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Paintsville 2014
TomTebow Wrote:Open season on transferring.If you need to transfer now is the time.KHSAA is gutless and will do whatever any one wants.If Belcher can get eligible so quick then anyone that transfers can.No one from from JC must have opposed it.But that kind of figures.They could care less if he leaves or not.Got to make room for the new backs coming up.And man is there plenty of talent coming.Belcher probably saw the writing on the wall.One of these young guys was ging to take his starting position next year.With more heart an work ethic these young guys would be the starters.No matter who you are or what age you are.If you are the better player you would start in Matneys program.

This is funny. LOL. But not going lower myself to this level. You have the right to speak your mind. Hey, I would be mad to!!Confusedinglepar
TomTebow Wrote:Open season on transferring.If you need to transfer now is the time.KHSAA is gutless and will do whatever any one wants.If Belcher can get eligible so quick then anyone that transfers can.No one from from JC must have opposed it.But that kind of figures.They could care less if he leaves or not.Got to make room for the new backs coming up.And man is there plenty of talent coming.Belcher probably saw the writing on the wall.One of these young guys was ging to take his starting position next year.With more heart an work ethic these young guys would be the starters.No matter who you are or what age you are.If you are the better player you would start in Matneys program.

This is me Wrote:This is funny. LOL. But not going lower myself to this level. You have the right to speak your mind. Hey, I would be mad to!!Confusedinglepar
Thats where you are wrong.Not mad at all.I would rather have a good young kid that works hard and has a better attitude.Than one that thinks that he doesnt get enough carries.He dont think he got enough carries at JC wait til he gets to Paintsville and he gets even less.Phelps may be one of the best sophomore tailbacks in the state.And he isnt going to take his touches away no matter how big of fit his daddy takes.
TomTebow Wrote:Thats where you are wrong.Not mad at all.I would rather have a good young kid that works hard and has a better attitude.Than one that thinks that he doesnt get enough carries.He dont think he got enough carries at JC wait til he gets to Paintsville and he gets even less.Phelps may be one of the best sophomore tailbacks in the state.And he isnt going to take his touches away no matter how big of fit his daddy takes.

So now your talking about my son!!:devilflam:devilflam
This is me Wrote:So now your talking about my son!!:devilflam:devilflam
If the shoe fits.Its hard telling his dad has had so many accounts on here.It would be different if i was posting anything but the truth.But it is all facts.
TomTebow Wrote:If the shoe fits.Its hard telling his dad has had so many accounts on here.It would be different if i was posting anything but the truth.But it is all facts.

Like I said ! Not going lower myself to your level!! Sure not going to bash kids. But I'm not hard to find. If you want to talk...
This is me Wrote:Like I said ! Not going lower myself to your level!! Sure not going to bash kids. But I'm not hard to find. If you want to talk...
Not bashing the kid.Just telling like it is.If it is his dad then you surely know there is no getting any lower.Daymion may have the best year ever.And he should.Big difference in 1a and 4a football.No doubt he will be one of the best players on the field every Friday night game he plays in.The best thing that could happen to him is Chirico will bring out the better player in him.All coach Chirico does is make good ball players better people.
Tom Tebow it takes a pretty low & gutless person to talk about kids. Unless you are a kid yourself.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Tom Tebow it takes a pretty low & gutless person to talk about kids. Unless you are a kid yourself.
Just saying a few of the things other people dont want to say.Reasons are obvious in this case.Sometimes things just need to be said.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Tom Tebow it takes a pretty low & gutless person to talk about kids. Unless you are a kid yourself.

