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Think About This Before Voting For Hillary.......
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:But I still wouldn't be defending a man with an average 35% approval rating.

I'm defending the most admired man in America, lol. Who do you think should be President and why? Please don't give me the standard Democrat "anyone except Bush." That is the lamest.
jetpilot Wrote:I don't think he is doing a bad job, and most Republicans agree with me. We are winning the war against terrorism, and the economy is good for most Americans. Hillary or Obama would be a disaster for this country with their extremely liberal policies. We can agree to disagree here. I don't think either one of us is going to change the other's mind, lol. We're no different than just about everyone else who can't seem to agree on anything these days.

I dont see how the economy is good for most Americans, we have record debt, the housing market is in shambles, and we are heading into a recession.

The war on terrorism is something I dont think we are for sure winning or losing. Things just haven't seemed to have changed lately.

I guess we will have to disagree and the top two democrats being a disaster for this country, becuase frankly it cant get much worse.
I haven't decided who im going to vote for yet. My two favorites are Obama and Edwards. To truthfully answer your question, I dont know who would be most qualified to run this country.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:I dont see how the economy is good for most Americans, we have record debt, the housing market is in shambles, and we are heading into a recession.

The war on terrorism is something I dont think we are for sure winning or losing. Things just haven't seemed to have changed lately.

I guess we will have to disagree and the top two democrats being a disaster for this country, becuase frankly it cant get much worse.

We have record debt because Congress spends too much money, the housing market is in shambles because greedy banks and unscrupulous mortgage brokers made millions of loans to people who didn't qualify, and we may or may not be heading into a recession. But you can't blame it all on the President, like Democrats love to do.

I don't know who is best to lead the country either. I don't believe much of anything anyone says in Washington DC, lol.
All of you keep arguing about things being Congress's fault or the President's fault, but what you forget is that one can't do anything without the other's approval. Our government's a system of checks and balances, things are going badly right now, and people just look for someone to blame instead of trying to do what they need to do to improve their own lives.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Nice post BFritz and is very true statements!
BFritz Wrote:All of you keep arguing about things being Congress's fault or the President's fault, but what you forget is that one can't do anything without the other's approval. Our government's a system of checks and balances, things are going badly right now, and people just look for someone to blame instead of trying to do what they need to do to improve their own lives.

I believe anyone with a small understanding of our government knows that we have a system of checks and balances. I never entirely blamed either the president our congress for our troubles. Both have done bad jobs.

IMO a lot of damage was done while the republicans controlled the white house.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:IMO a lot of damage was done while the republicans controlled the white house.

What kind of damage?
jetpilot Wrote:What kind of damage?

From 2001 - 2004 federal spending increased 30%, the largest amount in 30 years. This resulted in the largest budget deficit in US history. I thought conservatives wanted a small government, but Bush expanded it at an alarming rate.

During that time, when congress was controlled by republicans ( and the senate was for the majority of the time) Bush didnt veto a single bill. Which means republicans done what they wanted. This has lead us to the point we are now.
I bet BFritz didn't think this thread would get this
Ring'Em Up Wrote:So, did you rack your brain to come up with this, or jus rip it off someone else and try to take the credit for pretending to have A CLUE?
Typical ignorance showing thru, taking cheap shots and trying to be funny, toward someone who has made a **** of a more difference in this world than you ever will.

Well, why are you voting for her? Be specific, not vague like she wants change or because she can reach accross partisan lines.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:From 2001 - 2004 federal spending increased 30%, the largest amount in 30 years. This resulted in the largest budget deficit in US history. I thought conservatives wanted a small government, but Bush expanded it at an alarming rate.

During that time, when congress was controlled by republicans ( and the senate was for the majority of the time) Bush didnt veto a single bill. Which means republicans done what they wanted. This has lead us to the point we are now.

Well what has put us in this point is the fact that mortage companies have preyed on people of poor credit and turned the housing market into shambles. The rep. have successfully kept further terror attacks from happening in the US and they have put to an end regimes that habored terrorists. So well I think that could be a failure. Get real, liberal media has put a spin on all things that go on in politics and the resulting skewed view of reality is the result.
BFritz Wrote:In a news conference Deanna Farve announced she will be the starting QB for

the Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be

starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while

he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar

with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable

with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans

shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.

Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you?

Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be

President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City,

County, or State.

When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the

White House, **** Morris stated "so has the pastry chef".

That is the smartest thing I have ever heard anyone say about anything!!!!!!:Thumbs:
launchpad4 Wrote:Well what has put us in this point is the fact that mortage companies have preyed on people of poor credit and turned the housing market into shambles. The rep. have successfully kept further terror attacks from happening in the US and they have put to an end regimes that habored terrorists. So well I think that could be a failure. Get real, liberal media has put a spin on all things that go on in politics and the resulting skewed view of reality is the result.

:Thumbs: One of these days when people get their heads out of their butts they will see things for the truth, not for what the media tries to tell us to think!!
Bush has not been a perfect president, but I thank God everyday that he has been our leader thru this. I am terrified of the future if the next president doesn't see the evil facing us!
There is true evil out there! You can't make friends with them, concessions with them to try to change their opinion of us! It is not gonna happen!
Has history taught us nothing????:confused:

The economy, etc will mean nothing if we have been blown to bits by another act of terror upon our nation!
20/20 Wrote::Thumbs: One of these days when people get their heads out of their butts they will see things for the truth, not for what the media tries to tell us to think!!
Bush has not been a perfect president, but I thank God everyday that he has been our leader thru this. I am terrified of the future if the next president doesn't see the evil facing us!
There is true evil out there! You can't make friends with them, concessions with them to try to change their opinion of us! It is not gonna happen!
Has history taught us nothing????:confused:

The economy, etc will mean nothing if we have been blown to bits by another act of terror upon our nation!

Whether people like Bush or not, especially passionately, has roots into childhood and personality too deep for me to mine.... however, if you can explain to me why Bush chose to attack Iraq and lighten up in Afghanistan EXPLAINING IT AS A RESULT OF 9/11, I invite you to do so.
thecavemaster Wrote:Whether people like Bush or not, especially passionately, has roots into childhood and personality too deep for me to mine.... however, if you can explain to me why Bush chose to attack Iraq and lighten up in Afghanistan EXPLAINING IT AS A RESULT OF 9/11, I invite you to do so.
You got that right, Cave. Personally, I'm not gonna get into my postioning for the candidates on here. Others don't have to like mine or any others' stance, but thats why we each are afforded the opportunity to vote. Lauchpad questioned my reasoning for my taking to Sen Clinton, but there is no use in explaining, when it will only get questioned and attempted to be discredited. I will use that time in a more productive manner, reaching as many people by phone as I can in SC, Cali, etc, to people who may not be yet decided on their candidate. I am weary tho, if he thinks the Mortgage business is the main downfall of the US economic state these days. I know it was a hott topic in the last Dem debate, but I can't see it being the root of the oncoming recession. As far as the Iraq over Afghan deal, I haven't wasted enuff time to divulge deeply into it and try to justify it in my own mind, but personally I feel as if there was alot of pressure on Pres Bush to get the job done with Hussein after his father couldn't. I admit, that is probably a narrow-minded assessment, but like I said, I haven't really studied into it too deeply, simply for the fact there was nothing any of us could have done to help the situation. Their minds were made up and we had to go along for the ride in this horrible loss of life and waste of government resources.
jetpilot Wrote:What kind of damage?

Have you seen the deficit of our economy lately? Everyone in the U.S. who files taxes is going to get a check from the government worth at least $600 just to try and improve the economy, the only thing they don't see is most of the people will put this money into a savings account and the money will do nothing for the economy, so once again, the republicans are failing.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Have you seen the deficit of our economy lately? Everyone in the U.S. who files taxes is going to get a check from the government worth at least $600 just to try and improve the economy, the only thing they don't see is most of the people will put this money into a savings account and the money will do nothing for the economy, so once again, the republicans are failing.

