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most underated team
who do you think is the most underated and overated team in the state?
It would probably be easier to pick an over rated team.. But I'm goin to go with Johnson Central. as underrated..
It definately won't be Leslie County. Those people in Hyden are already dusting off the trophy case for the 2005 State Championship Trophy. Funny thing is, Coach Haywood hasn't even said they could borrow it yet.
i think the most overated team would be hazard
id say the most underated team would have to be south floyd
yes SF is underrated
i think the most underated team this year is jenkins
and what makes you say that? dont mean to be rude or anything... but i dont see them being any better than what they were last year
its ok i undrstand what you are saying .
i know that almost winning dosent mean anything but jenkins almost beat allen central they were up almost the hole first quarter and was tied at 14 at the half.
jenkins also had phelps down alote of the first half and was winning or tied at that half.
jenkins killed letcher and fleming neon
and jenkins also lead against hazard for some of the first half and was down by only a touchdown in th 4th.
and unlike alote of the teams in our district jenkins didnt loos much only loosing 4 seniors and returning 10 to 15. and a good group of freshman sophmores and juniors. and nobody really knows all that and i think with alote of the teams in the district down this year that jenkins will make a big jump but thats just my prediction
hmm these things i didnt know.... but who didn't kill Letcher or Neon last year? some team beat Letcher like 92-0
Well i hope Jenkins has a better team than they did last year.... When was the last time Jenkins had a winning season? or won district or region that you know of??? im interested to know
yea i agree everyone did beat neon and letcher but they were at the end of jenkins schedualand jenkins really got some momentum. that left the cavaliers with alote of excitment going into the offseason and now coming into this season and jenkins last winning season was 93' they made it into the playoffs and this year jenkins weight lifting went very well they should be alote stronger. and with the consolidation they will have more numbers. they have leadership and they have support but the most important thang this year is heart they finaly have heart.
sounds great man, i hope you guys can turn it around over there.....
what was the record then? do you know if Jenkins has ever won district or region?
thank's mann umm i think the record then was 8-2 or 7-3 regular season i think they got beat out first round of the playoffs that year and i am thinking that when coach mark johnson played they won a dirict title but i dont think they have ever won a region jenkins has alote of history and bout 20 years or so ago they were a one of the best in the district for alote of years its just the last 10 years or so the program went down and they havent had the community or school behind them you know how alote of fans are you start loosing they leave you. you start winning they hope right back behind you that how jenkins schools system is the school board and athletic director and hole school turned into a basketball school wich is something i dont understand they wasent very good at that either but since coach johnson and his staff has took over 2 years ago you can see improvment. you can see the community getting bask behind us and hopefully we can restore the pride back in jenkins.
yea i hope jenkins gets back on the right track.... and puts up a good fight every game.... i would love to ee that...
were did you get the pikeville helmet at as your avatar?
i copied it off someone elses, alot of Pikeville fans have those as their avatars... someone though made them, theres a bunch of other helmet avatars... i'd start a topic about it, im sure some1 could tell you where to get a jenkins one
South floyd definatly isnt the most underated team. I dont know who is but im sure isnt south floyd. If you ask me they're overated.
jenkins isnt under rated in my opinion... not to be rude but they have effort just a lack of talent
South Floyd is NOT overrated this year. People talk down on them this year because they have a lot of young players coming out and nobody thinks they will be that good this year but they will earn everyone's respect when its time to play!
sf football Wrote:South Floyd is NOT overrated this year. People talk down on them this year because they have a lot of young players coming out and nobody thinks they will be that good this year but they will earn everyone's respect when its time to play!

that might come back on you when the season does start
i agree with wp.. thats may come back...yet again it might not
i really think Pike Central is underrated this year.......i think they'll suprise some people this year
I have to say Pike Central this year. I look for this team to make alot noise this and in years to come.

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