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A Marine's Comments at a Townhall Meeting
thecavemaster Wrote:I would think that "affordable" and "standard of living adequate" are close enough in real world meaning to make parsing them partisan. I believe in a centralized government strong enough to protect the "tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free" (Statue of Liberty). I would think that a "Christian nation" standard. I would compromise to reach agreement on the issue of illegals (non-emergency care) and the Darwinian idea that the strongest (wealthiest) can get certain tests and procedures perhaps not available to all, though, frankly, both are personally repugnant to me. At the very least, adequate and affordable care for all US citizens, with government-backed stricter regulation on private insurance companies and major adjustments to fee-for-service testings and procedures to ensure more justice and fairness and equity.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have."

Razzle Dazzle us some more with one of those fancy responses, batman.:popcorn:
DevilsWin Wrote:You think this all started with Obama?

Hitler, please. You're just another chicken little. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling".

Scare tactics don't work on me Old School.

Did I say it started with Obama....NO. Do I think Obama has us driving toward a hugh cliff....YES

DW....Think back a year or two and tell me, did you ever think that you would see the day that the U.S. would ever have thirty-two czars that only answer to the President. The thing about czar's is that they are not elected, they operate with impunity and "under the radar" when it comes to making policy. These czar's don't have to undergo Senate Confirmation Hearings, they just get appointed. There are no background checks etc. What about this czar by the name of Van Jones, who said this during 2005 interview, "But in jail, he said, "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'" or Carol Browner who worked on the Socialist International Commission for a Substainable World Society.

Did you think you would see the day the government would control not only banking industry but GM and Chrysler, and now he's going after healthcare which is about one-sixth of our economy. We can't forget about cap and trade bill that he rushed through the house to gain more control over energy.

What about Obama's "civilian army". Obama campained on this and said and I quote "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Why do we need a civilian army? What will their job be? How will they be funded?

Is this the future that you envisioned for this country when you were in the military? You can call me chicken little, or whatever, but deep down inside you know this is not right.
thecavemaster Wrote:I would think that "affordable" and "standard of living adequate" are close enough in real world meaning to make parsing them partisan. I believe in a centralized government strong enough to protect the "tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free" (Statue of Liberty). I would think that a "Christian nation" standard. I would compromise to reach agreement on the issue of illegals (non-emergency care) and the Darwinian idea that the strongest (wealthiest) can get certain tests and procedures perhaps not available to all, though, frankly, both are personally repugnant to me. At the very least, adequate and affordable care for all US citizens, with government-backed stricter regulation on private insurance companies and major adjustments to fee-for-service testings and procedures to ensure more justice and fairness and equity.

So you admit its okay for the wealthiest to receive better treatment than others because they have the money? That's surprising to me, that in no way is acceptable to me. Everyone should have access to the best possible treatment available. This can be accomplished through revamping our current govt sponsored HC systems and stricter regulation on the Insurance companies. I don't even care if an illegal comes in and gets treatment, noone should suffer. However, after their treatment is complete deportation should ensue immediately.

Actually shutting down the massive illegal immigration problems we have in this country, and deporting those who are here illegally would lift so much strain off of our hospitals/doctors/nurses and other HC providers that this would honestly be mostly a non issue. Do that and do away with free trade and this country is automatically 100 times better off from those 2 policies being implemented. If you want "CHANGE" for the better, I would think you would support both ideas.
DevilsWin Wrote:This marine is an idiot BTW!

Uh, I think we are all able come up with our own candidate to whom this phase applies to. Confusedhh:
DevilsWin Wrote:I don't have all the answers.
Also, unlike you so called conservatives, I don't pretend to have all the answers either.

I do know that you guys misrepresent the facts to your advantage at every turn to keep things the way they are.

Some people have insurance that flat out denies them life saving transplants and treatments.

Death panels? We already have them at United Heathcare, Aetna, Humanna & Blue Cross Blue Shield. Only difference is the death panel now is comprised of Wall Street Bureaucrats instead of Washington Bureaucrats.

