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Eli trips up talking about end of Peyton's career
INDIANAPOLIS -- Eli Manning spent the better part of his nine-plus minute press conference on Monday answering questions about big brother Peyton Manning. As it turns out, they're related, and Peyton did many things that a big brother does. Like talking and stuff.

But there's a very interesting little moment at the end of Eli's press conference. You can watch it at, and the moment we're talking about occurs at the 8:30 mark, when Eli is asked about playing in Indianapolis.

“I really have not thought much about playing in Indianapolis," Manning said. "It’s not really a time to reflect right now on that. It’s just a matter of trying to get ready for the Patriots and get ready to play this game, and get ready for their defense. We’ll look back on the fact of playing in the Super Bowl in the town where he plays for the Colts.

"And we'll look back on the fact that playing a Super Bowl in Peyton's, in the town where he played his NFL, uhhhh, you know plays for the Colts. So we'll look on that later."

Emphasis is ours and we fully expect this post to result in a backlash of "you media losers are just desperate for a story"-type comments.

We're OK with that. Because if that's how you feel than you didn't actually watch the video and/or see the smirk that Eli had on his face as the presser wrapped up.

Maybe it was a legitimate slip of the tongue and Eli doesn't know anything about what Peyton plans to do and/or can do in the future, football-wise. But he definitely slipped up.

And it should make for an awkward -- and not likely encouraging -- text from his big brother some time in the near future.


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