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Tennessee 30 - Kentucky 24 (OT)
UnderArmour24 Wrote:Kentucky played to conservative in the end in this one. Why not throw the ball or if your going to run the ball give it to Locke dont let newton run 2 straight QB draws and settle for a field goal for OT. Why didnt they attack and go for the win? Same thing in OT if i remember right there wasnt one shot at the end zone for a TD. I just dont get it, you would think they would want it more after 25 years of getting beat.

If Newton would have cut inside of his block on that bootleg he probably scores. I didn't mind the play call. It should have been a td.

Something I hate to say is UT just wanted it more. When it looked like UK might break the streak the cols responded with an energy and an urgency that Kentucky couldn't match. It was obvious in the stadium.
now i got to listen to the ROCKYTOP ring tone for a month since i lost a bet,lol,had nightmares already ...
Sad broke my heart.
Amun-Ra Wrote:I can not handle anymore of friggin JOKER PHILLIPS and his inept play calling. He is not worth a damm.

I am so mad right now that I seriously want to choke the life out of him.

Reason Kentucky cant and will never beat Tenn is because we dont make plays we should and we make bad decisions.

I agree, Joker is exactly what his name implies, he is a "joke". The play calling on the last possession in regulation and the one possession in overtime didn't make any sense at all. We ran the ball down their throats in the first half and came out the second half trying to pass the ball. U.K. simply gets out coached everytime we play the likes of UT, SC, and UF and this is why we can never get over the hump. Steve Brown also has a hand in the lose. Why not put seven or eight guys in the box on the last play because everyone knew they were going to run to set up the field goal. I don't know but if Joker is going to be the coach in waiting I feel our program once again will hit rock bottom. I feel that Randy Sanders should get a shot at head coach because I feel he is the most qualified and proven assistant coach on our staff.
are we really ready for Joker I mean look at it this way we are 7-5 overall he is what caused us some losses IMO we had UT beat that would have made us 8-4 should have beat South Carolina that would have made us 9-3 and we had Miss State but let it slip away how easy and close were we from going 10-2 and be realistic hope everyone is on the same ship as me
When UK seems to have a chance to actually "win" a game late, they seem to get extremely conservative and try not to lose, rather than win.

Everyone knew Cobb would be handling the ball and even UT's staff, but make the other team stop what is working and not out think yourself.
BigBlueBobcatFan Wrote:are we really ready for Joker I mean look at it this way we are 7-5 overall he is what caused us some losses IMO we had UT beat that would have made us 8-4 should have beat South Carolina that would have made us 9-3 and we had Miss State but let it slip away how easy and close were we from going 10-2 and be realistic hope everyone is on the same ship as me

I was going to say the same thing but i figured that everyone would tell me not to relish in the past! But, the only games we should have lost were to (1)Florida and (2)Alabama and that is understandible but i mean like you said the other 3 losses are mainly because of Joker Phillips' bad choices. Who in their right mind wouldn't leave Randall Cobb at QB in those situations?!!
Normally I try to show some class after a win. When UT beats UK in football, I smile and move on. I also know that most of you are very classy people and I enjoy talking sports on here. However, the poor excuse for fans I saw up there have led me to forget about class. UK doesn't deserve to beat UT in football for 100 years just for the simple fact that MOST of their fans (none of you on here) have about as much class as a street walking hooker. I know all schools have their select few, but give me a break. UK's select few was half of Commonwealth. The looks on their faces as they gathered their belongings after Hardesty raced to the end zone and as we sang ROCKY TOP while they left THEIR stadium were priceless! Maybe you can hang another Music City bowl champions banner outside your stadium again this year since apparently thats worthy of a banner. I hope they all have a hard time getting over this game and think about it as much as possible so they can relive their mysery against UT! Here's to the silver anniversary and to 25 more years! GO VOLS!

I know I've probably offended everyone on here, but thats not the intention. This was for all the other fans because as I said before, you guys show a lot of class and I enjoy talking sports with you. Better luck next time and great game to you.
After going to this game last night and sneaking into the student section for old time's sake, I have a few observations and opinions:

