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Caldwell County vs. Newport Central Catholic (2A State Championship) 12/1

11:00 AM
NCC 28 Caldwell,Co 23. In a good one could go either way.
Have not seen Caldwell Co. play, but if you make it this far there are no bad Teams Left. NCC is a good Physical Team, a little undersized but they will hit you. I have to Pick NCC to win.
Going with Caldwell. Young team that is fast and can drive the ball on you their young qb can burn you with the big play as well think they have pretty good size and BG is a short trip for them. It will be close but Caldwell by 3
Gotta root for the small-town public school in this one.
And, I'll take the private school.
Ncc is not a top 25 team in the state. But, 2a football is pathetic, and western ky football is really weak across the board. As much as it pains me to say it, a mediocre Ncc wins by default.
Dont give up on Caldwell Co just yet. If their line play can do the job, they will win. I have watched NCC and Caldwell. Caldwell has a speed advantage. They match up pretty well on size and their qb is better than NCC. The key will be the line play. I gonna say Caldwell Co 31 NCC 28.
mysonis55 Wrote:Dont give up on Caldwell Co just yet. If their line play can do the job, they will win. I have watched NCC and Caldwell. Caldwell has a speed advantage. They match up pretty well on size and their qb is better than NCC. The key will be the line play. I gonna say Caldwell Co 31 NCC 28.

We shall see. Speed is one thing, discipline to make the play is another. Speed advantages, if there is one can be overblown. Give me athletic football players. NewCath has plenty of those.
I have seen both also i was dead on with the somerset game and you are crazy NCC by 4 or more TDS I will give u this Caldwell has a very fast RB, but Holy Cross Ran the same O with a bigger and just as fast RB You seen the score of that game 42-14 NCC.
If their line play can do the job!!!:biglmao::biglmao: Somersets line was as good as it gets and you see the score of that game. I will say this Somerset would also beat caldwell by 4 TDS.
You know what. You people are such haters. All of you, not located in northern ky, have no idea about what you are talking about. All of you claimed the winner of NCC and somerset would win state. The better team clearly won and now you can't give NCC the props they deserve. I haven't seen Caldwell county play yet, but if u go by competition, NCC beat beechwood 34-13, mayfield beats beechwood 34-14. Mayfield beat Caldwell 48-7.........figure it out. NCC has played fast teams, scrimmaged Cooper (5A championship game), played holmes, played newport, played holy cross, played somerset. be careful what you wish for. You people talk about how well coached somerset was, they were the most undisciplined team I've ever seen. Players were dropping N-bombs in pregame and #4 for somerset said "f@&$ the Catholics" right at the 50 yard line in front of his coach and directed at the NCC coaches and players warming up. If an NCC player did that! they would escorted to the locker room. That's a big reason why #34 gets a personal foul to help NCC win. Somerset had some really good players, but a few looked like 25 year old men.
Yall come back and talk to me on Saturday after the game. We will see just how many tds that was. Somerset's O was WEAK. I also picked the NCC win in that one. I am telling you right now, Caldwell will match them as long as their line plays. As far as the athletic part goes, they are that. I'm not a big Caldwell fan. Somerset has yet to win a state title and everyone over here has been anointing them all year. The truth is these two are going to play one heck of a game.
NCC by 7
Go public. Caldwell County win by 7. So glad not that many private schools Are in the the big games
let me say your are right if caldwell's line play is better then ever this will be a great game, but i think NCC's line should be able to get pressure on the QB all afternoon and if they don't i will be very surprised. Caldwell has some good WR'S, QB, RB, but NCC's line is I believe way better then Caldwells. Im not saying this wont be close early but I think Caldwells line will get wore done and thats when NCC pulls away.
Wishing Caldwell Co good luck!
Wishing Caldwell Co Good Luck! Haven't followed these teams, but I am sure that it will be a barn burner!
I would love to hear from a beechwood person considering they played mayfield and ncc letting me know how well ncc would do against mayfield take that info into how the game will go with caldwell i know this means little but that might be the best idea we can get of how this game might turn out.
NKYfootballfan91 Wrote:You know what. You people are such haters. All of you, not located in northern ky, have no idea about what you are talking about. All of you claimed the winner of NCC and somerset would win state. The better team clearly won and now you can't give NCC the props they deserve. I haven't seen Caldwell county play yet, but if u go by competition, NCC beat beechwood 34-13, mayfield beats beechwood 34-14. Mayfield beat Caldwell 48-7.........figure it out. NCC has played fast teams, scrimmaged Cooper (5A championship game), played holmes, played newport, played holy cross, played somerset. be careful what you wish for. You people talk about how well coached somerset was, they were the most undisciplined team I've ever seen. Players were dropping N-bombs in pregame and #4 for somerset said "f@&$ the Catholics" right at the 50 yard line in front of his coach and directed at the NCC coaches and players warming up. If an NCC player did that! they would escorted to the locker room. That's a big reason why #34 gets a personal foul to help NCC win. Somerset had some really good players, but a few looked like 25 year old men.

