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Who will be the next Lynn Camp Coach??
What is everyone hearing? When will they make a decision?
Does anybody want it?
Coach Harris is a good guy. If nobody overwhelms the hiring committe I would stay with him.
Should've hired Duncum when they had the chance a couple years back.
They don't have a clue on hiring a coach..
Have heard that duncum may be interested......agree they should have hired him to start with. But this wasn't first hand information though.
My guess is Dwight Engle, former Southern Middle coach and Lynn Camp alum. He was strong candidate for Southwestern opening until Larry French threw his name in the mix.
Why is he the FORMER South Middle coach?
They had to fire him because there was no more room in the trophy case for State Championship Trophies.
That's what Lynn Camp needs, a middle school coach..
The way they've playes the past two or three season, about like middle school level..
Hearing a guy from belfry name Norman or something like that...Now remember this a rumor...I think :worthy:
From what I've heard the front runners are Greg Duncum, Dwight Engle and James Donahue. That's what I've heard anyways could all be rumors as well.

Living The Dream!!
Donahue would be a great hire. he does more with less than anyone around. He has been offered jobs before but always pulls out. I would like to know if he is serious. He would be a great hire.
Why would JB leave Harlan for Lynn Camp.
He's not leaving Harlan..
Would you rather live in a dying Harlan County or a booming Corbin area? Near the interstate. Poor Harlan County is all but dead. To me Lynn Camp is no worse than Harlan Independent. To me it would be an easy choice. That is just my opinion.
He's not going to try to rebuild a program and have to struggle with numbers. Not sit of kids to choose from..
He is struggling with numbers at Harlan Independent. The whole county is in bad shape. I just think JB would be better off at Lynn Camp. I know their program is in bad shape, but so is Harlan. That is not because of JB, just the economics of Harlan at this time. I would think that most would jump at the chance to move to the Corbin area. I am not saying anything bad about Harlan area, just that it is in really bad shape. Anyone there will tell you the same thing.
I'm not sure if its the job JB wants or not but I know he's wanted to leave before. Whether it be retire or move away from Harlan. Anything is possible I guess.
JB did not put in for this job I talked with him personally. As long as the current administration is in place even old dudley couldn't win there. This is not rumors but with everything the current admin has done I feel sorry for all the kids not only the one's who play sports. I know there are rules on here so I won't mention the !@#$% committed by he current principal but I hope the State will come in and take over the entire knox co cesspool. I live 5 min away and can not send my kids there even though I'm a grad
I didn't know if JB had applied or not. I was just saying it would be a better place to live. I don't know about any of the problems there. It does seem they are having a hard time keeping a coach. I am really not for sure how serious Donahue is about leaving anyway. I know he has been offered some jobs in the past.
Has David Mitchell reapplied?
Dave Mitchell would be able to regroup the troops but the administration would have to admit they made a mistake. It is not their goal to do what is best for the kids.
There having a hard time making a decision, it just been 3 months..
Bird dog take the job
They just posted the job a couple weeks ago. Meaning they started their search about the time of the State . Plenty of time.
They have already started the interviews. Greg Duncum has already done his.

Living The Dream!!
So did JB Donahue not apply?
I have not heard one way or the other.

Living The Dream!!
I think JB is use to not having very much support. I really think he would be a great hire. Just my opinion.
Any idea on how many applicants?

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