Did you all not see the Senator on the news the other day at a town hall meeting when an elderly woman addressed him by telling him that her husband was sent home from the hospital with a terminally ill condition that her insurance company refused to treat. She wanted him to assure her that there would be help for people like her.

He said we will help ya as your neighbors but its not the Govt's job to take care of you.

Is this not supposed to be a government of by and for the people?

When the government stops working for the people its time for change and thats what we're getting now. Change.

The balance of power is shifting. Get used to it.
Then how about just giving us one (on any subject ) that you have the first inkling on, then.
Beetle01 Wrote:So you admit its okay for the wealthiest to receive better treatment than others because they have the money? That's surprising to me, that in no way is acceptable to me. Everyone should have access to the best possible treatment available. This can be accomplished through revamping our current govt sponsored HC systems and stricter regulation on the Insurance companies. I don't even care if an illegal comes in and gets treatment, noone should suffer. However, after their treatment is complete deportation should ensue immediately.

Actually shutting down the massive illegal immigration problems we have in this country, and deporting those who are here illegally would lift so much strain off of our hospitals/doctors/nurses and other HC providers that this would honestly be mostly a non issue. Do that and do away with free trade and this country is automatically 100 times better off from those 2 policies being implemented. If you want "CHANGE" for the better, I would think you would support both ideas.

The ideas, as I stated, are repugnant to me. However, in the "have you seen sausage being made" process of legislation, compromise has to play a part. That's all I'm saying.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Then how about just giving us one (on any subject ) that you have the first inkling on, then.
Do I need to tell you where you can put your links? I don't need links.

Unlike you and Old School I don't spend my days searching website after website searching for someone who agrees with me and any paranoid delusions I may or may not have. Granted I did my fair share of that when Bush was President. As it turns out I was right on most everything. Cheney did ask Tom Ridge to raise the terror threat level for political reasons. It has also been proven that Attorneys General we fired purely for political reasons. Torture was used on detainees. Military contractors were given permission to use impunity when deploying weapons against unarmed Iraqi civilians. The list goes on and on. Everything we thought was true turned out to be true. You all had your heads in the sand and your trust was with W.

If the same dynamic happens here I'll gladly eat my crow.

But until then I think you guys are incapable of knowing the truth because you're so easily led what to believe by your "LINKS".

Al la New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

By the way I saw Beck freaking out about Van Jones the other day and all I have to say about that is don't be surprised if Gen Beck dies of self inflicked High Speed Lead poisoning to the brain some day.

Stop chasing the dragon.
DevilsWin Wrote:Do I need to tell you where you can put your links? I don't need links.

Unlike you and Old School I don't spend my days searching website after website searching for someone who agrees with me and any paranoid delusions I may or may not have. Granted I did my fair share of that when Bush was President. As it turns out I was right on most everything. Cheney did ask Tom Ridge to raise the terror threat level for political reasons. It has also been proven that Attorneys General we fired purely for political reasons. Torture was used on detainees. Military contractors were given permission to use impunity when deploying weapons against unarmed Iraqi civilians. The list goes on and on. Everything we thought was true turned out to be true. You all had your heads in the sand and your trust was with W.

If the same dynamic happens here I'll gladly eat my crow.

But until then I think you guys are incapable of knowing the truth because you're so easily led what to believe by your "LINKS".

Al la New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

By the way I saw Beck freaking out about Van Jones the other day and all I have to say about that is don't be surprised if Gen Beck dies of self inflicked High Speed Lead poisoning to the brain some day.

Stop chasing the dragon.
You might be one of the most disrespectful people on this board. Very rarely do you add anything to any forum. You devide people and make stereotypes. Most of us like to read links because we are for the most part somewhere in the middle. Ds and Rs are on the slight left and right of moderates. On the extremes are Socialist and Fascist. Those are the ones you can't debate with. Most others are open to new ideas.
DevilsWin Wrote:Do I need to tell you where you can put your links? I don't need links.

