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West Carter 40 Bath County 28
Two BC kick off returns kept the score respectful. Again...Johnny Poynter fails to beat at team that is as good or better than him. I will say there was a great crowd here by both fan bases.
Big Upset by the Comets, Congratulations.
Congrats to West Carter.
How much of an impact did the BC lineman getting ejected have on the score of this game?
Very surprising outcome in this one. This puts Russell in the drivers seat for the district title. West must have really come to play.
GOREDDEVILS Wrote:How much of an impact did the BC lineman getting ejected have on the score of this game?

None, Bath County = overrated/one man show. Were also outcoached.

Cline had 4 TDs, the sophomore had a big night.
Nice win for WC
Johnny Poynter has failed this team. This team had the pieces to be really good, but bad coaching has more than likely led them to 3rd place in a weak district. I saw some of the worst formations in football tonight ran by Bath county. With players like Swartz, Reed, Rogers, and Farley; a line that has decent size with McFarland leading the pack, how do they lose this game? There’s a reason most teams run the spread now, and this offense is NOT WORKING. Quit being stubborn and one dementional and try to finish this season the best you can
EKYFootball1717 Wrote:Johnny Poynter has failed this team. This team had the pieces to be really good, but bad coaching has more than likely led them to 3rd place in a weak district. I saw some of the worst formations in football tonight ran by Bath county. With players like Swartz, Reed, Rogers, and Farley; a line that has decent size with McFarland leading the pack, how do they lose this game? There’s a reason most teams run the spread now, and this offense is NOT WORKING. Quit being stubborn and one dementional and try to finish this season the best you can

You’re delusional if you think that Bath county would run the spread well. Other than Swartz there’s no one that can run!
Not saying thy have to go to the spread, I’m saying the toe to toe linemen splits rugby offense is not working against teams that are just as good as bath county. Swartz can open up other players. A 6’7 tight end in reed that is being looked at heavily by EKU another 6’4 tight end in Fraley who can move decently and a powerful fb in Rogers you can’t tell me there isn’t a better solution for what they have right now
I have to agree. Just from seeing bath against Raceland in the grid, their offense is too one demensional and WAY over crowded. and tbh, the spread isnt about having a team full of athletes. Raceland switched to it after years of having no success against bigger stronger teams out of the wishbone. Spread the field a little and get yourself some breathing room to let things develop. The spread doesnt have to be ran out of the gun either. I think Bath has an identity crisis and a one trick pony wont get it done against atheletic teams.
Heres the thing y’all: it doesn’t matter what you do if the other team has better players than you do! That’s the reality.
Way to go West Carter.
The Carter's played good last night.
Bath county’s line can hold their own with a lot of teams. But when you put 5 people on one side of the center, and the defense has 8 people on that same side then idc if West was playing Bath county, or even belfry, West would have an easier time stopping the run. (Not comparing Bath county and belfry in any way)
Just heard if Bath wins out, they will still be #1 in the district come playoff time
Congratulations to Coach Barker and the Comets! I was completely blindsided by this one. But I am 100% happy to see West Carter respond to laying a dud at Russell. IMO, West Carter is better than Russell BUT Russell wanted it more. Bath Co needs to regroup.
I give #1 Swartz 5 Stars! Not sure how many yards he ended with but he earned every one of them!

sidelinedoc Wrote:Congratulations to Coach Barker and the Comets! I was completely blindsided by this one. But I am 100% happy to see West Carter respond to laying a dud at Russell. IMO, West Carter is better than Russell BUT Russell wanted it more. Bath Co needs to regroup.
I will Agree to Disagree about West Carter being better than Russell. Imo if Russell and West meet Again Russell wins. Also until West beats Russell, Russell is better.:popcorn:
Yep as I suspected Bath maybe better but they are miles away from beating Russell.

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