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Shirt Slogans gone bad.. :twisted:
Share some good ones if you have any.. plese keep it pg13
umm the girl on the bottom her nipples r a little off set lol I bet they r fake boobies :lol:
football05 Wrote:umm the girl on the bottom her nipples r a little off set lol I bet they r fake boobies :lol:
I woudnt bet on those being fake
O so you know this person lol.....
Fake or not I'd give er something to get hard about. lol
football05 Wrote:O so you know this person lol.....

I have some good ones...hehe:
laugh1.gif those are awesum GF
lmao i like those.

t shirt hell can be awful sometimes.
funny ones..
i like the ones on, most of them are exactly PG-ish but you can all look there if you want.
Tshirt hell is an awesome site lol... i have a friend that has like 4 or 5 hilarious shirts from there.
LOL.. i like them all.. I like looking on Tshirt Hell also..they have some funny shirts

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