Unlike you and Old School I don't spend my days searching website after website searching for someone who agrees with me and any paranoid delusions I may or may not have. Granted I did my fair share of that when Bush was President. As it turns out I was right on most everything. Cheney did ask Tom Ridge to raise the terror threat level for political reasons. It has also been proven that Attorneys General we fired purely for political reasons. Torture was used on detainees. Military contractors were given permission to use impunity when deploying weapons against unarmed Iraqi civilians. The list goes on and on. Everything we thought was true turned out to be true. You all had your heads in the sand and your trust was with W.

If the same dynamic happens here I'll gladly eat my crow.

But until then I think you guys are incapable of knowing the truth because you're so easily led what to believe by your "LINKS".

Al la New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

By the way I saw Beck freaking out about Van Jones the other day and all I have to say about that is don't be surprised if Gen Beck dies of self inflicked High Speed Lead poisoning to the brain some day.

Stop chasing the dragon.
Whoa here now goober!!!! I aint a link poster to begin with. I kinda go by the "common sense" way of expressing myself and dont say a dang thing unless I know what I am talking about. Where in the world did you pull that one out of the sky? Your really on that weed big time today, pal.

You say you've been right about every time???? Got news for you there little buddy. I AINT NEVER seen you ever post on one single subject period, where you were not so far out in left field that you could never be found. Show us all one thing that you have ever been right on. You cant do it. I guess with your own demented way of thinking , you've probably convinced yourself that you are right on every thing, but guess what ? NOT. Yeah, Obama's really got that ECONOMY right back on track ,dont he? That has still got to be THE all time classic most moronic statement that has ever been posted on this web site, and I have asked you a thousand times on that question , and you still cant come up with one little thing to back up that assinine statement. You wont even answer the question. But I do understand why. It's because you cant!!! And please spare us the gobbledy goop crap about the Dow, the S&P and all that junk. You dont understand the first thing about it to begin with. Your mind just seems to work the absolute opposite of whatever makes sense. Just anything to be radical. You are truely one weird cat.
Matman Wrote:You might be one of the most disrespectful people on this board. Very rarely do you add anything to any forum. You devide people and make stereotypes. Most of us like to read links because we are for the most part somewhere in the middle. Ds and Rs are on the slight left and right of moderates. On the extremes are Socialist and Fascist. Those are the ones you can't debate with. Most others are open to new ideas.

Dont take too much into anything this guy says to begin with, he is so far out there that NASA cant even keep track of him.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Whoa here now goober!!!! I aint a link poster to begin with. I kinda go by the "common sense" way of expressing myself and dont say a dang thing unless I know what I am talking about. Where in the world did you pull that one out of the sky? Your really on that weed big time today, pal.

You say you've been right about every time???? Got news for you there little buddy. I AINT NEVER seen you ever post on one single subject period, where you were not so far out in left field that you could never be found. Show us all one thing that you have ever been right on. You cant do it. I guess with your own demented way of thinking , you've probably convinced yourself that you are right on every thing, but guess what ? NOT. Yeah, Obama's really got that ECONOMY right back on track ,dont he? That has still got to be THE all time classic most moronic statement that has ever been posted on this web site, and I have asked you a thousand times on that question , and you still cant come up with one little thing to back up that assinine statement. You wont even answer the question. But I do understand why. It's because you cant!!! And please spare us the gobbledy goop crap about the Dow, the S&P and all that junk. You dont understand the first thing about it to begin with. Your mind just seems to work the absolute opposite of whatever makes sense. Just anything to be radical. You are truely one weird cat.

He said he was right about the things he thought about the W administration, on the topics he named in his post.
Devilswin Wrote:Granted I did my fair share of that when Bush was President. As it turns out I was right on most everything. Cheney did ask Tom Ridge to raise the terror threat level for political reasons. It has also been proven that Attorneys General we fired purely for political reasons. Torture was used on detainees. Military contractors were given permission to use impunity when deploying weapons against unarmed Iraqi civilians. The list goes on and on. Everything we thought was true turned out to be true. You all had your heads in the sand and your trust was with W.
DevilsWin Wrote:Do I need to tell you where you can put your links? I don't need links.