And what would do the democrats do to save the country from us evil devil-worshiping republicans who seem to be the ones to blame for all the problems?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
PC_You_Know Wrote:Have you seen the deficit of our economy lately? Everyone in the U.S. who files taxes is going to get a check from the government worth at least $600 just to try and improve the economy, the only thing they don't see is most of the people will put this money into a savings account and the money will do nothing for the economy, so once again, the republicans are failing.

If I'm not mistaken both the President and the Congress (which is controlled by the Democrats) approved this rebate.
BFritz Wrote:And what would do the democrats do to save the country from us evil devil-worshiping republicans who seem to be the ones to blame for all the problems?

I'm a Republican if you want to know.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I'm a Republican if you want to know.

I don't see how that answers the question??
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
[quote=The Guru]Well.....Al-Queda is still killing people all over the world and we have spent billion after billion and lost thousands of lives and this is after "W" said we won!!! Unless someone is an idiot, they could see that Bill was better even if he didn't do anything![/quote]

What a way to sum up Bill Clinton's 8 years in the White House. A man famous for NAFTA, Monica and very little else.
THOMCAT Wrote:[quote=The Guru]Well.....Al-Queda is still killing people all over the world and we have spent billion after billion and lost thousands of lives and this is after "W" said we won!!! Unless someone is an idiot, they could see that Bill was better even if he didn't do anything![/quote]

What a way to sum up Bill Clinton's 8 years in the White House. A man famous for NAFTA, Monica and very little else.
I think you might be taking things out of context. Where did I say I was summing up Bill Clinton's White House years?
Don't put words into my mouth, I say enough on my own.
75% of the country wants the republicans out of the White House. What does the dems have to offer? The first black or first female President.:o :o :o

Why couldn't the dems come up with something better?

My problem? I don't like any of the republicans either.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary because I never trusted the Clintons and they have way too many past scandels.

I'm not going to vote for Obama because he's a muslem (sp). Bin Laden said he would get from the inside out. Osama/Obama. Too close for comfort.

If Obama gets in, we all better have holes dug deep that we can escape to.
I'm not voting for Obama, but what makes people think he's gonna destroy the country, everything the President does goes through Congress, without them the President can't do anything really.
BFritz Wrote:And what would do the democrats do to save the country from us evil devil-worshiping republicans who seem to be the ones to blame for all the problems?
PC_You_Know Wrote:I'm a Republican if you want to know.

BFritz Wrote:Ok???

I don't see how that answers the question??
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
rosebud Wrote:75% of the country wants the republicans out of the White House. What does the dems have to offer? The first black or first female President.:o :o :o

Why couldn't the dems come up with something better?

My problem? I don't like any of the republicans either.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary because I never trusted the Clintons and they have way too many past scandels.

I'm not going to vote for Obama because he's a muslem
(sp). Bin Laden said he would get from the inside out. Osama/Obama. Too close for comfort.

If Obama gets in, we all better have holes dug deep that we can escape to.

(Muslim is the correct spelling.)

Wow, thats crazy. The only reason you don't vote for him is becuase you believe he is Muslim. And then you compare Osama/Obama, I really hope all your political decisions aren't so simple and childish. Fox News ran a special that claimed he attended a Muslim academy when he was younger, but it turned out to be false, just like 90% of their stories. I'm sure you can think of a better reason to not vote for him, maybe like you don't agree with his stances on certain issues.

I do agree with you that there isn't a single candidate that stands out and shows that they can bring change and lead this country in the right direction.
launchpad4 Wrote:Well what has put us in this point is the fact that mortage companies have preyed on people of poor credit and turned the housing market into shambles. The rep. have successfully kept further terror attacks from happening in the US and they have put to an end regimes that habored terrorists. So well I think that could be a failure. Get real, liberal media has put a spin on all things that go on in politics and the resulting skewed view of reality is the result.

It doesn't matter what media source you listen to, be it liberal or conservative, they all spin things. It's our duty as citizens to question the media and authorities and demand the truth. Usually this requires someone to be independent and find the truth for themselves.

