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Election Coverage Discussion
Dude, you're not the only one hurting for God's Sake. Way to go down in flames though.

We have to keep on and get over it. Just like the rest of us will.
TheRealVille Wrote:And for me to keep mine.
Did yo not say that your job is all about the scrubber system. I hope you don't lose your job also because all the plants who can got it and all who can't close because if they do where does your job go?
Guys, I understand getting worked up on Facebook with real people, but think about this.

4 real is either a conservative trying to make liberals look stupid, someone trying to advance their argument, or just that stupid. Same goes for Vector.

TRV is sort of for Obama but he even admitted to me he just likes to yank chains. Not worth getting worked up over.

Hop24 is a troll. If you have seen his football posts, you know to take him in stride LOL
i am a conservative democrat. so you may be on to something there.
#1YoungDawg Wrote:Did yo not say that your job is all about the scrubber system. I hope you don't lose your job also because all the plants who can got it and all who can't close because if they do where does your job go?
I work industrial pipe. It's not all on coal plants. Romney's webpage vowed to make states "right to work"(right to work for less), and to kill unions, of which I work.
you gotta realize that people around here dont like unions for some odd reason..i think some of them are so ignorant they think being someones legal slave is alright.
WideRight05 Wrote:Guys, I understand getting worked up on Facebook with real people, but think about this.

4 real is either a conservative trying to make liberals look stupid, someone trying to advance their argument, or just that stupid. Same goes for Vector.

TRV is sort of for Obama but he even admitted to me he just likes to yank chains. Not worth getting worked up over.

Hop24 is a troll. If you have seen his football posts, you know to take him in stride LOL

No...Vector really is that stupid.
Look at how close this was. If the 2nd term of Obama is as bad or worse then then 1st then what? If the 2nd term of Obama goes as bad or worse then in 2016 you could probably throw a rock in a crowd and if it hits a republican that person could win the election.Confusednicker:
Let's just hope the next four years are prosperous and America is strong!
WideRight05 Wrote:Guys, I understand getting worked up on Facebook with real people, but think about this.

4 real is either a conservative trying to make liberals look stupid, someone trying to advance their argument, or just that stupid. Same goes for Vector.

TRV is sort of for Obama but he even admitted to me he just likes to yank chains. Not worth getting worked up over.

Hop24 is a troll. If you have seen his football posts, you know to take him in stride LOL
I'm not gloating, or yanking chains tonight. I'm just stating that republican politicians are going to have to let go of their death grip on some issues. Less than 10% of the workers are union. That's not a lot to ask to just leave us alone, 90% of the work is not union. Gays have the same right as everybody else. Until they realize that they are going to have to give on some social issues, and make the uber rich pay their fair share, republicans will die a slow death. There are a few more issues I could name, but I'm tired, I going to bed.
4_real Wrote:Let's just hope the next four years are prosperous and America is strong!
Why are you hoping??? You usually sound so sure. Are you backing out this soon?????
4_real Wrote:Let's just hope the next four years are prosperous and America is strong!
I've seen 4 years of Obama so what makes you think that 4 more years will be so much different??
It doesn't matter if your black,white,indian,mexican exedra. Where did he get the most cheers?? Gay!!! Last I checked Gay is not a race???:please:
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not gloating, or yanking chains tonight. I'm just stating that republican politicians are going to have to let go of their death grip on some issues. Less than 10% of the workers are union. That's not a lot to ask to just leave us alone, 90% of the work is not union. Gays have the same right as everybody else. Until they realize that they are going to have to give on some social issues, and make the uber rich pay their fair share, republicans will die a slow death. There are a few more issues I could name, but I'm tired, I going to bed.

The republians are going to have to learn what is really going on! My dad worked in the Coal fields during the 1970's when Japan was buying any black rock for $75 a ton, well GUESS what Australian Coal has taken over the market, they can mine it way cheaper and they are closer to tradtional Asian Markets. Union workers built the coal industry , funny how the republicans forget about that! The rich coal owners want to blame all there problems on Obama when the truth is they are worried about paying TAXS. Now that their plan to push Obama out of Office has failed they will be mining coal again soon. Wait and watch!
highspeedsteel Wrote:The republians are going to have to learn what is really going on! My dad worked in the Coal fields during the 1970's when Japan was buying any black rock for $75 a ton, well GUESS what Australian Coal has taken over the market, they can mine it way cheaper and they are closer to tradtional Asian Markets. Union workers built the coal industry , funny how the republicans forget about that! The rich coal owners want to blame all there problems on Obama when the truth is they are worried about paying TAXS. Now that their plan to push Obama out of Office has failed they will be mining coal again soon. Wait and watch!