Unlike you and Old School I don't spend my days searching website after website searching for someone who agrees with me and any paranoid delusions I may or may not have. Granted I did my fair share of that when Bush was President. As it turns out I was right on most everything. Cheney did ask Tom Ridge to raise the terror threat level for political reasons. It has also been proven that Attorneys General we fired purely for political reasons. Torture was used on detainees. Military contractors were given permission to use impunity when deploying weapons against unarmed Iraqi civilians. The list goes on and on. Everything we thought was true turned out to be true. You all had your heads in the sand and your trust was with W.

If the same dynamic happens here I'll gladly eat my crow.

But until then I think you guys are incapable of knowing the truth because you're so easily led what to believe by your "LINKS".

Al la New York Post, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Lou Dobbs.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

By the way I saw Beck freaking out about Van Jones the other day and all I have to say about that is don't be surprised if Gen Beck dies of self inflicked High Speed Lead poisoning to the brain some day.

Stop chasing the dragon.

DW, you and Coach Owens are the very reason I provide links to verify my post. You guys were on to me all the time for not providing links.

The Bush administration did ask the Homeland Security Council about raising the threat level, only after receiving two threating tapes from Bin Laden. Really what would you expect him to do. Would you rather that the threats be dismissed? Regardless the threat levels were not raised.
Frances Townsend, a former Homeland Security adviser to President Bush and now a CNN contributor, denied politics played any role in the request to raise the threat level.

"There was a debate," Townsend said Thursday on CNN's "The Situation Room." "Tom Ridge wasn't the only person in that meeting who suggested that the terror alert shouldn't be raised. At no time was there any discussion of politics at that meeting. And the president was made a recommendation, a consensus recommendation from the council that he accepted, not to raise the terror alert."

In a new book, Ridge says that despite the urgings of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft he objected to raising the security level, according to a publicity release from the book's publisher.

In the end the alert level was not changed.

Bush's former homeland security adviser, Frances Townsend, said Thursday that politics never played a role in determining alert levels.

Two tapes were released by al-Qaida in the weeks leading up to the election _ one by terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and the other by a man calling himself "Azzam the American." Terrorism experts suspected that "Azzam the American" was Adam Gadahn, a 26-year-old Californian whom the FBI had been urgently seeking.

Townsend said the videotapes contained "very graphic" and "threatening" messages.

Yes Bush fired 8 U.S. Attorney's when he moved into the White House, and the dems. made a hugh deal of it, but if you remember back in 1992 Bill Clinton fired 93 of 94 U.S. Attorney's but I guess that's ok, I'm sure there was no political motive behind that deal.

Torture....I'm ok with it, after all this is war, especially since the other side wants to see every American dead. If torture can save one life, or keep us from being attacked I say let's do it. What were some of the torture methods, firing a gun in a adjacent room and have someone laying in the floor in a puddle of fake blood and walking the prisoners by them, or blowing cigar smoke in ones face. What do the terroist do to captured Americans, cut off their heads or shoot them. done it again, I thought there wasn't anything you could do or say that would SHOCK me....but YOU watched BECK. :Thumbs: There's still hope for you, I predict you will be supporting a Republican in 2012. :biggrin:
Old School Wrote:DW, you and Coach Owens are the very reason I provide links to verify my post. You guys were on to me all the time for not providing links.

The Bush administration did ask the Homeland Security Council about raising the threat level, only after receiving two threating tapes from Bin Laden. Really what would you expect him to do. Would you rather that the threats be dismissed? Regardless the threat levels were not raised.
Frances Townsend, a former Homeland Security adviser to President Bush and now a CNN contributor, denied politics played any role in the request to raise the threat level.

"There was a debate," Townsend said Thursday on CNN's "The Situation Room." "Tom Ridge wasn't the only person in that meeting who suggested that the terror alert shouldn't be raised. At no time was there any discussion of politics at that meeting. And the president was made a recommendation, a consensus recommendation from the council that he accepted, not to raise the terror alert."

