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Think About This Before Voting For Hillary.......
In a news conference Deanna Farve announced she will be the starting QB for

the Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be

starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while

he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar

with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable

with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans

shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.

Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you?

Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be

President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City,

County, or State.

When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the

White House, **** Morris stated "so has the pastry chef".
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
So, did you rack your brain to come up with this, or jus rip it off someone else and try to take the credit for pretending to have A CLUE?
Typical ignorance showing thru, taking cheap shots and trying to be funny, toward someone who has made a **** of a more difference in this world than you ever will.
dang.. I thought it was funny.. persoonally I don't know where she has made a big difference in the world. its basically the same that's its been for the past 10 to 15 years
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:dang.. I thought it was funny.. persoonally I don't know where she has made a big difference in the world. its basically the same that's its been for the past 10 to 15 years
Absolutely, it could be funny and I'm sure it is to alot of people. But him trying to imply that's the foundation of her campaign is the ridiculous piece.
I'm jus wondering where it came from, if he did come up with it or ripped it from someone else. :confused:
Ring'Em Up Wrote:Absolutely, it could be funny and I'm sure it is to alot of people. But him trying to imply that's the foundation of her campaign is the ridiculous piece.
I'm jus wondering where it came from, if he did come up with it or ripped it from someone else. :confused:
I recieved it via Email a couple days ago......I trashed it.
Her tears just got to me after seeing that on T.V..Very emotional!! I have seen better acting in porns...Heck even Bills! LOL!!
Ring'Em Up Wrote:Absolutely, it could be funny and I'm sure it is to alot of people. But him trying to imply that's the foundation of her campaign is the ridiculous piece.
I'm jus wondering where it came from, if he did come up with it or ripped it from someone else. :confused:

To bad she won't even get the democratic nomination...She's not qualified to be a governer.
vundy33 Wrote:To bad she won't even get the democratic nomination...She's not qualified to be a governer.

To suggest that the second term senator from New York is not qualified to be "governor" is, of course, proof of obvious bias...prejudice without reason.
thecavemaster Wrote:To suggest that the second term senator from New York is not qualified to be "governor" is, of course, proof of obvious bias...prejudice without reason.
I like how ya " " Governor. Wouldn't ya think if people are gonna make a slandering remark, they would at least spell it right?Smile
Personally, I think some have been listening to Bill Richardson too much..."balancing budgets, running a state, overseeing government." My estimate would be that the President actually oversees maybe 5% of the actual governing and proposals for the United States, as far as budget, laws, economy etc. The lawmakers are who do all the dirty work in getting things done. The President is just the face of it all and who is ultimately held accountable for those under him/HER.
I like the debtates and opinions going on here, it keeps everyone's interest up in what's going on. But let's not get too bent out of shape over it just yet. We as Kentuckians will have no impact on who the party nominations will be, we jus got to work to do what we can in the other states to try and help our preferred candidate reach that nomination, then we will let it FLY! Haha. So, in short, I don't mean to offend anyone, jus some good debating and trading of opinion. For now. Big Grin
Ring'Em Up Wrote:So, did you rack your brain to come up with this, or jus rip it off someone else and try to take the credit for pretending to have A CLUE?
Typical ignorance showing thru, taking cheap shots and trying to be funny, toward someone who has made a **** of a more difference in this world than you ever will.
I hate when people try to be hard ***** and act like they know everything in the world.

First off, how do you know she's made more of a difference than I ever will? That might be the most ignorant comment that I've ever heard in my life. To first answer this question, let's assume that I have done absolutely nothing for the past 23 and a half years of my life, how do you know that I won't become a great politician that ends all world struggles? How do you know I won't improve this country for the better? Maybe become President and get congress to pass a universal health care act while doing things to make the economy at its highest point in history and unemployment at its lowest?

Ok, that aside: how much do you know about me to make a judgement that I haven't already done a lot in life that could rival all she has done? She got a chance to become famous and big because of her husband, and while he isn't the reason why she did the things she did, he was the reason of why she was so well-known and in a position to be able to do those things. Now on to me, I have been trying to help people for the past 6 years through public speaking, and while that may not be a concrete difference in itself, hundreds of people have said it changed the way they think, given them hope to succeed in life, changed the way they treat people, made them want to help people, and a few people have even said it has stopped them from killing themself. So, how do you know that none of those people won't go on to make a cure for a fatal disease or become a missionairy or someone who becomes wealthy and helps people or becomes a politician and helps more people than Hillary ever has or ever will.