You are right that that very dumb personal foul with two minutes left guaranteed NCC the win BUT leave the Somerset hate out of this thread.
NCC by 10.
NewCath RB Dylan Hayes is impressive. He'll be tough to tackle. The quarterback, Josh Cain, has a heck of a arm, too.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And, I'll take the private school.

History says, safe bet.
NKY, I don't think the name calling is necessary. I believe if you check back, you will see that I have been supporting you guys. I even called for yall to beat the wood. But, you ask Bwood fans this, how bad could the score have been? In the first half we had 2 wide open passes dropped by a pretty sure handed receiver. If they aren't we go in up by 2 td's. We took 2 drives down in the second half and played conservatively to run the clock out and not run up the score. So by my count this could have been 3-4 td's worse. I am not by any means saying that you guys don't have a chance. I will just give you a few key insights that I have seen. The two lines match up pretty well. While yall have a big line, they are not as fast as our line. That means the fast Caldwell qb can do what he does. Second they have more speed at the skill positions. Third, yall play similar type offenses. Last, this Caldwell team has never made it this far and lost.
walking tall Wrote:I would love to hear from a beechwood person considering they played mayfield and ncc letting me know how well ncc would do against mayfield take that info into how the game will go with caldwell i know this means little but that might be the best idea we can get of how this game might turn out.
I talked to a beechwood coach and he said mayfield and NCC were very similar but the Breds O and D lines were bigger and better. Realize, Caldwell has 5 seniors on a very very young team. They will be good the next few years but there is no substitute for size and experience. All of these seniors for NCC played in the 2010 2A championship game. The only good (and if I could type in a sarcastic font, I would) defense that caldwell saw was Murray and they were held to 10 points last meeting. Somersets D was very good and NCC went up and down the field. Take out three turnovers and its a blowout.
mysonis55 Wrote:NKY, I don't think the name calling is necessary. I believe if you check back, you will see that I have been supporting you guys. I even called for yall to beat the wood. But, you ask Bwood fans this, how bad could the score have been? In the first half we had 2 wide open passes dropped by a pretty sure handed receiver. If they aren't we go in up by 2 td's. We took 2 drives down in the second half and played conservatively to run the clock out and not run up the score. So by my count this could have been 3-4 td's worse. I am not by any means saying that you guys don't have a chance. I will just give you a few key insights that I have seen. The two lines match up pretty well. While yall have a big line, they are not as fast as our line. That means the fast Caldwell qb can do what he does. Second they have more speed at the skill positions. Third, yall play similar type offenses. Last, this Caldwell team has never made it this far and lost.
Myson, not sure where the name calling is. I just think its funny that everyone claimed the winner of somerset and NCC would win the next weekend. Now that NCC won, they cant beat caldwell lol. their was no fluke in NCCs win, they dominated the game. I will admit, anything can happen, but if u think for one second NCC hasnt seen and beaten better and faster teams than Caldwell, your fooling yourself. Caldwells D has given up more rushing yards than its O has rushed for. I said in another post, Caldwell has some solid young talent, they will be a good team for the next few years, but I don't see them having a chance to beat a team as big, fast and disciplined as NCC.
Caldwell County is very fast

NewCath is very physical

you're not going to get a better breakdown than that
Tousaints, tht could be the smartest post of the year for you.Confusedinglepar:biglmao: It was short, sweet and to the point. :Thumbs:
My proud Caldwell County Tigers will put at least 40 points on the scoreboard, and the defense will hold NCC to 27, win one for all of the public schools, and bring the 2A State Championship back with them to God's Country(western Kentucky)!
^Wishful thinking!!!!!

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