In a new book, Ridge says that despite the urgings of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft he objected to raising the security level, according to a publicity release from the book's publisher.

In the end the alert level was not changed.

Bush's former homeland security adviser, Frances Townsend, said Thursday that politics never played a role in determining alert levels.

Two tapes were released by al-Qaida in the weeks leading up to the election _ one by terrorist leader Osama bin Laden and the other by a man calling himself "Azzam the American." Terrorism experts suspected that "Azzam the American" was Adam Gadahn, a 26-year-old Californian whom the FBI had been urgently seeking.

Townsend said the videotapes contained "very graphic" and "threatening" messages.

Yes Bush fired 8 U.S. Attorney's when he moved into the White House, and the dems. made a hugh deal of it, but if you remember back in 1992 Bill Clinton fired 93 of 94 U.S. Attorney's but I guess that's ok, I'm sure there was no political motive behind that deal.

Torture....I'm ok with it, after all this is war, especially since the other side wants to see every American dead. If torture can save one life, or keep us from being attacked I say let's do it. What were some of the torture methods, firing a gun in a adjacent room and have someone laying in the floor in a puddle of fake blood and walking the prisoners by them, or blowing cigar smoke in ones face. What do the terroist do to captured Americans, cut off their heads or shoot them. done it again, I thought there wasn't anything you could do or say that would SHOCK me....but YOU watched BECK. :Thumbs: There's still hope for you, I predict you will be supporting a Republican in 2012. :biggrin:

First off Oldschool. DW is all bewildered to begin with. He gets off on this "providing links" tirade for the simple reason that he did not even understand the post I made to get this response to begin with.

What I asked him was to do was to provide proof to a subject that he had the first "INKLING" of knowledge about. The word "link" was never even mentioned by me. That's how twisted he has gotten this whole conversation in.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:First off Oldschool. DW is all bewildered to begin with. He gets off on this "providing links" tirade for the simple reason that he did not even understand the post I made to get this response to begin with.

What I asked him was to do was to provide proof to a subject that he had the first "INKLING" of knowledge about. The word "link" was never even mentioned by me. That's how twisted he has gotten this whole conversation in.

I noticed that, :biggrin: I was going to let slide, you know me Mr. Nice Guy.
Matman Wrote:Most of us like to read links because we are for the most part somewhere in the middle. Ds and Rs are on the slight left and right of moderates. On the extremes are Socialist and Fascist. Those are the ones you can't debate with. Most others are open to new ideas.

Good post. :Thumbs:

Too many people in this country think that one party (theirs) is infallible, while the other party can't do anything right.

I've found it's hard to debate with someone who has a "political party" mindset. They are just so brainwashed into believing what their party leaders have told them to believe, that they are incapable of independent thought.

Mr.Kimball Wrote:First off Oldschool. DW is all bewildered to begin with. He gets off on this "providing links" tirade for the simple reason that he did not even understand the post I made to get this response to begin with.

What I asked him was to do was to provide proof to a subject that he had the first "INKLING" of knowledge about. The word "link" was never even mentioned by me. That's how twisted he has gotten this whole conversation in.


Kick a man while he's down why don't ya.:flush:
DevilsWin Wrote::igiveup:

Kick a man while he's down why don't ya.:flush:

Go Steelers:biggrin:
The government sucks at all the programs they turn em' loose on health care...i really think the end result will not be good
pagan Wrote:The government sucks at all the programs they turn em' loose on health care...i really think the end result will not be good

The first of the month, like clockwork, millions upon millions of seniors go to the Post Office (yet another government program, what about that...) and pick up their Social Security Checks, driving on roads maintained by the state. Bias is always blind to that which might contradict it. Also, Medicare has less "red tape" provisions than most private insurance plans.
DevilsWin Wrote:I don't have all the answers.

thecavemaster Wrote:The first of the month, like clockwork, millions upon millions of seniors go to the Post Office (yet another government program, what about that...) and pick up their Social Security Checks, driving on roads maintained by the state. Bias is always blind to that which might contradict it. Also, Medicare has less "red tape" provisions than most private insurance plans.

