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Russia and Iran in Syria
Mutually Assured Destruction would suggest that Iran, rather than watching us go up in smoke, would be going up in smoke itself.

I think I will let the years go by and, if I'm still around, read the history and evaluate with the perspective of time and subsequent events.

Even Kurt Vonnegut, a severe critic in his living years of post WWII US foreign policy, viewed WWII as a "righteous cause" struggle.

In my view, a peacemaker works for peace until all chance for peace is gone. Then, he prays for wisdom and special guidance on what course of action to pursue.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Mutually Assured Destruction would suggest that Iran, rather than watching us go up in smoke, would be going up in smoke itself.

I think I will let the years go by and, if I'm still around, read the history and evaluate with the perspective of time and subsequent events.

Even Kurt Vonnegut, a severe critic in his living years of post WWII US foreign policy, viewed WWII as a "righteous cause" struggle.

In my view, a peacemaker works for peace until all chance for peace is gone. Then, he prays for wisdom and special guidance on what course of action to pursue.

Well in case you missed it, Iran ain't scared right now. They know Obama would sit on his hands, that is unless the Ayatollah blew them off, until the next guy came in. MAD was for a day when commanders-in-chief did not wear onesies to nighty night. Right now the only thing protecting us is the providence of God.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well in case you missed it, Iran ain't scared right now. They know Obama would sit on his hands, that is unless the Ayatollah blew them off, until the next guy came in. MAD was for a day when commanders-in-chief did not wear onesies to nighty night. Right now the only thing protecting us is the providence of God.

If you are suggesting President Obama would not respond to a perpetrated act of war, I do not take that seriously. North Korea's "Senor Loco" appears unafraid of China, Russia, and the US. Iran's leaders pull these stunts to gain credibility at home. In my view, they want nothing less than a full, front on confrontation with the US military.

I understand your apocalyptic visions and "one world order" interpretations. I don't necessarily believe God's elect will be around for the antichrist. I think a strong case can be made from Revelations that they won't.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:If you are suggesting President Obama would not respond to a perpetrated act of war, I do not take that seriously. North Korea's "Senor Loco" appears unafraid of China, Russia, and the US. Iran's leaders pull these stunts to gain credibility at home. In my view, they want nothing less than a full, front on confrontation with the US military.

I understand your apocalyptic visions and "one world order" interpretations. I don't necessarily believe God's elect will be around for the antichrist. I think a strong case can be made from Revelations that they won't.

I don't believe there is any question that the Church will not be here during the reign of antichrist. The run up to his reign however, has been unfolding before our eyes. And though I rail against globalization and all the rest, I do not believe there is a single thing man can do to set back the timetable for even one second.

What I have said is by way of interpretation to understand where we stand on the timeline. In other words, prophesy is history written in the future tense as seen by the Omniscient eyes of our Lord. There is a day that antichrist will stand in the temple to show himself as though he were god. Likewise, there is a split second in the timeline of history in which the Church will be taken out of this world. I accept that to be true and unchangeable. But I still believe we Christians should go down so to speak, kicking and screaming. The liberal agenda is evil, not because it does not honor man, but because it honors him too much. God already dealt with the sin of homosexuality, and the murder of the innocents and all the rest. Liberals compromise everything, and nothing for them is absolute. I'm certain you must have heard the mantra, everything is relative as they always insist. It is the scene from the Garden of Eden in which Satan talked Eve into doing something she really already wanted to do. And it's happened again and again throughout history. Compromise equals guile, equals a lie.

But in getting back to the lateness of the hour, the US is going down the drain. The only question is how far down are we? Are we in the relative calm of the outer vortex, still somewhat protected from the certainty of that irresistible singularity? Or are we in fact already in its dread sway? I believe we will all know the answer to that question November 9, 2016. If America has a change of heart and turns from the hog trough of self gratification, then I believe it is possible that God is not yet done with us pertaining to His plan. If we vote in Hillary, then I believe that would be proof that another day of beer and pizza is all most people care about and for all intent and purpose, it will be the sign of our impending and rapid decline.

