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Will there ever be another republican president?
^ I guess we can blame slackers, corrupt lawyers, judges, and doctors.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There are no jobs because the parasites have chased them away. Nobody in their right mind is going to move a new business into eastern Kentucky. We used to be known for our work ethic and now our place of birth is known for its meth dealers and government check cashers.

There is no business climate statistic to recommend the area as one worthy of new capital investments. The growth of the welfare state is killing eastern Kentucky.

There is practically NO workforce in southeast Kentucky. We must distinguish who the real moochers are and starve them out of the region. Does that sound harsh?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:There is practically NO workforce in southeast Kentucky. We must distinguish who the real moochers are and starve them out of the region. Does that sound harsh?

No. I think it is a reasonable solution. We, as you suggest, need to separate the "can nots" from the "will nots". We have a moral duty to the former. We owe nothing whatsoever to the latter. Nationwide, the latter group decided the election. We are not yet a country with a majority of "will nots". However, the "will nots" make up the winning margin.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:There is practically NO workforce in southeast Kentucky. We must distinguish who the real moochers are and starve them out of the region. Does that sound harsh?
Starvation will turn the biggest moocher into either a thief or a willing worker. Without generous welfare programs, those with no visible means of support stand out like sore thumbs and can be rounded up and given free public housing with elaborate security systems.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How would small businesses fair around here without the first I the month shopping boom?

It would be disasterous. That's the honest sad truth of it.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ I guess we can blame slackers, corrupt lawyers, judges, and doctors.

No, we can blame people who have no sense of ethics or morals. People who have grown up thinking that their country owes them a living, and the loons who pass for legislators who foster that fatal logic.

1 Timothy 5:8 (KJV)
8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, we can blame people who have no sense of ethics or morals. People who have grown up thinking that their country owes them a living, and the loons who pass for legislators who foster that fatal logic.

1 Timothy 5:8 (KJV)
8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
You did notice the word slacker in the post, right? Along with the people that help them along the road they get on.

Does every thread have to be a church service? A lot of people don't have that faith, and still work. Just sayin.....
TheRealVille Wrote:You did notice the word slacker in the post, right? Along with the people that help them along the road they get on.

Does every thread have to be a church service? A lot of people don't have that faith, and still work. Just sayin.....

Listen, citing scripture to justify a position on moral issues is hardly church service. It's a lack of character pure and simple when folks refuse to go out and work for their substance. The reason we're so far off the track as a people and a nation is because we (generally) no longer recognize God's higher authority. Relying instead on man's wisdom and the workings, (or non-workings in our case) of government.
I got a kick out of the republican strategists on Meet the Press this morning said their party had to rid themselves of the Romney types, and the far righters, which would include the top 3 republicans here. Demonizing the poor, blacks, hispanics, and young voters is killing the party they said. The one guy said until they get away from the "far right" in Washington, they are a "can't win" party.
TheRealVille Wrote:I got a kick out of the republican strategists on Meet the Press this morning said their party had to rid themselves of the Romney types, and the far righters, which would include the top 3 republicans here. Demonizing the poor, blacks, hispanics, and young voters is killing the party they said. The one guy said until they get away from the "far right" in Washington, they are a "can't win" party.

The truth, political correctness aside, is the country cannot flourish if it continues to cater to the groups mentioned in your post. It is a recipe for failure. While those groups don't need to be "demonized", it would be beneficial to all if they became far less dependent and a bit more productive.

The truth is that the groups you mention decided the election. Some of them are productive but, in the end, they identify the takers. As long as the takers are coddled with handouts, there is no reason for them to be self supporting. They will remain as a burden on the taxpayers.

As I have posted before, the Republicans can't compete with the Democrats when it comes to giveaways to alleged victim groups. The Democrats have cornered the market on that ever-expanding group.
TheRealVille Wrote:I got a kick out of the republican strategists on Meet the Press this morning said their party had to rid themselves of the Romney types, and the far righters, which would include the top 3 republicans here. Demonizing the poor, blacks, hispanics, and young voters is killing the party they said. The one guy said until they get away from the "far right" in Washington, they are a "can't win" party.