I agree.
I understand the bitterness from a few fans, it's human nature to to be upset when your best RB transfers to a rival school and make excuses and lash out. This may be a good teaching lesson on when there is potential jealously involved take a higher road and let your talent speak for itself. Welcome back home Daymion we are glad to have you back and proud of what you accomplished while you were away. :Thumbs:
dns Wrote:I agree.
Ok apparently i am really confused now.I am not sure who the dad is on here now.Confusedhh: But i do apologize you guys are all right.No one at JC cared about the transfer because there wasn't anyone that even tried to stop it.If they transfer let them go because the cowards that are the KHSAA do whatever they want to do.Good luck to coach Chirico this year.
TigerBlues Wrote:I understand the bitterness from a few fans, it's human nature to to be upset when your best RB transfers to a rival school and make excuses and lash out. This may be a good teaching lesson on when there is potential jealously involved take a higher road and let your talent speak for itself. Welcome back home Daymion we are glad to have you back and proud of what you accomplished while you were away. :Thumbs:
rival school? when was the last time the two teams played?
TomTebow Wrote:Ok apparently i am really confused now.I am not sure who the dad is on here now.Confusedhh: But i do apologize you guys are all right.No one at JC cared about the transfer because there wasn't anyone that even tried to stop it.If they transfer let them go because the cowards that are the KHSAA do whatever they want to do.Good luck to coach Chirico this year.

They couldn't .. This is me.
here read this before you start bashing you own! BylawsBylaws
2013-2014 KHSAA HANDBOOK 1
a) Any student who has been enrolled in grades nine (9) through
twelve (12) and has participated in any varsity contest in any
sport at any school while maintaining permanent residence
in the United States or a United States territory following
enrollment in grade nine (9) and who then transfers schools
shall be ineligible for interscholastic athletics at any level in any
sport for one year from the date of enrollment in the new school.
b) The Ruling Offi cer and Commissioner have discretion (but are
not required) to waive the period of ineligibility set forth above
if one or more of the following exceptions in Section 2 has been
met. Determinations of whether a student shall be granted a
waiver pursuant to this rule shall be based on the circumstances
existing as of the date of enrollment at the new school.
a) BONA FIDE CHANGE IN RESIDENCE- The period of ineligibility
may be waived if there has been a bona fi de change in residence
by the parents and student that precedes a student’s change of
For purposes of this bylaw, a bonafi de change of residence
means the moving of the permanent residence of the entire
family of the student and the student’s parents from one school
district or defi ned school attendance area into another school
district or defi ned school attendance area prior to a change in
enrollment of the student. A student who becomes emancipated
does not have a bona fi de change of residence by virtue of his
or her emancipation and change of residence for purposes of
this bylaw.
b) DIVORCE- The period of ineligibility may be waived in the
event of a dissolution of marriage (i.e. a fi nal and legally
binding divorce decree from a court of competent jurisdiction)
or properly recorded legal separation (i.e. a legally binding
separation decree from a court of competent jurisdiction) of the
parents and a change in the residence of the student pursuant
to a court order granting custody of the child to one of the
parents with whom the student shall reside. In the event joint
custody is awarded to both parents, for purposes of this bylaw,
the student shall initially be eligible where either parent resides.
The eligibility of a student may be restored one-time if, after
establishing eligibility and complying with the initial court
order granting joint custody, a student relocates to permanently
reside with the other custodial parent. The grant of eligibility
shall only apply to the member school in which the residence
of the custodial parent is located. After this one time move by
the student to the other custodial parent all subsequent moves
between parents shall require a period of ineligibility of one
Looking forward to Tiger Football 2014! Who will be Quarterback????
Will Kash be back?
Didn't take too long to get burnt out on this story.

Better than 50-50 chance the kid is watching a JC playoff game after his season has ended.

95% chance his new team doesn't make it any deeper in the playoffs than his old team did.