1. I hate Joker Philips and hope Barnhart gives him the boot before this "coach in waiting" takes over.
2. I hate Morgan Newton and feel that Will Fidler did not get a fair shake this season. Newton will be better next year, but Fidler has been **** on more than anyone else on this UK team.
3. Rocky Top is the most annoying sound on the face of the Earth.
4. Micah Johnson was not matched up right all night.
5. John Conner is my favorite UK player because he absolutely destroys people on kickoff returns.
6. Cobb needs to wash his hands before the game because he apparently has butter fingers.
7. The UK crowd was electric before and during the game, this team and coaching staff let down an entire fan base. After the game there was mixed reaction from UK fans. Some were shocked and couldn't move, some wanted to stay and support the team, others got the **** out of there as fast as they could so that they didn't have to hear Rocky Top for the 8,462nd time.
8. It's annoying that the UK band has been moved into the student section.
9. What is also annoying and possibly the dumbest thing ever created is "the Claw" that everyone's supposed to do after a 3rd down stop. Come on UK, it just looks fruity, and if you can't even get half the student section to do it, how do you expect it to catch on? (On a side note, they've been trying to get this to catch on for about 3 years now)
10. Puke-in-a-pumpkin orange is not an attractive color on anyone.
11. Do you think UT's dog ever craps on anyone's field?
12. I have never experienced a worse feeling as a UK fan, it's the kind of feeling that makes you want to stop being a UK football fan, and I can understand why so many people jump-ship and go on to support other football teams, while still supporting UK basketball.
13. I hate orange
14. UT traveled well to the game
15. UK fans have really bad problems with rhythm. I mean come on! How hard is it for everyone to clap in unison during the fight song? (Note: this is also a problem at basketball games)
16. The UK student section still likes to sneak in bourbon and cigarettes.
17. The UK marching band eats apples during the 3rd quarter.
18. I hate Tennessee.
19. A lot of UT fans were respectable, however, many of them were assholes before and after the game.
20. I wish the "Friends of Coal" would strip-mine Rocky Top.
Please don't tell you they sang rocky Top at Commonwealth?
With all due respect, I have been to nearly every SEC stadium, talked with fans from nearly every SEC school...

The consensus is Tennessee is the 2nd rudest, most obnoxious, and generally classless fanbase behind LSU.

In my personal experience I think South Carolina has the worst fans and would put Tennessee third behind LSU. There is a reason that Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and Vanderbilt ALL hate Tennessee and it is not jealousy.
Well, UK had every chance to win this game. After the Stocker fumble, I'm surprised they didn't take some shots for the endzone instead of playing for the field goal.

On the other hand, Crompton didn't have the best game, there were several passes that I'm surprised weren't picked off. Great game, great win for my Vols.
I will split the difference between FBALL and most of the others on the play calling. First, in OT, Cobb touches the ball 1 time and its a hogwash option play with him running horizontally and pitching to Locke. Stupid play. That's play calling. That is Joker. IMO, no defending that. Newton is too slow to run horizontal against a good team. How about 1 time giving the ball to Locke on the sweep. We always had Cobb run it, but if you need a TD, why put it on the legs of a slow Newton. If you were gonna try to get the corner, and to the pylon, why not use the speedy legs of Locke. The UT line dominated the second half. That was a big key to the game. On the last drive after the Stocker fumble, I would normally agree with kicking the field goal. You play the percentages and take your chances in OT. However, after thinking about it, you go for the win. 3 yards is a pretty good chunk, but you give it to Cobb and let him do his thing. You get him to the outside and I like our chances. It is a mindset that UK just does not have. Playing to tie/lose is not playing to win. They were dominating us up front, and our chances in OT were gonna be slim. Another deal with Newton. How many times did he have an opportunity to run vertical and did not. I do not like him running horizontal, but vertical he could help. He could have give Sieber a few yards closer and maybe we could have gotten points. Our offense overall is just not very good. When your best player, Cobb, is your best receiver, runner, and probably QB, it is not a good position to be in. Oh well, the stupid beat goes on. BTW, did anyone notice the screen pass leave at halftime?
I'm sorry but the UT fans and band took the Rocky Top obnoxiousness way to far. It is obvious that kentucky has made great strides under Brooks and Phillips because in the past UK would not have meant enough to the Tennessee fans and players to taunt like that. They squeaked out a win and know that the streak is going to end.

I wouldn't say that UK has a classless fan base. Now to say that they are ignorant when it comes to football is another thing. Evidently all of those years of futility on the gridiron has warped some minds. After that game the only complaints are about Phillips and the play calling? How about Newton missing open recievers. First play of OT should have been a huge gain if not a TD. How about the disappearance of the secondary? If you guys are going after Joker, then Brown should be run out of town on a rail for that performance last night. How about we just blame Hartline? He didn't play but Im sure in some way he had a hand in the loss. Cobb is great but it is up to him to give it to Locke on the sweep or not in the wildcat. He also threw a couple of horrible passes with recievers open. There is plenty of blame to go around and please don't say that the team let down the fans. Please!

My God some of this stuff is just laughable.
Im not blaming Newton for this loss...He is and is going to be a great QB..He was just a little young and nervous acting at the end of the game..I mean he is 5-2 as a starter...Quite frankly I like him better than hartline..hartline made alot worse decisions...Newton was dead on early and as the game went on and the pressure got to him he throwed high..thats ok though he will be there..Should have played him from the get go instead of hartline..

With a team full of COBB AND LOCKE players would be awesome..The heart and want in them is amazing..Johnson had some big plays also...

