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And finally.......

Ah its so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you smell what he's cooking???
^ this was the most exciting part of the Show
YES YES YES!!!!!!!! WOOOO! The Most exciting thing to happen in the WWE in 7 years. OMG no one, and I repeat no one gets reaction from me like The Rock in the WWE. I wont miss a single second of wrestling action as long as I know the Rock is around. This is fantastic!
how did it go down tonight
Best promo in years(probably since the Rocks last promo, lol). I actually found myself in suspense. I can't believe they actually let him curse. This was just a taste of the awesomeness that the attitude era provided!
Next year Stone Cold needs to host WM!
Man did I have some flashbacks tonight
Im still excited!
I have chills.
zaga_fan Wrote:Next year Stone Cold needs to host WM!

We'll see Stone Cold every week after WrestleMania. He's the host of Tough Enough.
K_Mac Wrote:YES YES YES!!!!!!!! WOOOO! The Most exciting thing to happen in the WWE in 7 years. OMG no one, and I repeat no one gets reaction from me like The Rock in the WWE. I wont miss a single second of wrestling action as long as I know the Rock is around. This is fantastic!

I just heard this.. I will be tuned into Monday Night Raw every Monday now!!
This is great news!!!!!!
You guys are a bunch of "JABRONIES!"!!!!!

I might actually start watching again!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I LOVED IT! It was pretty cool. I was a little suprised by him calling out Cena, and the reaction from the Fans went south on him pretty fast. Guys, Cena is liked better than most people think. Rock got one of the loudest pops I have ever seen, and when he went after Cena, there was a smathering of boos!
Stardust Wrote:I LOVED IT! It was pretty cool. I was a little suprised by him calling out Cena, and the reaction from the Fans went south on him pretty fast. Guys, Cena is liked better than most people think. Rock got one of the loudest pops I have ever seen, and when he went after Cena, there was a smathering of boos!

From children.
They have wanted to turn Cena heel right? What better way to turn the people against him then The People's Champ? The Rock could very well be the only one with enough star power to turn the fans against Cena. I myself already hate the guy and Im already a huge fan of the rocks, so my opinion could be bias lol. But I think I have a good point.
I wonder why they are trying to turn Cena heel? Randy Orton would be a better heel than him.

I know that he said he is back for good, but is he REALLY? Does anyone know the answer?
I might be wrong but I thought I heard a "F. U. Cena" chant last night during The Rock's promo.

lol, i'm just kiddin'. Isn't this considered a Pro-sport though?

And is he back for good? I haven't watched wrestling in years.
Love for the ROCK! Wrestling may be watchable again.
So much for the whole censorship thing lol. Just watched a replay of it.
He just destroyed Cenas last 5 years in 2 minutes.
The Rock has and always will be one of the most if not the most loved wrestlers in the history of the wwe.
He was a major reason wrestling was so good back in the day.
They just dont make wrestlers like him and stone cold anymore that dont need writers to write what they say. This would even get me watching again, and thats saying a lot.
Commodore_Colonel Wrote:I might be wrong but I thought I heard a "F. U. Cena" chant last night during The Rock's promo.

You probably did.

I mean you have a huge star like The Rock burying John Cena, your gonna listen and follow his direction.

Its funny tho, earlier in the night these were the same people cheering Cena only for The Rock to own him and turn against him.
LWC Wrote:I wonder why they are trying to turn Cena heel? Randy Orton would be a better heel than him.

I know that he said he is back for good, but is he REALLY? Does anyone know the answer?

He has three movies right now in production, thus he may be back, but no one should think he is a permanent fixture. He had sworn he would never wrestle again. All I'm taking it as is that he will always have some relationship with WWE, but not on the full time roster. This is like the old Hulk Hogan days or the current Undertaker - Rock will be part of the bigger events, but don't expect to see him on your television sets in the summer or fall.
Commodore_Colonel Wrote:We'll see Stone Cold every week after WrestleMania. He's the host of Tough Enough.

#1) I don't watch tough enough
#2) Tough enough sucks
#3) Tough enough is not Monday Night Raw
#4) Tough Enough is not WrestleMania
Give it a chance bro.

Having it come on before Monday Night Raw is actually a pretty solid thing IMO.

3 hours of wrestling related goodness sounds good to me.
With" The Rock" back, I know I want to watch! the only girl on here that will though!
zaga_fan Wrote:#1) I don't watch tough enough
#2) Tough enough sucks
#3) Tough enough is not Monday Night Raw
#4) Tough Enough is not WrestleMania

4 of the greatest points I've ever seen. I will watch the first episode of it just to see Stone Cold.
You guy's never know, this formula of Tough Enough could be different compared to others.

I loved the format of the first 2 seasons, but then it kinda failed.

But I think this time it might have better success.
I remember the first few seasons with Taz and Bob Holly. They were INTENSE. I also remember that the only thing Maven could do well once he got to the WWE was a dropkick, he did it very well, but other than that he stunk.
Bob Holly was amazing.

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