So many people have said that my strength through the **** I've been through and will to get better has inspired them to do new things and to just be better people, so many of those people could do things that change the world a lot. Many people have said they have donated thousands of dollars because I have made them feel like people in my or other bad situations can accomplish great things. How do you know that I haven't or won't indirectly help lots of people?

She has made a difference, but why? Because she was/is a senator? So are/were thousands of other Senators insignificant? Should the millions of people in the US who aren't senators just quit working and doing their part for the country just because they won't do things as public or on the large scale of Hillary?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I applaud ya for everything you've done and hope ya continue to help others. But calling her platform for the Presidency "idiotic and unbelievable" and implying that the basis of her campaign is from time spent as Bill's wife is the true ignorant comment, in my opinion. Or is mine null and void because it doesn't agree with yours? Believe me, I know how you like to argue on here, but this is one subject I won't even attempt to take you on at. Time spent in a productive manner will do us much better.
thecavemaster Wrote:To suggest that the second term senator from New York is not qualified to be "governor" is, of course, proof of obvious bias...prejudice without reason.

If you guys want to laugh at a misspelled word like dumb***** then go ahead. You can call is biased or prejudice or whatever you want, this country is not ready for a female president. I don't like her history either...I don't have anything against her but I just don't think she is qualified to run this country.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:I applaud ya for everything you've done and hope ya continue to help others. But calling her platform for the Presidency "idiotic and unbelievable" and implying that the basis of her campaign is from time spent as Bill's wife is the true ignorant comment, in my opinion. Or is mine null and void because it doesn't agree with yours? Believe me, I know how you like to argue on here, but this is one subject I won't even attempt to take you on at. Time spent in a productive manner will do us much better.

Why do you think she would be a good president?
Ring'Em Up Wrote:I applaud ya for everything you've done and hope ya continue to help others. But calling her platform for the Presidency "idiotic and unbelievable" and implying that the basis of her campaign is from time spent as Bill's wife is the true ignorant comment, in my opinion. Or is mine null and void because it doesn't agree with yours? Believe me, I know how you like to argue on here, but this is one subject I won't even attempt to take you on at. Time spent in a productive manner will do us much better.