Lol at Paintsville and Johnson Central not being rivals.
^^^what i was thinking. Had this happened in the 80s or 90s all hell would have broke loose. Belcher adds the ability to have 2 atheletes on the field that will coukd go the distance in he and Phelps. But, neither one of them will be running behind an avg of 6'3 270 like Belcher did last year. They had better continue to spread the ball ot and utilize screens, traps, and counters. If they have an atheletic enough QB, running the pistol option would make for something pretty effective. Raceland had alot of success putting Beach and messer in the backfield last year. After looking at the returning lines, I think Paintsville and Fairview will be playing for no 2 in the district. Ive talked to some coaches, been around some of the kids, and imo, though thy lost alot of size on the line, idk if Raceland will skip a beat last this year.
Didn't Raceland graduate their entire line?
Yes. Manis(KCU), Boggs and Johnson(Georgetown) and Risner(Tiffin), but They return their center, Lucas Bradley, 6'0" 300 and a roatating tackle Isaac Wallace who will start he will be around 6'2" 300 when season starts. Many would like to see him get down to about 280, if he could knock off 20 lbs, he wouldbe freightening. His mobility for a YOUNG BIG man is impressive. He is the youngest in his class. They have another 300lber in Christian Sargent. But there are several guys ready to step in. The jr and soph classes next year are very tallented and have a good blend of size, athletisicm, and work ethic. Losing the leadership will be the higgest blow. After seeing Raceland blow Fairview's bigger line off the ball and watching us struggle against a quicker Williamsburg line, I think you will see small gaurds, a smaller frontside tack, with a big center, and a big backside tackle. Bot big kids can move thogh. This district will be very competitive, but i think Raceland still comes out on top of it.
I Look for Kash to be QB1 since they have added beltcher in the backfield playing F and phelps playing H Should be a High power Offence with all the ATH they have to throw the ball to....As far as there line goes they just need to get in the way...
disagree, if Tigers going to contend for regional title which will have to go thru
Pikeville or Raceland better be able win the battle up front. With Belcher &
Phelps in backfield will be potent but without some blocking will not be able to
to knock off these type of programs.
If my mind serves me right. Didn't the Tigers have Pikeville beat last season. When Kash went down and the panthers score on the next play running at Kash's spot?

Tigers also return Howard n Lemaster back to the OL and a few promising young OL. I think they will be just fine.
Its a game of match ups, i know this. But my question is this. I know Kash beinginjured was a big factor. Bit how does Pikeville squeek out a win against Paintsville then lose to Raceland by 2 scores and outside of 2, 50 yard runs have no offense. Then Raceland beats Paintsville by 30 in both match ups. I just didnt understand that. I looked at Kash's numbers from the game against Pikeville, he only had a handful of carries for less than 50 yards. He had 3 scores bt th had to have been redzone scores. Not calling any plawrs out or nething, ts just something i cant figure out. How were Pikeville and Paintsville neck and neck, but Raceland ends up completely stopping Pikeville outside of 2 plays.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Its a game of match ups, i know this. But my question is this. I know Kash beinginjured was a big factor. Bit how does Pikeville squeek out a win against Paintsville then lose to Raceland by 2 scores and outside of 2, 50 yard runs have no offense. Then Raceland beats Paintsville by 30 in both match ups. I just didnt understand that. I looked at Kash's numbers from the game against Pikeville, he only had a handful of carries for less than 50 yards. He had 3 scores bt th had to have been redzone scores. Not calling any plawrs out or nething, ts just something i cant figure out. How were Pikeville and Paintsville neck and neck, but Raceland ends up completely stopping Pikeville outside of 2 plays.
Pikeville vs Raceland was a defensive football game. Raceland didn't have much offense either. It took a double reverse pass to put the game out of reach @ 14-3 in the 4th.
It was 8-3 for a long time.
Let's try getting this back on topic....

Best of luck to the Tigers next season
The addition of Belcher is going to pay huge dividends for the Tigers this year. Strong and physical he will be huge in moving the chains. My only worry is how are we going to replace Brad Nordin? Our kicking game had a gigantic impact on keeping the opposing team deep in their own territory. Hopefully we can find another soccer guy
I think Blecher transfering next season was a good move . His talents will be used right . I had a chance to watch a few of his games last year the kid is explosive and has good speed . I think JC did not use him right they wanted to keep all the other running backs happy. I think this up in coming year you will see what kind of talent he has . I think he should of played for paintsville two years ago he would of been one the top five running backs in the state . But this year if he stays healty you will see a big difference in him .
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