loss due to piracy! But Cena was shoved down our throat! No, you may not like him, but for everyone of "you" there are 25 who disagree with you when they pay for him to be pushed down their throat

Others have been pushed: Orton, Kane, Punk, Show, and they have all equaled revenue losses!
J-Rod Wrote:Awesome show.

I really, really enjoyed all the big 3 matches.

Also, mad love to Big Johnny's white pimp suit.

I'm watching it again! Hands down, the Punk/Jericho match was the best of the show! Taker/HHH was #2 and a solid match, but far from the classic they had last year!

Rock/Cena was a bust! This was a match with a guy who had not wrestled a singles match in 9 years! It was predictable that this match would be a monumental flop! Rock was so rusty, he missed spots, had no stamina, and was far from being anything close to what he was 15 years ago! That match was filled with rest holds! For ever 60 seconds of action, it was followed by 5 minutes of laying on the floor! This was the 4th best match at best.

#3 was the team challenge. It was a surprisingly solid match. They booked it properly in order to keep Laurenitus as the top antagonist of the company and assures us a summer of him feuding with Punk in what I hope turns into a Austin/McMahon like feud. The allowed Miz to maintain Main Event status.

I was very disappointed that one of the most technically skilled worers in the company got buried! To not allow Bryan Danielson to work a match was a travesty! I completed support Sheamus going over, but not like that! The Diva's was a waste of airtime completely! I was very surprised that Kane went over, but I like that they can continue the feud with Cena later in the year!
WrestleMania 28 set a new attendance record for The SunLife Stadium by packing it with a total of 78,363 people
Strikeout King Wrote:^ Probably still trying to make Cena turn heel. Kane was right if he didn't hate he wouldn't beat Rock. I hope the Kane/Cena feud get's back up and Kane beats the H*** outta him or I hope Mark Henry beats the H*** outta Cena

Why would WWE even consider turning heel? Cena is the #1 most requested personality in HISTORY! Give me a legitimate reason why WWE should make such a stupid mistake to turn him? Give just one sound business reason that would make any sense?:please:
According to, WWE had planned for the World Title match at WrestleMania to be a quick bout several weeks ago, however there were some officials who lobbied to have that idea changed.

The reason why WWE ran such a short bout is because the company wanted to set a new record for the quickest title match at WrestleMania, which was previously held by Kane and Chavo Guerrero for the ECW Title at WrestleMania 24. However, last night's World Title bout did not beat the record, as it lasted 18 seconds and the Kane/Guerrero match lasted 8 seconds
Stardust Wrote:Why would WWE even consider turning heel? Cena is the #1 most requested personality in HISTORY! Give me a legitimate reason why WWE should make such a stupid mistake to turn him? Give just one sound business reason that would make any sense?:please:

If people buy his merchandise like you say they do then why does he get booed by 18,000 fans every night?

I'm not sure why they would turn him heel. Maybe to turn a heel into a face? Like Miz, Mark Henry, Kane, Jericho, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler? Just a guess. Miz and Cody Rhodes have both been heels for as long as I can remeber. Best I can remember I've never seen Miz as a face then again my memory isn't that good

Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton are all better heel's then face's
btw, I hate the bad guys, always have and have no earthly idea why however I am a big Kane fan as a heel and Orton also but can't stand the others but that's what WWE strives on is heels without them TNA would be better

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