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Who will be the new Coach at Russell?
Right now it would be tough to give McPeek the job but he's worth listening to.
He won a lot of games at Fairview and always had his players ready. He is young coach and might have slipped up but he knows football and could do well again as HC. They might give him a chance if the people on top of the list don't work out.
Evans, Morris, and Edwards will likely be retained by whoever comes in. IMO If they want to stay on. I don't even know if they want the HC position or if they want to stay on as assistants, I imagine they do.

I'd say TJ is the main target, then Mason Co's coach. If those two turn it down, maybe Cecil is offered, but I think it's unlikely he leaves Lawrence, who knows, last I talked to him, which was a few years ago, he seemed very happy down there. Maybe he applies for it, I don't know. If so, I think he would be a good choice.

If you can't get those three, then I'd go with McPeek. Whatever happened at Fairview will go away eventually, and Nate would be good for the Russell program long term. As would the other candidates I mentioned.

If it's not one of those four, then I have no idea who they will hire, unless they go with someone who was an assistant under McGlone.
NoPicks Wrote:McPeek would not be a good hire.

You've always been against Nate so your opinion doesn't count lol just kidding nopicks. I disagree with you because he would be great hire that knows how to coach. Stuff at Fairview was unfortunate but at the end of the day our society is very forgiving. I personally think Nate would be great for Russell but he may already have offers not sure. Good luck to Russell in the search.
I agree that Nate would be a good fit at Russell. He likes to run the football and play good defense. But, understands spreading teams out when needed. That's why I disnt understand the way he lined up against Raceland. Spreadig us out would have created more space for his atheletes to work. Instead we stacked the box and while they managed 14 pts and 280 yds on the ground, they never got the big plays. Which is what they live and die by.

At Russell, you already have the grind it out RB in Korzep. Buthe has the speed to take advantage when he gets past the 2nd level. Imo, wit the personel they have coming back, Russell needs to continue pounding the football. But they need to utilize play action and bootleg passing. The qb is always faking a bootleg after the hand off anyway, i think which ever coach comes in, will know this, and you will see a Pistol/Option offense, or a Spread Broken Bone/Wing. Whoever takes over, I look for them to have success early on.
If Rare comes does Cost come with him? Has he already transferred go Ashland?
All of the candidates mentioned would be good hires. But just my opinion, and according to Devil68 I'm wrong, but I think Russell has their guy. They may not have everything worked out and may not be done deal. But I think they have someone in mind or they wouldn't have taken the route they did with McGlone. Things can always change and I'm sure it still depends on who applies. But IMO they have a first option, than everyone else.
Obviously they have someone in mind. But there's no way of really knowing whether or not they have in mind. With Maynard, imo, it all boils down to $$$. A: he has a good staff and his involvment with the JFL has improved the program from top to bottom. Working in the flag league, I know for a fact, that many kids have came out of surrounding areas, simply because their parents hope to have their kid play for Maynard some day. B. the kids he has coming up the next few years, are great. Not just on the field, but off the field as well. There is alot of tallent and size in the JFL the last few years. A few classes have numbers down but that comes with being a 1A school. Sometimes you have years when you have a handful of seniors. Bt more consistent classes are moving through the football program. C. And what I feel is most importatly, is control. No, TJ is not a power hungry man, but he has been given almost free reign with the program. Idk if the new SI at Russell wants someone like that. Time will tell. But they had better figure something out soon. Especially if Evans and Morris dont end up on the new staff.
mightydog Wrote:If Rare comes does Cost come with him? Has he already transferred go Ashland?