Obviously I believe it would be much better for the people of this land to find themselves as central in His plan for the end time. That is my hope, but I believe the outcome is in either case, foregone and immutably written.

If I understand you aright, you are saying that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for getting America out of the hog trough of liberalism, and if Trump is President-elect on November 9, 2016, that the whirlpool to dissolution will be stayed for America?

What I will say is that applying prophecy to the daily news is a dicey business. A single leader arising to unite the Arab world who will also gain great popularity across the globe: I do not think the preparations for the Arab world to receive such a leader will be much impacted by who wins November 8. I just simply don't.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️⬆️

If I understand you aright, you are saying that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for getting America out of the hog trough of liberalism, and if Trump is President-elect on November 9, 2016, that the whirlpool to dissolution will be stayed for America?

What I will say is that applying prophecy to the daily news is a dicey business. A single leader arising to unite the Arab world who will also gain great popularity across the globe: I do not think the preparations for the Arab world to receive such a leader will be much impacted by who wins November 8. I just simply don't.

You don't understand me alright. Benjamin Franklin once famously said, "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

What I said was people vote for whoever they think will give them the most. And therefore, no matter how slimy the outbidding candidate may be, that will be the choice of the takers. If the takers now outnumber the rest, even liberals can do the math. Not that they would give a flip.
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't believe there is any question that the Church will not be here during the reign of antichrist. The run up to his reign however, has been unfolding before our eyes. And though I rail against globalization and all the rest, I do not believe there is a single thing man can do to set back the timetable for even one second.

What I have said is by way of interpretation to understand where we stand on the timeline. In other words, prophesy is history written in the future tense as seen by the Omniscient eyes of our Lord. There is a day that antichrist will stand in the temple to show himself as though he were god. Likewise, there is a split second in the timeline of history in which the Church will be taken out of this world. I accept that to be true and unchangeable. But I still believe we Christians should go down so to speak, kicking and screaming. The liberal agenda is evil, not because it does not honor man, but because it honors him too much. God already dealt with the sin of homosexuality, and the murder of the innocents and all the rest. Liberals compromise everything, and nothing for them is absolute. I'm certain you must have heard the mantra, everything is relative as they always insist. It is the scene from the Garden of Eden in which Satan talked Eve into doing something she really already wanted to do. And it's happened again and again throughout history. Compromise equals guile, equals a lie.

But in getting back to the lateness of the hour, the US is going down the drain. The only question is how far down are we? Are we in the relative calm of the outer vortex, still somewhat protected from the certainty of that irresistible singularity? Or are we in fact already in its dread sway? I believe we will all know the answer to that question November 9, 2016. If America has a change of heart and turns from the hog trough of self gratification, then I believe it is possible that God is not yet done with us pertaining to His plan. If we vote in Hillary, then I believe that would be proof that another day of beer and pizza is all most people care about and for all intent and purpose, it will be the sign of our impending and rapid decline.

Obviously I believe it would be much better for the people of this land to find themselves as central in His plan for the end time. That is my hope, but I believe the outcome is in either case, foregone and immutably written.

You've fallen off the rocker on this idea of the myth of the Rapture. Yes.. Myth. Believing in it is as destructive as the man having incest homosexual relations with his own son. No, I didn't equate the two. So don't go there. Destruction is destruction regardless of the cause. Both are destructive to the soul.

Tell ya what... Through your bible out the window for just a moment. Tell me, what year was the first mention of the 'rapture'? Go ahead... I'll wait.
ronald reagan Wrote:You've fallen off the rocker on this idea of the myth of the Rapture. Yes.. Myth. Believing in it is as destructive as the man having incest homosexual relations with his own son. No, I didn't equate the two. So don't go there. Destruction is destruction regardless of the cause. Both are destructive to the soul.

Tell ya what... Through your bible out the window for just a moment. Tell me, what year was the first mention of the 'rapture'? Go ahead... I'll wait.

Let me get this straight, first you want me to throw my Bible out, and secondly you want me to tell you the exact year the Rapture was first mentioned, correct?