The bowl game will be great
uk had this game won but some mental errors costed them. uk cant get over 8 wins it either 7-5 or 8-4 i dont get it
God I hate Kiffin, and the whole state of TN
FATMAN Wrote:This loss is on Joker I dont know why week in and week out we drive the field with cobb then settle for a freaking FG with newton

Thank you so much! They drove the ball down the field until the 10 yard line with the wildcat and then play for the tie and try to win it in overtime. They knew they wouldn't win in overtime! COACHING! I don't care what anyone else thinks. It was all coaching last night!!
I want to know how newton stays so **** calm all the time. I have a feeling he is going to be something special. And i want to say this why don't we involve connor more everytime he touched the ball he got yards. IDK this kills me.
Connor was injured and did not play in the fourth quarter. That is probably the coaches fault as well. They shouldn't have let him get hurt.
I will agree that Newton's accuracy has a long way to go. He missed several times on plays that were open. I know he is a true freshman, but his development over the next month, and then next year, will be key to whether or not UK climbs the ladder of the SEC.
We have the highest paid basketball coach in the NCAA....and the 10th highest paid coach in the SEC. Meyer gets $4 million, Saban $3.9, Miles $3.75+, Richt $3+, Petrino $2.85+, Nutt $2.5+, Chizik $2+, Spurrier $2+, and Kiffen $2.

Brooks $1,671,517. I say up the pay to $2.5 and try to get a Mike Leach or steal Chris Peterson while we can.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:BloodyVol,
With all due respect, I have been to nearly every SEC stadium, talked with fans from nearly every SEC school...

The consensus is Tennessee is the 2nd rudest, most obnoxious, and generally classless fanbase behind LSU.

In my personal experience I think South Carolina has the worst fans and would put Tennessee third behind LSU. There is a reason that Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and Vanderbilt ALL hate Tennessee and it is not jealousy.

I don't know where they came from.. Though the UK fans in my area are still slightly delusional at times, they are respectable. The UK fans I was around while tailgating were respectable. Then once we got inside the stadium, it was like a whole new breed of ignorance. All is good though. I won, they lost.

As far as the worst fanbases go, Florida is number one on my list by a land slide.
man i am still sick ...its the curse of the bear
oh yeah they sang rocky top...i walked out of the stadium and probably had about 5 different Vol fans say something smarta** to me (while they were in their car driving away). Pretty classless, they reflect their coach thats for sure. It makes me sick. I dont know where the blame falls on this one but I will say that when we were making the final drive in regulation I was so sure that we were going to win the game. I was aching to get on that field in celebration. Well, next year right? (uggghhhhhh)
I have offically vowed to say that I will never watch another UT UK football game untill we break the streak for the past 15 years I have watched us come some close to only fall short to the point to where I just can not take it any more...We sit with such a talented group to athletes and we find some way to finish the year 7-5 could easily be 10-2 there is no excuse...Jokers play calling in close came situations are pathetic unless we are playing in a bowl game...The defensive playcalling this season has forced us into a situation to where the kids have to play with out any character what so ever...We honestly probley have one of the best LB cores and secondaries in the country talent wise but we are ranked 107th in overall defense there is no excuse...I have said it the past 3 years we need some one else calling the defensive shots...And I am a firm believer that the man coaching your QBs should be calling all offensive plays so in this case Sanders and not Phillips...I think Phillips will be a good head coach but he plays to conservative when it comes to making play calls...He will be great for recruiting and building the program even higher however he needs to do just that and let someone else call the shots...I think if brooks gives it up we will know before the bowl game...However, he has not said anything to his family, friends, coaches or players on what he is thinking...All of you that dont want Phillips as a head coach I suggest finding some other team to support because hes here to stay...
Just to play Devil's advocate:

Was it joker's fault that Newton tried to get the corner on that last play? If he cuts inside the kickout block by Locke he at the very least gives UK first and goal and may have scored. That's just a freshman mistake.

Was the play calling the reason UK didn't score in OT? The first down play should have been good for big yardage and maybe even a TD if the pass is caught. There was nobody in front of Allen going down that sideline. The option play should have been checked out of at the LOS or cut back up the field. You can't run laterally against that kind of pressure.

For those who wanted Cobb handling the ball more. Was it all right when he missed wide open recievers or even on the one completion didn't get the ball to Matthews in stride. If that happens that play is a TD. I'm not blaming Cobb either. He was hurting and at the end was completely gassed. These guys are not super human. Cobb can't do everything.

I'm not going to blame Cobb or Newton or Phillips or anyone else. There were mistakes by both teams players and coaches. In the end UK was just physically beat up and Tennesee took it to them.
Well, after witnessing 2 years ago the most heartbreaking loss I've ever seen against the same orange team, could never think it could have gotten worse this season. 100% of the blame goes to Joker, very predictable play calling, either the Wild Cobb up the middle and meet a host of defenders, Newton with a screen pass to Cobb, and I don't know for the sake of me why Derrick Locke didn't have as many touches in the 2nd half as he did the 1st. Defense was outstanding, Micah had the game of his life, other than not being able to contain Hardesty, they played excellent seeing how long they were on the field. I think we are jinxed when it comes to trying to beat Tennessee, it's up to 25 now, I hope the pain ends soon.
mental errors defeated us
When Joker take over as the coach. Just remember his plays calling. When UK play AL, last year down in AL. UK should have beat them. In the 2nd half, Joker let heartline throw the ball. I knew atless 10 games that UK should have won, but didn't. Because of the play calling.

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