If Nate goes to Russell does Cody go? Has he already enrolled at Ashland? And to say Racelands kids are great is a bit too much. They may be decent to good, but great. I guess they'll all be getting D-1 scollys. Let's at least keep it real. From what I've seen Russell will have a better backfired in the next 3-4 years, and just as good of a line with some good skill people. So if Tj is looking to go or stay based on talent, he would have as much if not more at Russell. In addition I believe he could get more kids on the field than what the previous staff has. Russell has more numbers to work with and you usually get more and better athletes with more numbers. Also, how many kids will now move into Russell to play for Tj like they did at Raceland.
Raceland has some really good athletes coming up as well. Raceland's freshman team was 7-0 this past year.. Those same kids were playing for the state championship as 8th graders in 2012.. So yes they are pretty great and there could be 1 or 2 that receive d-1 attention. Freshman Issac Wallace just started 14 games for the Rams varsity at DT. Coach Maynard has went on record to say that Isaac could be the best DL he has ever coached and has D-1 potential (6"1 285 and very athletic). Anyways point is, Raceland has a lot of good kids coming up. I assure you, the future looks very bright in Ramland.
It will be interesting for the next several years, that's for sure. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds. And I'm not disrespecting any kids. We all appreciate all the area athletes and enjoy watching them compete and wish them all success.
mightydog Wrote:If Nate goes to Russell does Cody go? Has he already enrolled at Ashland? And to say Racelands kids are great is a bit too much. They may be decent to good, but great. I guess they'll all be getting D-1 scollys. Let's at least keep it real. From what I've seen Russell will have a better backfired in the next 3-4 years, and just as good of a line with some good skill people. So if Tj is looking to go or stay based on talent, he would have as much if not more at Russell. In addition I believe he could get more kids on the field than what the previous staff has. Russell has more numbers to work with and you usually get more and better athletes with more numbers. Also, how many kids will now move into Russell to play for Tj like they did at Raceland.

By NOw everyone on here should know that I am a realist and call it as I see it. I dont get on here and blow kids up that arent deserving of the credit, nor do I cut a kids legs out from under him. I guess your definition of great hinges on whether or not a kid gets a division one schollarship. So Pettery must be the only great player at hos position Raceland has had. I also will assume that Casey Clark, Josh Gross, or Drew Abrams weren't great RBs for Russell since they didnt go to major D-1 programs.

I aint getting into a pissing contest. But Raceland has some GREAT kids coming up. On and off the field. Im not saying they're 3-5 star recruits, but great ball players dont't have to be. Especially in or kneck of the woods.
Whoever gets the job I believe they will have the full cooperation from all involved. From the SI to the JFL. The foundation is strong and the future is bright.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:By NOw everyone on here should know that I am a realist and call it as I see it. I dont get on here and blow kids up that arent deserving of the credit, nor do I cut a kids legs out from under him. I guess your definition of great hinges on whether or not a kid gets a division one schollarship. So Pettery must be the only great player at hos position Raceland has had. I also will assume that Casey Clark, Josh Gross, or Drew Abrams weren't great RBs for Russell since they didnt go to major D-1 programs.

I aint getting into a pissing contest. But Raceland has some GREAT kids coming up. On and off the field. Im not saying they're 3-5 star recruits, but great ball players dont't have to be. Especially in or kneck of the woods.

