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Cougar Fans Tell Our Boy What You Think Of Them
How about those JR COUGARS ? Keep your heads in the game and you will
bring home the trophy. we have one heck of a captian for our team CODY CONN YOU HAVE GOT IT GOING ON Keep their heads in there and you guy will
bring it home. :letsparty
I think the cougars have several captains. Yes the Conn kid is a good one.
I think the Cougars have several Captains. And the Conn kid is one of them. Tough kid indeed.
I think our boys have alot of heart and win when adversity hits them the most. They lost one of the most dominate defensive guy, and rebound like they are suppose to.
I have had a great time following these boys this year. I have only missed one game and regret that for sure. I love the way the coaches have the kids playing as a team. At first I was against the consolidation of Letcher county but now I know it was the only logical move. The boys have really surprised everybody this year with the way they have came together. Like someone said on a previous post, they look like they have been playing together since the 3rd grade. I am very proud of everyone of you guys for working the way you have and you have made Letcher County proud. No go out and finish off this unbelievable ride with a championship in your first year as the Cougars. Who says that Neon and Whitesburg cannot get along, these kids have proved that this is really Cougar country county wide. I liked the big sign at the field that read "We are Family, all these cougars and me". That pretty much sums up the results of our consolidation. Great job by the kids, coaches, parents and school board for making this move. I look forward to many more years of fun watching the young Cougar team in action. GO COUGARS..........
Its good to here how the kids at LCC have come together. We had the same people here in Harlan saying the kids from Evarts, Cawood and Cumberland couldn't and wouldn't get along. Football has brought all of Harlan Co. Together. Kids and parents! The support is unbelivable! Kudos to the LCC 5th-6th football team. The best team we played all year next to KNOX CO. I think they played 7th graders against us! The big TB is gonna give us fits for the next few years! I admire the courage of the girl that plays, shes a winner in my bookBig Grin We have not consolidated the schools at the middle school level and I'm not aware of any plans to do so.
I must say again I am not from Letcher County. However, I went with a friend to the New Harlan game earlier this year. This is when I fell in love with this team. This team showed me more heart and desire that night in a losing battle than any middle or highschool I have ever seen. I have missed only a few games since the Harlan game and have enjoyed this team tremendously. Conn, Napier, Tyree, Taylor, Nease, Hall, Smith, Baker, Knight, Horn, Stanley and of course the injured Sergent have all made this an exciting season. I know I have not mentioned all the players, but these are the few I have learned during this season. I appologize to any of the players I did not mention, because each of you are a part of this team and each of you have big hearts. As I said earlier the ones I mentioned are the ones I have learned.

I will say this HEART, that is what I have seen this season. And HEART makes you a winner no matter what. That not only includes football, but life itself. Keep it up guys and get er done Saturday night and please continue that heart and desire after your season ends. Good LUCK. P.S. You guys have made me want to move up to Letcher County. I don't guess I can afford to do that, but I am close enough to continue supporting you in HighSchool.
Well it's no surprise that I think the Cougars have what it takes to bring home a victory Saturday Night. This team has shown such sportsmanship and class this year that it makes me proud to be a COUGAR FAN!!!! It's been an AWESOME SEASON!!! Go finish what you've started boys!!!!!

COUGAR domi-NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go #20 the D train and #5 killer cody
We have the best bunch of boys around. I am so proud of all our boys.
Thank you guy.
Thanks for a GREAT SEASON boys!!!! It's been a blast!!!!!


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