I agree with part of your statement and that is, that millions of seniors go to the post office at the first of each month to pick up their Social Security checks, but that's about as far as I go.

Now let's look at the fact's, the Postal Service is currently going bankrupt they are trying to cut cost by asking employees to take early retirement, closing facilities throughout the U.S., raising the cost of their services also they are considering cutting the number of delivery days.

We've know for decades that both Social Sercurity and Medicare are going broke. Why? Because both waste Billions each and every year on fraudulent claims either by the people receiving monthly checks that due not deserve them or by the Doctors trying gain some extra cash.

Driving on roads maintained by the States that continue deteriorate everyday, bridges that can't pass inspections like the one that collasped in Minn. Since the ARRA of 2009 has been enacted how much of the money has been spent on repairing our highway system. I know they have been painting several bridges in our area, I guess as long as they look pretty they will be ok.

Sorry CM,....but I agree with pagan, they have run every government program into the ground so why should I believe that health care be any different.
Old School Wrote:I agree with part of your statement and that is, that millions of seniors go to the post office at the first of each month to pick up their Social Security checks, but that's about as far as I go.

Now let's look at the fact's, the Postal Service is currently going bankrupt they are trying to cut cost by asking employees to take early retirement, closing facilities throughout the U.S., raising the cost of their services also they are considering cutting the number of delivery days.

We've know for decades that both Social Sercurity and Medicare are going broke. Why? Because both waste Billions each and every year on fraudulent claims either by the people receiving monthly checks that due not deserve them or by the Doctors trying gain some extra cash.

Driving on roads maintained by the States that continue deteriorate everyday, bridges that can't pass inspections like the one that collasped in Minn. Since the ARRA of 2009 has been enacted how much of the money has been spent on repairing our highway system. I know they have been painting several bridges in our area, I guess as long as they look pretty they will be ok.

Sorry CM,....but I agree with pagan, they have run every government program into the ground so why should I believe that health care be any different.

I've been using the Postal Service for years...seems ok to me. The roads don't seem so bad to me...I keep getting where I'm going on them. A pharmacist I trust tells me that Medicare/Medicaid is much easier to work with than private companies. Human beings need an "enemy." The government is an easy target. I believe in a wary skepticism; however, bias wears a lot of masks on this forum.
thecavemaster Wrote:I've been using the Postal Service for years...seems ok to me. The roads don't seem so bad to me...I keep getting where I'm going on them. A pharmacist I trust tells me that Medicare/Medicaid is much easier to work with than private companies. Human beings need an "enemy." The government is an easy target. I believe in a wary skepticism; however, bias wears a lot of masks on this forum.
Bias wears a lot of masks? That is certainly one thing that for once I will agree with you upon, there Mr. Pot/Kettle!!!

The condition of the postal service is "OK" ??? Wow, I cant fathom anyone dumb enough to state something such as that on a public forum.

I think it is also common knowledge that the nation's infrastructure is in very poor shape. It been well chronicaled for quite some time now.

If you are going to support a position, at least show a little common sense, when you say some of this stuff, and not let your own bias glaringly become so blatantly obvious.

I dont ever agree with much of what you sputter around about, but you have really embarrassed yourself with this one.
thecavemaster Wrote:I've been using the Postal Service for years...seems ok to me. The roads don't seem so bad to me...I keep getting where I'm going on them. A pharmacist I trust tells me that Medicare/Medicaid is much easier to work with than private companies. Human beings need an "enemy." The government is an easy target. I believe in a wary skepticism; however, bias wears a lot of masks on this forum.

Grasping at straws aren't we CM .:Clap:

So the Postal Service seems ok to you. For the year 2009 the Postal Service is projected to lose $7 billion dollars, and considering laying off 30,000 employees and closing over 675 Post Offices. The boy's in D.C. are doing a bang up job with the postal service.

