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Palin Becomes Middle East Expert
She flew to Israel.

She's gonna run folks! :Clap:
BillyB Wrote:She flew to Israel.

She's gonna run folks! :Clap:

Then it makes her a far more of an expert than Obama, doesn't it? Seems like all he has done is insult a true ally (Israel )and apologize to every Muslim country that hates our guts. And Oh by the way BillyBob, guess what? They still hate our guts!!

It takes a lot of nerve for an Obama sympathizer to even consider starting a thread like this.

But I guess not being an expert on anything was good enough to get Obama into the White House.
Who supports Palin? Really, like what group or whatever? I'm not huge into politics. I do want a republican back in the White House, but not her.
Bob Seger Wrote:Then it makes her a far more of an expert than Obama, doesn't it? Seems like all he has done is insult a true ally (Israel )and apologize to every Muslim country that hates our guts. And Oh by the way BillyBob, guess what? They still hate our guts!!

It takes a lot of nerve for an Obama sympathizer to even consider starting a thread like this.

But I guess not being an expert on anything was good enough to get Obama into the White House.
Apparently guys like BillyB think Palin would have no chance at getting elected, so his vote could help send the most incompetent American president in history back to Washington for a second term. Being a patriot, I hope that Hillary or some sane Democrat wins the Democratic nomination just in case the Republican candidate loses in 2012. I fear that the US will not survive a second Obama term.
I would vote for Hilary in a heartbeat. I don't just stick with my party...I think she'd do great.
vundy33 Wrote:I would vote for Hilary in a heartbeat. I don't just stick with my party...I think she'd do great.
I will never, ever vote for a national Democrat but this country would be much better off today if Hillary had become president instead of Obama. Shockingly, 25 percent of likely voters polled in the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Survey still say that they strongly approve of Obama's job performance. That survey is my daily reminder of how far the American education system has declined.
vundy33 Wrote:Who supports Palin? Really, like what group or whatever? I'm not huge into politics. I do want a republican back in the White House, but not her.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:I will never, ever vote for a national Democrat but this country would be much better off today if Hillary had become president instead of Obama.

There's 1 vote!
BillyB Wrote:There's 1 vote!
A vote I will kill.
hahaha Billy, I lol'd. I think I'd kill it as well Ville..
If the choice is any non-felon Republican who is a natural born US citizen and Obama, I will proudly vote for the Republican candidate. There is absolutely no circumstance where I would vote for the man who is doing his best (or is it his worst?) to destroy our economy.

If floors me that there are still Americans who are not in comas who believe that Republicans could find a worse candidate to run in 2012 than Barrack Obama. I understand that many of you got a tingle up your legs and voted for Obama in 2008 in the hope that he might grow into the job if it hasn't happened yet - it isn't going to happen.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the choice is any non-felon Republican who is a natural born US citizen and Obama, I will proudly vote for the Republican candidate. There is absolutely no circumstance where I would vote for the man who is doing his best (or is it his worst?) to destroy our economy.

If floors me that there are still Americans who are not in comas who believe that Republicans could find a worse candidate to run in 2012 than Barrack Obama. I understand that many of you got a tingle up your legs and voted for Obama in 2008 in the hope that he might grow into the job if it hasn't happened yet - it isn't going to happen.
Any democrat is better than any republican, as far as my work is concerned. But, on the side Hoot, I would still consider you a friend, even though we differ.
TheRealVille Wrote:Any democrat is better than any republican, as far as my work is concerned. But, on the side Hoot, I would still consider you a friend, even though we differ.
I have many liberal friends who show good judgment in every area but politics. I am sure that they have as much difficulty understanding my political philosophy as i have understanding their's. I concluded several years ago that some very intelligent people are much more conservative than me and some of them are as liberal as Obama (but Obama is not one of them).

I think that you are mistaken about your work prospects being better with Democrats in control. Four more years of growing government while private sector jobs shrink will not bode well for anybody's job. If the media chooses to report the story, you will start seeing alarming reports about inflation rates taking flight. Keep in mind that Obama's budget projections are based on a very rosy set of assumptions and a rising inflation rate is not one of them.

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