But you're still convinced that, because she is famous, she has done more in life than I have or ever will?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
vundy33 Wrote:If you guys want to laugh at a misspelled word like dumbasses then go ahead. You can call is biased or prejudice or whatever you want, this country is not ready for a female president. I don't like her history either...I don't have anything against her but I just don't think she is qualified to run this country.
Hey, how did you slip that thru the word filter? :eek: Hahaha.
That's completely your right to feel how you do and I don't have a bit of a problem with it. And I take your opinion much more serious after ya gave some reasoning behind it, i.e.(female, don't like her history) I am in no means raising race as a
future problem, (I feel as if there is no one in the race that can hold a light to the intensity and heart that Sen Obama delivers in a speech) but as you stated you don't think we are ready for a female President, I am really concerned about what some ignorant fool from an extreme, underground supremacist society or even some wild, narrow-minded, hardcore "country boy" may try and do if they feel threatened and degraded by seeing their country being overseen by an African-American. True, history has shown us that race, religion, or gender may play no part in an individual taking extreme measures toward a person of power or statue, but it has also shown that it does play key in some cases.
Also, Bill just said Sen. Obama is living a "fairy-tale" concerning some of his past votes on key issues. If Bill said it, how can ya argue? Big Grin
BFritz Wrote:But you're still convinced that, because she is famous, she has done more in life than I have or ever will?
No, believe me, it's not because she is "famous." Britney and Paris are famous, but I have a feeling you have already made a better impact on society than they have. Big Grin
I don't know if we are just 2 that were meant to dislike each other, but let's jus bury the axe on the whole deal, from the timeout deal, to the Patriots deal, to this. I will admit maybe I was wrong and shouldn't have used that as an example earlier and offer my aoplogies, but when ya made fun of my lady, it hit a nerve.:o
BFritz Wrote:But you're still convinced that, because she is famous, she has done more in life than I have or ever will?
I disagree with Hillary on many of her veiws and will not cast my vote for her at this time. But in her defense, at this time she has done more than you or I have ever done. I understand what you are trying to say, but I have to disagree with you. Being famous does help some people accomplish more than others in life. I'm sure people around the world have no idea who "BFritz" or "Crossbones" are or what we have done in our lives. Shoot!! She lived in the White House for 8 years. That says alot right there, no matter how she got there, she was there. She has flown around the world and rubbed elbows with some of the most powerfull people in the world. She is even in the running for President of the United States. I know that I will not do as great of things as she has done, because I am older and have set my life the way it is. You on the other hand could probably accomplish some of those things if you set out for them. But right now, she's got you down 60-0 in the 4th quarter so to speak.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:Hey, how did you slip that thru the word filter? :eek: Hahaha.
That's completely your right to feel how you do and I don't have a bit of a problem with it. And I take your opinion much more serious after ya gave some reasoning behind it, i.e.(female, don't like her history) I am in no means raising race as a
future problem, (I feel as if there is no one in the race that can hold a light to the intensity and heart that Sen Obama delivers in a speech) but as you stated you don't think we are ready for a female President, I am really concerned about what some ignorant fool from an extreme, underground supremacist society or even some wild, narrow-minded, hardcore "country boy" may try and do if they feel threatened and degraded by seeing their country being overseen by an African-American. True, history has shown us that race, religion, or gender may play no part in an individual taking extreme measures toward a person of power or statue, but it has also shown that it does play key in some cases.
Also, Bill just said Sen. Obama is living a "fairy-tale" concerning some of his past votes on key issues. If Bill said it, how can ya argue? Big Grin

I also don't think that this country is ready for a black president...One of the reasons I am a Republican is because the dems can't get anyone to run for president that can actually put up a good fight. Hillary or Obama, whoever wins, will be the closest dem to winning the presidency in a while IMO.
vundy33 Wrote:I also don't think that this country is ready for a black president...One of the reasons I am a Republican is because the dems can't get anyone to run for president that can actually put up a good fight. Hillary or Obama, whoever wins, will be the closest dem to winning the presidency in a while IMO.
I certainly think that the Democratic race right now is the key to what we will see in Nov. If both candidates can conduct their campaigns cleanly and not draw anymore ire than they already have, I don't see them with a big challenge in the final. With the amount of distaste so many have for what Pres. Bush has put this country thru the last 7 years and the crazy, wide-open race on the GOP side for the nom, I don't see the Republican side being able to rally the whole country around them enuff to pull it off in Nov. That's why I am so intense about this current race. I truly believe the Clinton/Obama winner will be our next President.
I personally think the entire presedential candidates for the democratic party is a joke. If I had a gun to my head and had to pick one I would choose Edwards.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Her tears just got to me after seeing that on T.V..Very emotional!! I have seen better acting in porns...Heck even Bills! LOL!!
I don't think Bill was acting during his porn!!!!Big Grin The acting came when the republicans starting acting like they were his dang wife!!!
BFritz Wrote:I hate when people try to be hard ***** and act like they know everything in the world.

First off, how do you know she's made more of a difference than I ever will? That might be the most ignorant comment that I've ever heard in my life. To first answer this question, let's assume that I have done absolutely nothing for the past 23 and a half years of my life, how do you know that I won't become a great politician that ends all world struggles? How do you know I won't improve this country for the better? Maybe become President and get congress to pass a universal health care act while doing things to make the economy at its highest point in history and unemployment at its lowest?

Ok, that aside: how much do you know about me to make a judgement that I haven't already done a lot in life that could rival all she has done? She got a chance to become famous and big because of her husband, and while he isn't the reason why she did the things she did, he was the reason of why she was so well-known and in a position to be able to do those things. Now on to me, I have been trying to help people for the past 6 years through public speaking, and while that may not be a concrete difference in itself, hundreds of people have said it changed the way they think, given them hope to succeed in life, changed the way they treat people, made them want to help people, and a few people have even said it has stopped them from killing themself. So, how do you know that none of those people won't go on to make a cure for a fatal disease or become a missionairy or someone who becomes wealthy and helps people or becomes a politician and helps more people than Hillary ever has or ever will.