I still say the word great is thrown around too much at every level. I'm a die hard Russell fan and with that being said those kids you mentioned were very good, not great. Maybe its a matter of semantics with us. You have your opinion, I have mine.
No harm no foul might dog. Like i said i dont like getting on here and going on about little issues. There's enough of that going on. Look foward to knowing what next year is goina look like. NEKY football is goin through some changes. No McGlone, no Putnam(atleast not the one we all love), Maynard coukd be gone after finally winning a region title, and Damien Belcher returns to an already tallented and improved Paintsville team, then the whole what if game over at Fairview game. Hope Russell tells us something soon. That way we can move on to some more items to discuss...this threads still goin strong though. Especially amongst the EVIL faithful.
Russell may not have the 6'3" 300lb linemen but I'm satisfied with our smaller, quicker, stronger linemen. Colleges will say I can make player "X" stronger and faster but they can't make 5'11" player "Y" 6'3". We all have seen so so players go on to the collegiate level while good players get overlooked so what a college is looking for doesn't concern me as much as trying to win a state championship. As a whole I believe Russell's line will be stronger this year. I believe all are in the gym getting prepared for next season. Whoever takes over as coach will have a very bright future.
Cut off date for apps is Feb 20
Hopefully hire will made soon after Feb 20th. Russell is losing valuable time with weights and then spring ball around the corner. I know they are having weights still but not the same as having HC in there implementing his own program. Would like to see them have this done by Feb 20th. Whoever the new HC is has a big task in fixing the weight program. These players are going to have to be taught how to work in offseason.
That's the biggest issue I see at Russell. I am outside looking in (Raceland Rams!) but to me, it seems there in little focus on work ethic, conditioning, and preparation. I played at Raceland and during that time all my friends from a Russell couldn't believe it when I talked about how hard our practices were Raceland. I played in the East/West all-start game with some Russell players and they said that the all-star practices were way harder than their practices during the season. And those all-star practices were cake..I just don't see how they have had so little focus on conditioning and weight lifting. Raceland takes pride in being the best conditioned team on the field Friday, it's seem Russell has just hoped to out-talent their opponents as opposed to out-working them. Whoever becomes their new head coach has to address and change that mentality immediately.
Russell's practices never were that rough but at least there was some hustle. None of this walking on and off the field I see today. Russell has a weight program but it's pretty mediocre if you ask my. It has got them in a tad better shape but from the routine I've heard from players I don't see them getting stronger. Most the stronger kids lift on their own.
That is one thing I would really like to see change is more of a team attitude. Bond as a team by conditioning and working together in the off season. The field house and weight room are first rate. Take advantage if that together.
All stems from coaching. Team reflects attitude of the coaches. In my opinion Russell has a lot of potential to be good but there are ton of changes that have to happen first. Players have to learn what it really takes to be a top notch program. Talent only takes you so far.
With the job being open for about a week, has anyone heard officially of any applicants or inquiries?
I believe it is Maynard's job to turn down, like others have noted. By some comments made on here and with folks saying Maynard is being tightly lipped about the situation, only makes me believe he is leaning toward going to Russell IMO. It will be a sad day in Ram land however I do see Maynard pushing for the Raceland-Russell game to be brought back, if he is Russell's new coach IMO. (Can you imagine how big that first game would be!!!?)
I think TJ would be a good fit. I know of no one in his inner circle but if he is tight lipped that could be a good sign or that could just be TJ. This is all a guessing game anyway. If things do come to pass an he takes the job I could see Raceland and Russell playing once again. Just not in the immediate future. I say after things die down they could. There's still the 7 on 7 tourney for some head to head competition. Lol
I think TJ Maynard will be Russell's next coach.
I know it's off topic, if Maynard leaves Raceland, who will take over as head coach at Raceland? Fannin? Someone else?
I think Russell/Raceland game will be renewed at some point. I hope so for area football. As for Raceland job if Maynard would leave I think Fannin has good shot.
BBH,BBH,BBH,BBH, That's the only guy I'd like to see get it or somebody totally fresh.Somebody out of area. :betterthanexpected:
If TJ leaves, if they hire from within it will be Sammons. He has been the OC for awhile now and ai think he'd get the nod. Then Fannin would become the OC. I dot think Fannin would even take the job. Think he enjoys the time spent coaching his boy too much in JFL. I dont feel they would hire from outside. There are few options though. Tyler Boyles would be my pick. Even though he would be fresh out of college. Brilliant football mind, but doubt he would take it. That kid is bound for the college ranks of coaching.
Fannin at DC if Sammons takes the job.
Boyles just finished interning for EKU football team, he is pursuing a GA position. Salmons or Fannin would be great hires. The current staff has established a winning mentality ad culture at Raceland. I don't see them hiring from outside. Mark Lewis is also a very deserving candidate. In my opinion he is one of the most valuable assistant coaches in this area and the players love him. Bottom line, Raceland football is on good hands. But don't get me wrong, nobody at Raceland wants Maynard to leave, he's the best coach in the area, and we want him here! But if he would make the move, Raceland has some gret assistants who would step in and continue making positive strides for the program.
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