Medicare is estimated to lose about 20% or $80 billion dollars per year to fraud and waste.....I can see where some pharmacist would rather work with medicare than insurance companies.

Social Security will lose about 15% to fraud and waste each year.

As for our transportation system, you may want think about this article the next time you drive over a bridge.

The inspector general for the Transportation Department said the inquiry would focus on the Federal Highway Administration's inspection program and ways to improve the agency's oversight of more than 70,000 bridges that have been found structurally deficient.

Repairing all spans rated structurally deficient would take at least a generation and cost more than $188 billion -- at least $9.4 billion a year over 20 years.
Those bridges carry an average of more than 300 million vehicles a day.

Like I said, no way do I want these guy's in charge of my health care
Old School Wrote:So the Postal Service seems ok to you. For the year 2009 the Postal Service is projected to lose $7 billion dollars, and considering laying off 30,000 employees and closing over 675 Post Offices. The boy's in D.C. are doing a bang up job with the postal service.
Be fair Old School, a lot of the postal service problems are people like me that never use them to send letters or pay bills. A lot of it's done online now.
thecavemaster Wrote:I've been using the Postal Service for years...seems ok to me. The roads don't seem so bad to me...I keep getting where I'm going on them. A pharmacist I trust tells me that Medicare/Medicaid is much easier to work with than private companies. Human beings need an "enemy." The government is an easy target. I believe in a wary skepticism; however, bias wears a lot of masks on this forum.

CM you may be interested in the following article about the postal service.

The House voted Thursday to freeze Medicare Part B premiums for most elderly next year, even as Democrats moved to exempt the Postal Service from having to make $4 billion in payments due next week to cover retirement health benefits for its employees.

The back-to-back actions reflect a flurry of last minute multi-billion-dollar fixes, often without warning, as the government approaches the new fiscal year beginning next Thursday, Oct. 1.

Let's see a 4 Billion dollar bailout.......still seem ok to you.
Old School Wrote:CM you may be interested in the following article about the postal service.

The House voted Thursday to freeze Medicare Part B premiums for most elderly next year, even as Democrats moved to exempt the Postal Service from having to make $4 billion in payments due next week to cover retirement health benefits for its employees.

The back-to-back actions reflect a flurry of last minute multi-billion-dollar fixes, often without warning, as the government approaches the new fiscal year beginning next Thursday, Oct. 1.

Let's see a 4 Billion dollar bailout.......still seem ok to you.

I have always been pleased with the service I receive from the Postal Service. I would be willing to pay 55 cents for a stamp to help cover increasing costs. Bottom line: if Obama does not, as soon as economically feasible, get out of the bail out business and such, he'll lose my support. I simply do not believe his comprehensive plan (looking into the future) calls for continued governmental "ownership" and expansion. Desperate times call for drastic measures. If I inherit a cancer from birth, drastic treatment is necessary from the get go. My hair falls out; I'm sick; I look pretty raggedy. However, the ultimate goal is to save the whole organism... you can't judge the end result by the appearances left at early stages of the treatment. We'll see.
thecavemaster Wrote:I have always been pleased with the service I receive from the Postal Service. I would be willing to pay 55 cents for a stamp to help cover increasing costs. Bottom line: if Obama does not, as soon as economically feasible, get out of the bail out business and such, he'll lose my support. I simply do not believe his comprehensive plan (looking into the future) calls for continued governmental "ownership" and expansion. Desperate times call for drastic measures. If I inherit a cancer from birth, drastic treatment is necessary from the get go. My hair falls out; I'm sick; I look pretty raggedy. However, the ultimate goal is to save the whole organism... you can't judge the end result by the appearances left at early stages of the treatment. We'll see.

Well, blow me down!!!! Your starting to turn into a big ole softy.:biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well, blow me down!!!! Your starting to turn into a big ole softy.:biggrin:

I don't take your point. What did I say that I haven't been saying?
thecavemaster Wrote:I don't take your point. What did I say that I haven't been saying?

More how you said it.

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