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Tubby is out at the University of Kentucky..
FATMAN Wrote:yay lets celebrate maybe loosing 2 recruits and setting the program back

Losing two recruits won't set the program back near as much as Tubby has in the past 9 years. Two players don't make or break a program, but a lousy coach sure can. Tubby's out and most of the Bluegrass is celebrating....especially me.
Bengal Cat Wrote:Applying for the coaching job?

Why not, I'm sure they could've had some better results or at least tried and got the same record.
The headline "Kentucky's Shame" seems appropriate again.
Ahhhhh when we win you guys wont have anything to say then
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I too wish Tubby a great career at Minnesota. I believe he will do a great job there and build that program to where they are a year in year out pick for the NCAA tourney. I admire Tubby for sticking by his assistants and wish them luck as well. I think Minnesota will be a good stop for him, and a program that is definitely in need of a solid coach and a decent man leading them. Tubby just wasnt right for UK IMO, and that had NOTHING to do with his character. It had to do with his style and recruiting..but nonetheless, I hope he does very well at Minnesota.

I agree. I also heard from an Alumni source that UK had sent folks to talk to people representing Donovan.
If this is true, I could live with Billy Donovan until John Leslie Pelphrey can bump up his credentials!:thumpsup:
My point that I made earlier is in this article about the whole race issue, here is what one student said.
“I think it’s ridiculous that he’s leaving, but at the same time I would be willing to bet ... he was asked to leave,” Williams said.

Williams, who is African-American, added that the African-American coach may have been done in by “the whole race thing.” So it wouldn't suprise me a bit to see Sharpton or Jackson parading down Main St. in Lexington. That is on, about the students accepting Smith's departure. Here is a whole article dedicated to race... Why is it that race is always brought up in anything? Blacks get higher priority on academic scholarships now days because schools don't want to fool with this. Many think we owe them something, come on now, the race issue was back in the 50's-60's. This is 2007, we have no separate water fountains or have people go out back to pick up food. This is an equal country, why can' t some people let it go.
i agree with what you say there grizz..

Tubby is a great dude, and a good father figure, and a classy guy, but i would be lying if i said i wasn't happy to see him go.. i wish him the best of luck in minnesota, but now we have other things to look forward to.

I've been listening to ESPN radio all nite, and some names that have popped up are, Caliparri (sp), and the texas A&M coach and a couple others.. So i can't wait to see what happens, and i'm once again excited about seeing what kind of changes are goin to be made..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Recruiting was his downfall.
thats funny right there, I dont care who you are..Smile
Bengal Cat Wrote:Applying for the coaching job?
Horse Head Wrote:Ahhhhh when we win you guys wont have anything to say then

Well it looks like we will be talking and typing for quite a while.
Well the thing with Donvan is, he has never signed his new contract with the Gators yet. So who knows.
good luck to tubby minnesota is a good fit for him and his style of ball.
I new he was gone after this year he was the most hated person in the blurgrass
I feel for the Minnesota fans but then again, they don't undestand basketball the way we Kentucky fans do. They'll think Tubbyball is the greatest thing since canned beans.

"Of course, some racism also was involved. In the rural areas of the state, where poverty and ignorance have been chronic problems, Smith was never accepted because of his African-American heritage. This is a state, remember, where right-wing religious zealots dominate the debate over flag-burning, prayer in the classroom and same-sex marriage. Thankfully, however, such narrow-mindedness and intolerance no longer represents the majority. Even fans who didn't like Smith's coaching or recruiting had to concede that he was a superior human being."
[SIZE=3]...just a bit late, but still appropriate[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Child Welfare in Kentucky.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Lexington, Kentucky courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her.
[SIZE=3]When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge called for a recess [/SIZE][SIZE=3]to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]After a two hour recess, the judge seated himself back on the bench and announced that he had granted temporary custody to Orlando Tubby Smith, coach of the University of Kentucky Wildcats. He based his decision on the fact that Mr. Smith [/SIZE][SIZE=3]is not capable of beating anyone.