So many people have said that my strength through the **** I've been through and will to get better has inspired them to do new things and to just be better people, so many of those people could do things that change the world a lot. Many people have said they have donated thousands of dollars because I have made them feel like people in my or other bad situations can accomplish great things. How do you know that I haven't or won't indirectly help lots of people?

She has made a difference, but why? Because she was/is a senator? So are/were thousands of other Senators insignificant? Should the millions of people in the US who aren't senators just quit working and doing their part for the country just because they won't do things as public or on the large scale of Hillary?

Cause you spend too ,much time on BGR?????Wink
vundy33 Wrote:If you guys want to laugh at a misspelled word like dumb***** then go ahead. You can call is biased or prejudice or whatever you want, this country is not ready for a female president. I don't like her history either...I don't have anything against her but I just don't think she is qualified to run this country.
Neither has "W" been, but he has done it for 8 years!!
When Bill was president, every republican in the country was saying that Hillary was running the country!!!
Now that she is running, they say she has absolutely no experience in running the country!
Which is it....and until someone is elected and runs again, who has experience???
The Guru Wrote:Neither has "W" been, but he has done it for 8 years!!

You mean "Dubyah"...I think he is more qualified that Hillary or Obama. I'm just afraid that if a dem gets in the White House that they'll hesitate on important issues like defending the country...that's what Bill did. Al-Queda was killing our people and all he did was fire a few cruise missiles...
vundy33 Wrote:You mean "Dubyah"...I think he is more qualified that Hillary or Obama. I'm just afraid that if a dem gets in the White House that they'll hesitate on important issues like defending the country...that's what Bill did. Al-Queda was killing our people and all he did was fire a few cruise missiles...

Well.....Al-Queda is still killing people all over the world and we have spent billion after billion and lost thousands of lives and this is after "W" said we won!!! Unless someone is an idiot, they could see that Bill was better even if he didn't do anything!
The unfortunate thing IMO is that the dems have one of the best chances in a long time to take the White House with everyone being so down on G W, but look at the candidates that they put out there. Geez, if they had run some quality candidates in the past, G W wouldn't have been elected in the first place. They are going to have to learn to pick a candidate that can mix and mingle their way across the whole country, not just the east and west coast. And they have to pick someone that everyone can identify with. On the other hand, the Republicans got control of the Congress and Presidency and blew it. Almost makes a person want to become an independent. I don't personally like any candidate for either party to run this country to be perfectly honest. I don't have a problem with a female or even a black president, but I don't think that Clinton or Obama are the most qualified to take over our country. But then, who running is? I hate politics!
I wasn't gonna vote for her anyways, but I thought it was funny.
I didn't put "governor" in quotes because of spelling; I put it in quotes because that was the statement: that Hillary wasn't qualified to be "governor." Also, if this country is not "ready" for a woman or African American president, why not? It is difficult not to conclude that misogyny and racism are not the reasons. Hillary is tough, not too emotional or soft to be president. Obama is smart, well spoken, innovative, willing to move in different and challenging directions. Disagreements may exist on issues, on the way people think about the world, but attacks based on race or gender deserve the censure they receive. I am sure George Bush would be pretty cool to hang out with, but I think his view of the world, many of his views on social policy are leading this country down the wrong road.
thecavemaster Wrote:I didn't put "governor" in quotes because of spelling; I put it in quotes because that was the statement: that Hillary wasn't qualified to be "governor." Also, if this country is not "ready" for a woman or African American president, why not? It is difficult not to conclude that misogyny and racism are not the reasons. Hillary is tough, not too emotional or soft to be president. Obama is smart, well spoken, innovative, willing to move in different and challenging directions. Disagreements may exist on issues, on the way people think about the world, but attacks based on race or gender deserve the censure they receive. I am sure George Bush would be pretty cool to hang out with, but I think his view of the world, many of his views on social policy are leading this country down the wrong road.
I think a black or woman President would be completely qualified, but there's so many sexist and racist people out there that I doubt if either one could pull enough votes, even with how bad people hate Republicans from GW screwing the country.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life

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