I know I have mentioned this before but I'll give it another try, just for you. Lemmings. They have a tendency to follow the Lemming in front, even to the point of running off a high cliff overlooking the ocean. After a short flight of course, they die from the impact or drown. You want to be part of the liberal movement, great, knock yourself out. As for me, I know a cliff when I see one. My values are hard fought in the school of hard knocks. There are certain percentages of folks of the various ethnicities of this country who don't work. Their not working, is a personal choice. They have that choice because the democrats know they can buy their votes by giving them life's neccesities. Now, from a civilizationary standpoint, I believe that is similar to the starving man deciding to eat his own bodily extremities. An organism or a society, cannot subsist by devouring itself.

You think there is no end to the money and there is no fiscal cliff. We are all victims and hostages (people like me unwilling, and people like you willing) of Keynesian economics, which sees economies as sort of a money conveyor belt, with government controls adding to, or taking away, as they deem necessary. I find the notion sublimely stupid and history bears me out. American history and European. It doesn't work. As we debate this yet again, stock markets are plunging and since they hold the total wealth of every union (that you hold in the highest esteem) in their coffers, all your union brothers will find themselves penniless, and destitute when the coming fiscal collapse has run it's course. After a lifetime of hard work, and with bodies too worn to be of much service, there will be no place for good men who should have a pension to lean on to turn. Lay offs are mounting, the unemployment rate is over 14%, the national debt is absurd, 50 million are now on food stamp assistance. The Grecian model for fiscal collapse is rampaging before our very eyes and still with winter at our door, America has chosen to play the grasshopper because their president tells them the lies they want to hear.

Go ahead and follow the big parade RV.

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

I'll stick with this group.

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
TheRealThing Wrote:I know I have mentioned this before but I'll give it another try, just for you. Lemmings. They have a tendency to follow the Lemming in front, even to the point of running off a high cliff overlooking the ocean. After a short flight of course, they die from the impact or drown. You want to be part of the liberal movement, great, knock yourself out. As for me, I know a cliff when I see one. My values are hard fought in the school of hard knocks. There are certain percentages of folks of the various ethnicities of this country who don't work. Their not working, is a personal choice. They have that choice because the democrats know they can buy their votes by giving them life's neccesities. Now, from a civilizationary standpoint, I believe that is similar to the starving man deciding to eat his own bodily extremities. An organism or a society, cannot subsist by devouring itself.

You think there is no end to the money and there is no fiscal cliff. We are all victims and hostages (people like me unwilling, and people like you willing) of Keynesian economics, which sees economies as sort of a money conveyor belt, with government controls adding to, or taking away, as they deem necessary. I find the notion sublimely stupid and history bears me out. American history and European. It doesn't work. As we debate this yet again, stock markets are plunging and since they hold the total wealth of every union (that you hold in the highest esteem) in their coffers, all your union brothers will find themselves penniless, and destitute when the coming fiscal collapse has run it's course. After a lifetime of hard work, and with bodies too worn to be of much service, there will be no place for good men who should have a pension to lean on to turn. Lay offs are mounting, the unemployment rate is over 14%, the national debt is absurd, 50 million are now on food stamp assistance. The Grecian model for fiscal collapse is rampaging before our very eyes and still with winter at our door, America has chosen to play the grasshopper because their president tells them the lies they want to hear.

Go ahead and follow the big parade RV.

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate:[B] for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

I'll stick with this group.

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
So now you can define the political parties by a couple of scriptures? I'm glad to find out that the republicans are the purveyors of who is biblically right, and who is damned. Should we go to the RNC to ask forgiveness? Jesus is way closer to a democrat than republican. Read the book. I was right, your politics really does drive your religion.
TheRealVille Wrote:[/B]
So now you can define the political parties by a couple of scriptures? I'm glad to find out that the republicans are the purveyors of who is biblically right, and who is damned. Should we go to the RNC to ask forgiveness? Jesus is way closer to a democrat than republican. Read the book. I was right, your politics really does drive your religion.

