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is there anyone else here that cant stand Barry Bonds?
i was just settin here watchin his interview on ESPN and it hit me..... I HATE THIS GUY! he is the most arrogant person i have ever heard talk. his teammates can't really like him.
I can't stand him either VV. I didn't see the interview but I've read a couple of articles this morning about it. Sounds like he avoided the issue by blaming everyone else for blowing it up bigger than it needed to be. You can't tell me that he's going to rub some cream on himself without asking questions or wanting to know more about it other than it's just cream?? Then he tells the media to clean their own clostes first before they clean someone else's. He also said he didn't understand how steroids could help someone's hand-eye coordination in hitting a baseball. I'm sure it doesn't help hand-eye coordination but it would sure give him the strength to go along with it to help hit the longball. I mean does he think he's the only player with some overwhelming hand-eye coordination? He tried to divert the blame to everyone else he possibly could and in my opinion he only made himself look worse and made me think even less of him than I already did.
I hate him too. His arrogance is only second to Sheffield.
I never could stand him and never will. But what makes me sick is the fact that he will pass the Babe then break Aarons record and it will go into the record books maybe with an * and maybe not. But he will go to the Hall of Fame without question while Joe Jackson and Pete Rose won't be allowed. I know what Pete did was wrong but he deserves to be in based on his playing days.
he is such a cocky player at times..but i think the bottom lines is that he wants to win the world series more than ne thing, hed rather have that than ne records, i think thats wut most people overlook about the guy
Well good because he doesn't deserve the records.
i dont overlook anything about him.... his attitude towards the media, fans, or anyone they dont like him is what makes me not like him... has he ben using juice? hell yes he has and there is no way he can deny it... his body size got a lot bigger over very few years after he was past the age of 30... his homerun output skyrocked from 40 to 73 in 2 years... i hate him.

and for him to say he doesnt want the records thats BS! who wouldnt want to be the all time homerun king? yea he says he wants a World Series more but i think he is lying. i personally hope he breaks an arm or somehting and cant recover from it. so he cant get the record nor will he be able to play.
um vincent vega i think u need some sleep...posting at around 3 barry bonds is gonna destroy hank aarons record...whether hes on the juice or not, that record is gone!....and its pretty harsh to wish bodily harm upon someone, hopefully that happens to u before him, cuz hes a little more
I would agree Ringo and Catdawg. I think Bonds is a very good player and hitter but the juice has kept his career going when most players in years past have retired. The juice is allowing player to stay around longer and longer. I saw Bonds play at Pittsburg several times early in his career and he looked like a stick man and was a good contact hitter but in no way was the homerun king he is today.
Personally Barry has always been one of my favorite players...and he has a reason to be cocky I mean he has more MVP's than anyone else in MLB history...I really could care less aboput his actions off the field as long as he plays well is all I care about
I like watchin him play, and i like watchin him cuss out the reporters. But he is a butthole.
lol i cant help it i dont sleep much... and why is he important cause he plays a sport, oh please.
with the drug testing policy thats being implemented this season..if barry bond can homer about 50 times at this age, he might lose the doubters...
and especially if he breaks the record this season
to me he will have to do that to lose some doubters...
i have never said he wasnt good... he is one of the best i have ever saw play, but his whole attitude is what ruins me on this guy.
I would like to bean him in his fat head.
I have been told he made up with his fans, he took both of them to dinner.
lmao Doc, i have been waitin on that joke from someone... figured it would be you since i always hear u say that...
barry barry barry!!! boooooonnnnnndddddssssss!!!! u guys need to lay off of him so he hates the media, who cares.....
I've always liked him. He isn't someone I'd look up to, but I've always enjoyed watching him play and how he plays the game. I think he's the Shaq of MLB. All the Giants lack is another good hitter to back him up. They need to invest in a big time hitter to help him out. He will break Aaron's record possibly this year.
the giants got that hitter in Mosies Alou, my favorite player. I wish he wouldve stayed with the Cubs my fav. team, so Bonds would never get the record, he doesnt deserve it, Roger Marris is probably the only one who got the homerun record legitamitley(sp) anyways.
Is Moises Alou any relation to the Giants head coach Felipe Alou?
he the son of the manager
Well look at it this way
the man has 7 MVP's
Record for most home runs in a single season
and probably break the most home runs all time list and pass Aaron
now i love to watch this guy play becasue he is great at what he does
sure he is arrogant and hes a butthole to the media, but most players hate dealing with the media
the FOTM is that Bonds is great, possibly one of the if not the best player of all time
love him or hate him, hes a great player
i would say hes a great player, but not among the greatest of all time simply cuz he takes steroids, everyone knows he does, he should just admit
haha well yes he does take the roids, but he is still one heck of a player
everyone has to admit that!~
I dont dislike or like Bonds. Im indifferent towards him. He is a great player who is the only player to hit 500 HR and get 500 Steals. NO one is even in the four hundred club besides him either. But his attitude in general is terrible, I believe they have the right to ask him about steriods and stuff like that, since he has already admitted to using them. He shouldnt act like such a baby about it, but I guess all that talent has sort of went to his head.
Barry only got those 500 steals considering how small and fast he was before he stared on the roids lol
I like the guy.
i personally do too
i want him to break Aarons record!
he should smash aarons record, but aaron will still be to me the homerun king, and roger maris will always be the single season homerun record holder
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:he should smash aarons record, but aaron will still be to me the homerun king, and roger maris will always be the single season homerun record holder

No, actually Barry Bonds will always be the single season homerun record holder with 73 homeruns until someone surpasses him.

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