^^^ love it.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:[SIZE=3]...just a bit late, but still appropriate[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Child Welfare in Kentucky.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Lexington, Kentucky courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her.
[SIZE=3]When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge called for a recess [/SIZE][SIZE=3]to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]After a two hour recess, the judge seated himself back on the bench and announced that he had granted temporary custody to Orlando Tubby Smith, coach of the University of Kentucky Wildcats. He based his decision on the fact that Mr. Smith [/SIZE][SIZE=3]is not capable of beating anyone.


Man this crap doesnt need to be on here. They have ran this into the ground enough.
He is gone, So what you all going to complain about now. Plus thats already been put on here once before in another thread,.
Statmaster Wrote:Recruiting was his downfall.

I would say lack of support was his downfall.
I seriously can't believe people are still putting Tubby down. He has done nothing but what the fans want. He got a white Kentucky boy (Sparks) He got Mr. Basketballs (Carrier, Stockton) He got All Americans (Rondo, Crawford, Morris) He got 7 footers (Alleyne, Woo, Williams) He left like you wanted and you still complain.

He is gone, and people still have such negative words to say. I can appreciate fans such as TidesHoss who was pretty classy in his goodbye to Tubby but it is sad how some fans are acting like this now that he's gone.

We're being absolutely blasted all over the national media and by former UK players. It is shameful that this University and fans would run off a 3 time Coach of the year.

Minnesota just got the deal of the century with Coach Smith, and he will turn them around in a hurry.
alfus21 Wrote:.

Minnesota just got the deal of the century with Coach Smith, and he will turn them around in a hurry.

$1.8 million a year for a guy who can't recruit is hardly a deal.
venom93 Wrote:$1.8 million a year for a guy who can't recruit is hardly a deal.

For a team who has less tourney appearances and wins in the NCAA tournament than Coach Smith himself and finished 9-22 last season it is.

A guy that wins 20 games every single season wherever he's at, and a three time National Coach of the year.

How could they have done better?
The general consensus among the rest of the country is that he was the best hire as well..>>Link
alfus21 Wrote:For a team who has less tourney appearances and wins in the NCAA tournament than Coach Smith himself and finished 9-22 last season it is.

A guy that wins 20 games every single season wherever he's at, and a three time National Coach of the year.

How could they have done better?

I never said he wasn't the best hire. I just said they didn't get a deal (bargain).
All I will say is that I wanted a new coach from our program, Tubby is now gone, I didn't think that it would happen this soon. I wish Tubby all of the luck in the world to do good with his new team but I cannot wait to see who coaches for us.

alfus21 Wrote:I seriously can't believe people are still putting Tubby down. He has done nothing but what the fans want. He got a white Kentucky boy (Sparks) He got Mr. Basketballs (Carrier, Stockton) He got All Americans (Rondo, Crawford, Morris) He got 7 footers (Alleyne, Woo, Williams) He left like you wanted and you still complain.

He is gone, and people still have such negative words to say. I can appreciate fans such as TidesHoss who was pretty classy in his goodbye to Tubby but it is sad how some fans are acting like this now that he's gone.

We're being absolutely blasted all over the national media and by former UK players. It is shameful that this University and fans would run off a 3 time Coach of the year.

Minnesota just got the deal of the century with Coach Smith, and he will turn them around in a hurry.

Nice said. Kentucky has just lost a great coach and it is because the UK fans. I wish Coach Smith the best in Minnesota.
CAM2006 Wrote:Nice said. Kentucky has just lost a great coach and it is because the UK fans. I wish Coach Smith the best in Minnesota.

If this is true, I just want to say THANK YOU FANS! Tubbyball is no more. Thank God also.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:If this is true, I just want to say THANK YOU FANS! Tubbyball is no more. Thank God also.

He is gone. You have gotten your wish. Let it go already.Rolleyes
tubby didnt do a thing wrong.. everyone forced him out..goodluck with the gophers

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