Sorry, all you get is the answer to what year the Rapture was first mentioned. It was AD 51, the year the Apostle Paul authored I Thessalonians.

1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 (KJV)
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The words caught up, can also be translated raptured. Now, would you like to know when the last trump shall sound? Oh and BTW, sorry to keep you waiting but I don't sit on top of my PC waiting to respond there Ronald.
Lets move this discussion to its rightful location, I'll start a thread on the Rapture in the context of premillennialism (in the form of John Darby's teaching from 1827). I suppose you follow this view?

Sorry to hijack the thread with religion. It seems that every thread in the political section is littered with it these days. Perhaps thats the cause of the decline in viewership from back in the day.
ronald reagan Wrote:Lets move this discussion to its rightful location, I'll start a thread on the Rapture in the context of premillennialism (in the form of John Darby's teaching from 1827). I suppose you follow this view?

Sorry to hijack the thread with religion. It seems that every thread in the political section is littered with it these days. Perhaps thats the cause of the decline in viewership from back in the day.

Perhaps, and perhaps not.

Please feel free to start any thread you please and forgive me if I don't follow your lead. You sound like you're stricken with the same sort of reality gap which has beset today's liberal media. There is only the truth, and distortions of the truth, or as we have seen so recently, outright dodging the truth. Therefore, there are the so-called views as you point out, and then there is the knowledge of the truth. But again, how you view things is up to you. Just don't think I am in any way wanting where it comes to a defense of reality. At any rate, everything in this world is not relative, and there are not a bunch of applicable views to be substantiated or struck down through debate. That is why I cite history and Scripture, there is no arguing with the perspective of the Almighty.

I am a little incredulous however, even though you are a self declared legend, when I read the comments of somebody who has made all of 300 posts on here, but who none the less speaks as if he were a BGR heavyweight of lore. I actually do like the contribution you make to the forum, but I've just got this thing about being stacked and racked by a guy who does his occasional touch-n-go thing. But if I recall, the last time you dropped in you called the rapture a myth that time too, and made the effort to take the conversation to the religion forum, where you very graciously set up shop to answer everybody's 'questions' on the subject. Were there any takers that time? Cause I don't seem to recall a single question. Your impatience with me for citing the wisdom of God is reminiscent of the 'view' liberals have about religion. They think religion is fine as long as it is kept behind Church walls and out of the public domain. As I have said above, the charter and the charge of the Church is certainly not to sequester God's message and wisdom behind a wall of separation. We are to get the word out. So, don't expect me to limit my references to the religion forum.

None the less, such rationalizations are the stuff of compromise and one of my particular pet peeves. For example, Hillary Clinton is in my view the most pathetic candidate the Dems have every come up with. But she is the heir apparent of the Democrat Party, and I suppose, sworn to advance Barack's transformation. So, they're stuck with her. But how does one bring his/her opponent down to the same level as their own record? The political food fight. You throw enough pies and other sticky fare, and a lot of it is bound to stick. It doesn't even need to have a shred of truth to it, just get it airborne and let nature take it's course. And after all, one does not need to be an Ivy League grad to lie. So every time Hill's record is brought up, you see an immediate pivot to what a supposed imbecile The Donald is, is. Reality is then reduced to a view, views are debatable, and debate is an endless gray area where the truth rarely steps, and when it does it is always challenged. I find that situation to be sickeningly unacceptable.

In such manner issues, problems and solutions are avoided completely. If we were to ask the good folks there at Comcast, I'm sure they're ecstatic about the debate they hosted because all they care about is getting Hillary elected. One candidate avoided FBI indictment by the hair of her chin, was "extremely careless" in the handling of our national secrets, has a foundation sized closet stuffed full of pay to play questions that will likely never get resolved, but still thinks the people ought to trust her to be President. Did the moderator ask her any questions about all this during the cyber segment? Nope. Did he ask Trump about not releasing his income tax returns? Yep. Was the debate largely a food fight lacking substance? Of course.

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