You can and do think what you want. My post wasn't intended to align republicans with salvation, even though you feel disposed to make yourself judge, jury and executioner when it comes to accusing conservatives of demonizing ethnic groups. The fact is, some behavior is unacceptable and the able bodied who choose not to work is one example.
TheRealVille Wrote:[/B]
So now you can define the political parties by a couple of scriptures? I'm glad to find out that the republicans are the purveyors of who is biblically right, and who is damned. Should we go to the RNC to ask forgiveness? Jesus is way closer to a democrat than republican. Read the book. I was right, your politics really does drive your religion.

Pardon me TRV, but after all the information and view points TRT put in his remarks, you reply with this?

Maybe I can't comprehend, but nowhere did I read into his remarks what you did.

Just for the heck of it, would you consider responding to his post, preferably the second paragraph? It might make for some interesting debate.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Pardon me TRV, but after all the information and view points TRT put in his remarks, you reply with this?

Maybe I can't comprehend, but nowhere did I read into his remarks what you did.

Just for the heck of it, would you consider responding to his post, preferably the second paragraph? It might make for some interesting debate.
Different people have different politics, and what he is saying isn't necessarily the truth. Just off the top of my head, the unemployment figure is wrong, and if you guys were worried about spending, why were you spending 10 billion a month for years on a lie? Stock markets are down a little right now, with worry about what the two parties will do about the "cliff", but they are far above what they were on Jan. 20th 2008.
Will there ever be another republican President?

Not if we continue to nominate left leaning middle of the road candidates.

Is it true Romney got almost three million LESS votes than McCain in 2008? Is it also true that Obama got nearly eight million LESS votes than in 2008?

This tells me there was no excitement on either side. Obama was ripe for the picking and we probably nominated the one least likely to win.

Who's to blame? Those that chose to go along with the establishment and elect Romney as our nominee...REPUBLICAN VOTERS!

Clarification...It is my opinion that Romney would have made a better president than Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:Different people have different politics, and what he is saying isn't necessarily the truth. Just off the top of my head, the unemployment figure is wrong, and if you guys were worried about spending, why were you spending 10 billion a month for years on a lie? Stock markets are down a little right now, with worry about what the two parties will do about the "cliff", but they are far above what they were on Jan. 20th 2008.

In your honest opinion, do you think raising taxes on anyone at any level will help the fiscal problem this country has right now?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Pardon me TRV, but after all the information and view points TRT put in his remarks, you reply with this?

Maybe I can't comprehend, but nowhere did I read into his remarks what you did.

Just for the heck of it, would you consider responding to his post, preferably the second paragraph? It might make for some interesting debate.

I know RV will never debate staight up. It's the liberal modus-operandi, boundless personal attack in lieu of an honest answer. Any wonder why Obama refuses to answer questions from conservatives? I mean, why bother to respond? That would only tend to actually get him into trouble and anyway, the liberal media are always there to add movie quality theatrics to polish up his image and make those who would challenge the dems autonomy look like morons. It's a uniquely effective strategy, exercising total control of the airways (except for FOX, which is castegated with equally caustic progaganda) the dems and the media define every move the republicans make. They're darned if they do, and darned if they don't. Unless the people somehow wake up, I don't see things changing much. I do appreciate your post though.
TheRealVille Wrote:Different people have different politics, and what he is saying isn't necessarily the truth. Just off the top of my head, the unemployment figure is wrong, and if you guys were worried about spending, why were you spending 10 billion a month for years on a lie? Stock markets are down a little right now, with worry about what the two parties will do about the "cliff", but they are far above what they were on Jan. 20th 2008.

