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Merry Christmas!!!!
Well, every year about this time, I tend to reflect and get a little nostalgic about where the last year has taken me, and my direction for the next year. That hasn’t changed.

BGR means different things to different people. I actually consider it an extended family, dysfunctional family but still “family”. And that term is very important to me. For instance, I know of 5 people who regularly post on BGR that are having a very difficult time right now…..for different reasons, but still suffering. And I do mean they are suffering.

I pray for this family every night, and have special prayers for the ones who have asked me to include them. I pray for the lonely, the sick, the frightened and the disheartened. I am particularly burdened this year as so many of my “family” are facing trials.

So as the year draws closer to an end, I would ask those that believe in prayer to pray for peace, guidance for our great nation and the wisdom to make the correct choices.

[SIZE="3"]Merry Christmas, my BGR Family!!!

Best of the best to you guys for the New Year!!!

God bless America!![/SIZE]
Merry Christmas to you too Granny and to all of BGR!
Merry Christmas all... it is my sincere hope we experience the peace, love, and joy God intended for us in the hours, days, and weeks ahead!

I'll be lifting all of you up in prayer....consider prayer beast mode ON!!!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Merry Christmas to all of BGR Nation!!!! Hope everyone remembers the true meaning of Christmas. Good will to all and peace on earth!

Living The Dream!!
Merry Christmas and THANK YOU to all who spend time on our site! Without you, there is no us!
Yes!!! Without "U", it is only yo!!

Merry Christmas BGR posters. May God Bless you all.

Special Prayers going out to you GB.
Merry Christmas BGR Posters, :worthy:
Merry Christmas to all and especially our fallen soldiers and ones protecting our great country :Thumbs:
I'm no saint and have issues Confusedhh:... as do we all. But what gives me strength , hope, and the ability to overcome a lot of obstacles from one day to the next is this great story and the reality that makes this crazy world continue to turn on a daily basis...

We are all in this "game of life" together folks!!!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Yes, we are!!!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of BGR, especially to Granny! I got to admit that 2015 was a long and crazy year for me and not one of my best. My Christmas wish is that 2016 makes up for it in a big way.
Mine, too!!!
I'm guilty of giving some hell to some on here and take it too but I'm glad to be apart of this group of people with passion for what they believe in and this what makes this site better than any other with good people overseeing it and I do t forget that. Merry Christmas to all BGR
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Merry Christmas to my BGR family! You all are incredible people and make this site a wonderful place.

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