The whole war on terrorism is just a name in my opinion. We haven't really done anything to stop the terrorism, and have probably just aided to the hatred they have for us. Yes we have weakened Al-Qaeda, but terrorist cells and organizations are growing around the world. By fighting an unjust war in Iraq, we have done nothing more than create more terrorist.

This whole idea that we are winning the war on terrorism is really not accurate. Our own intelligence agencies cant even give us a clear answer on how things are going. IMO there is really no way to win this war on terrorism, no matter what groups are people we stop, their hatred we only show up in more terrorist groups.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:(Muslim is the correct spelling.)

Wow, thats crazy. The only reason you don't vote for him is becuase you believe he is Muslim. And then you compare Osama/Obama, I really hope all your political decisions aren't so simple and childish. Fox News ran a special that claimed he attended a Muslim academy when he was younger, but it turned out to be false, just like 90% of their stories. I'm sure you can think of a better reason to not vote for him, maybe like you don't agree with his stances on certain issues.

I do agree with you that there isn't a single candidate that stands out and shows that they can bring change and lead this country in the right direction.

All the information I found said he did attend a Muslim accademy for two years but then attended a Catholic school. He remained Muslim until he tried to go into public office because he knew people linked it all with extremism. Even if he's not an extremist, the Muslims killed a few thousand of our people, why should we embrace their opinions, thoughts, and ways of life with the most powerful figure in our country? Wouldn't that be a start at doing exactly what they've been aiming to do, especially with 9/11, which is to disrupt our way of life and to change us?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
[QUOTE/] BFritz;498573] All the information I found said he did attend a Muslim accademy for two years but then attended a Catholic school. He remained Muslim until he tried to go into public office because he knew people linked it all with extremism. Even if he's not an extremist, the Muslims killed a few thousand of our people, why should we embrace their opinions, thoughts, and ways of life with the most powerful figure in our country? Wouldn't that be a start at doing exactly what they've been aiming to do, especially with 9/11, which is to disrupt our way of life and to change us?[/QUOTE]

That story is way off base, lol. It seems all the info you've been reading is a lie. People are just feeding on the fear americans have of the radical Muslims to steer people away from the actual issues of the election. The school he attended was a public school in Indonesia, open to all faiths, as reported by the AP and confirmed by the school. He attended school there from ages 6-10.
That country is mostly Muslim, and the majority of students there were Muslim, but that doesn't mean anything. The majority of people in public schools in this area are Christian, does that mean all schools here are Christian schools? It wasn't a madras ah as the people at Fox and the conservative nut jobs want you to believe.

His father was a Muslim, but said he became an atheist after losing faith in the Islam doctrines. Obama actually wrote a story about his upbringing and faith in 2004, in which he spoke in lengths about his Christian beliefs, his daughters also belong to a Christian church. This isnt quite the radical Muslim some on the right want you to think he is.

I believe this quote sums it up pretty well, it's just another story with no truth at all spit out from the radical right.

We are asked to believe that Sen. Obama, who professes to be a practicing Christian and has spoken publicly of his "personal relationship with Jesus Christ," is in fact secretly a Muslim and has lied all along about his true religious affiliation.

"No proof is offered by those who make these claims -- no sightings of Barack Obama attending a mosque, no pictures of him reading the Qur'an, praying to Mecca, or observing Islamic holidays with his family. The entire case, such as it is, rests on a confused and error-ridden recitation of Obama's upbringing and purported childhood influences. It also rests on -- or exploits -- a deep fear and mistrust of the Muslim faith.

Virtually everything we do know about Obama's parentage and upbringing, it should be stipulated, comes from the senator himself. Obama told the story of his search to uncover his African heritage in Dreams from My Father (Three Rivers Press, 2004), and shared further autobiographical details in The Audacity of Hope (Crown Publishers, 2006). He spoke at length about his Christian beliefs in a 2004 Chicago Sun Times interview with Cathleen Falsani. Must we take his word for all of it? Not necessarily, but in the absence of contrary evidence we have no reason to seriously doubt Obama's own candid account of his life story."

Here is another site that debunks those crap stories you have been reading.

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