The unemployment number is not wrong. 14.6% in October, and FWIW when we topped 16 trillion in debt on our way to 22 trillion by some estimates things changed from what they were in Jan of '08, we can no longer pay the debt.
TheRealThing Wrote:The unemployment number is not wrong. 14.6% in October, and FWIW when we topped 16 trillion in debt on our way to 22 trillion by some estimates things changed from what they were in Jan of '08, we can no longer pay the debt.

and what makes you think romney's policy would get us out of debt i just don't see it it is the same policy bush2 and regan had but on steriods
vector Wrote:and what makes you think romney's policy would get us out of debt i just don't see it it is the same policy bush2 and regan had but on steriods

Oh I don't know vector. If you want to research the topic, instead of just side swiping everything in the dark, then come back and ask me.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh I don't know vector. If you want to research the topic, instead of just side swiping everything in the dark, then come back and ask me.

well we have got history
vector Wrote:and what makes you think romney's policy would get us out of debtNeed a question mark here. i just don't see it it is the same policy bush2 and regan had but on steriods

vector Wrote:well we have got history

You must be referring the economic collapse? You must have not of read the headline on Fox News.

vector Wrote:well we have got history

Wildcatk23 Wrote:You must be referring the economic collapse? You must have not of read the headline on Fox News.


Oddly enough these two posts do go together. History, which is written in the form of prophesy, states that the Muslims due to their part in causing world war to rear it's head one last time, will therefore be largely responsible for the collapsing economies prophesied in the last book of the bible, The "Revelation".
^ Damn, here we go to church again. Smile Does it mention Muslims in the bible? Is that in KJV 1611?
TheRealVille Wrote:Damn, here we go to church again. Smile

If I was a betting man I'd have to say you give me a run for my money for frequency sake, when it comes to bringing up references to God. Your slant is somewhat different than mine however, I must say. :biggrin:
^ Does it mention muslims in the bible? Are you privy to unknown information?

I doubt that, you mention bible verses in about 25% of your posts.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Does it mention muslims in the bible? Are you privy to unknown information?

I doubt that, you mention bible verses in about 25% of your posts.

25 percent huh? Doesn't mention the name Muslim but does refer the arab world which will rise up against them. You seriously have any doubt that war is coming at some point to the middle east, suspiciously similar by description to the prophesied "battle of Armageddon"?

Hamas, who as you know occupies the Gaza Strip, is nothing more than Iran's errand boy, sending in hundreds of rockets of late. Iran needs time to get their nuclear house in order and the present diversion is working nicely to keep Israel busy with other worries. I am increasingly discouraged to see Obama continue his bargaining efforts with Muslim Brotherhood thug and now Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi. I mean, Morsi is beating his fist on the table, basically telling Obama there is a new sheriff in town, and with no threat on the horizon of the US having the courage to defund these murderers, Obama none the less, soldiers on trying to get them to help us calm down Hamas. It was very likely under Egyptian watchful eyes (and trucks) that the rockets got into the Gaza Strip in the first place. War is coming alright, and Iran is within 3 months of deploying a nuclear bomb. Yeah, Obama the great American defender, said "A nuclear Iran, would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear-arms race in the region, and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty.”
That is why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable. And that is why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” he said. Iran will go nuclear.

With regard to the bolded, we'll just have to see who blinks first, want to bet it's Obama?
TheRealThing Wrote:25 percent huh? Doesn't mention the name Muslim but does refer the arab world which will rise up against them. You seriously have any doubt that war is coming at some point to the middle east, suspiciously similar by description to the prophesied "battle of Armageddon"?

Hamas, who as you know occupies the Gaza Strip, is nothing more than Iran's errand boy, sending in hundreds of rockets of late. Iran needs time to get their nuclear house in order and the present diversion is working nicely to keep Israel busy with other worries. I am increasingly discouraged to see Obama continue his bargaining efforts with Muslim Brotherhood thug and now Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi. I mean, Morsi is beating his fist on the table, basically telling Obama there is a new sheriff in town, and with no threat on the horizon of the US having the courage to defund these murderers, Obama none the less, soldiers on trying to get them to help us calm down Hamas. It was very likely under Egyptian watchful eyes (and trucks) that the rockets got into the Gaza Strip in the first place. War is coming alright, and Iran is within 3 months of deploying a nuclear bomb. Yeah, Obama the great American defender, said "A nuclear Iran, would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear-arms race in the region, and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty.”
“That is why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable. And that is why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” he said. Iran will go nuclear.

With regard to the bolded, we'll just have to see who blinks first, want to bet it's Obama?
You need to get in bed. Geritol needs to be taken early., to be more effective.

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