With nothing to hold back for Obama will ramp up the war on coal "Wait and Watch"
I wonder what Israel will do now that Obama is still the man? I wonder what I will do? My job depends on coal and they say the EPA and MSHA are about to go postal on the coal business. Worse than before the election. I also wonder if Obama is going to take us over the fiscal cliff or if he will actually try and save this country? I wonder what will happen to Harlan county and S.E.Kentucky? Many jobless miner's I know say they were waiting it out to see what happened with this election and if Obama wins they were leaving. We could see a mass exodus in Harlan Co.. The coal business was booming before Obama was elected the first time. With all the excitement around the nation because of Obama's reelection,why do we have to be the one's who lose our job's and see our family's break up and move away. It scares me that my children will never get to really know the place where thier family tree was rooted. That tree has been uprooted,sawed up and sent to build a windmill. Whatever happens,God is my keeper. I will trust him and his word til my death and I will praise him for the decision that was made in this country tonight,because,I have to believe that it only leads us all closer to his return and closer to our true home. God is still in control!!!!
highspeedsteel Wrote:The republians are going to have to learn what is really going on! My dad worked in the Coal fields during the 1970's when Japan was buying any black rock for $75 a ton, well GUESS what Australian Coal has taken over the market, they can mine it way cheaper and they are closer to tradtional Asian Markets. Union workers built the coal industry , funny how the republicans forget about that! The rich coal owners want to blame all there problems on Obama when the truth is they are worried about paying TAXS. Now that their plan to push Obama out of Office has failed they will be mining coal again soon. Wait and watch!
I think Obama has monopolized the coal business,only the big companies could survive the onslaught led by MSHA,and when he is satisfied where he is at with it the union will clean up. The small non-union coal companies will all be gone and so will thousands of mining jobs and small towns in appalachia.
Add the trickle down effect. Obamacare will devistate our local hospital; folks will have to move out of the area to find work and take their kids. Our schools will decline in numbers.
This area will be little more than a place for old farts like me to live out their life in quiet.

The number of coal related jobs that are going to be dissimated will kill this area of the state.
It is already breaking news on WYMT that over a 150+ miners are going back to work in Pike county. Mark my words, now that coals big layoff "ploy" didn't get Obama beat, they will be hiring soon in mass. Granted, they will have to continue to mine safely and cleanly, unlike the free hand they had before, but they will be hiring back. They won't be able to sit on that coal 4 more years. Alpha is sitting on 150 million tons, refusing to mine it. I'm not sure if it is political, or because the coal is costing more to mine, than sell, in this area, but they will find a way to sell, and mine it now.
I sure hope you're right, RealVille because my area of the state will depend on it.

By the way, congratulations on the election results.
I just hope the results of this election do not effect me so much, personally, that it will make it hard to live my life in Pikeville. I have no intentions of leaving this area, and it would really throw my career plans out of the window. I guess I will try to stay in college a little longer and work on a back-up plan.

Honestly, if I didn't think that the re-election of Obama would not spell doom for the EKY economy, I would not be so upset. I just fearfor the future of my community, school, and friends.
TheRealVille Wrote:If republicans don't move closer to the middle, and get rid of the far right, your prediction will come true. If tonight isn't a wakeup for republican politicians, they can't be woke up. They are going to have to give on some issues that they cling to with a death grip.

What do you suggest they do? Become urban liberals. I don't think republicans can win the presidency again without becoming the same as democrats. And if they're the same, why bother?

I will continue to vote my beliefs win or lose.

1. Welfare that last more than a short time hurts this country.

2. Everyone plays by the same rules, if I commit a crime against a minority, I would be punished the same as a crime against a white man.

3. Romney was right-we can be energy independent

4. The government can not be allowed to pick winners and losers, green energy for example.

5. Taxes are not the problem spending is.

6. I'm not a religious person, but I can't accept abortion as just another method of birth control. I think it's a more than that, a lot more and shouldn't be lumped in with other conception methods.

7. Freedom of religion has to be maintained, Catholics should not be made to pay for birth control.

8. A four year old little girl traveling with her sixty year old grandmother being patted down at an airport is stupid.

9. Unemployment payments which last more than three months is a welfare check.

10. Giving financial aid for college has destroyed education. I know I man that went to prestonsburg college five years with no job and lived off aid. Folks it is a two year college. Some aid is OK but it has got stupid.

There' more but you get the ideal.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Considering the calls of "riots" and "assassinations" if Obama were to lose, explains what we have in this country.
Below are tweets of our finest "thugs" who i now consider the majority obviously.

Supporters of President Barack Obama have continued to take to Twitter, calling for riots should Obama lose, as well as the assassination of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, throughout election day.

Here’s a small selection of tweets gathered by Paul Joseph Watson on Tuesday:

“If Romney does win, we just gone assassinate him & f-kboy Ryan.” – @AlmaBellaAbriel

“I promise I will assassinate Romney.” – @PaoloNona21

“If Romney win, ima assassinate that mf my damn self !” – @__Locc

“I would personally assassinate Mitt Romney if he wins…but I think Al Qaeda will beat me to it!” – @ShannoRFoster

“If Romney get elected , we got till January to Assassinate him *shrugs* lol” –@MrConsistent11

“So which one of us wants to assassinate romney if he wins? (which he won’t but we must be cautious)” – @violetlikecats

“Can someone just assassinate Romney please.” – @amish1979

“I am going to assassinate Mitt Romney.” – @AdventureJosh_

Other users have expressed fantasies of shooting the Republican candidate, as well as his supporters. Twitchy collected many of these. Here are a few.

“If Hitler, Romney, and myself were locked in a room and I had a gun with 2 bullets, I'd shoot Romney twice.” – @KelseyGeorge23

“Goin buy a gun tommorow Cus if Romney win I ain't goin out without a fight” – @D_kushkid

“This ****** said he voting for Romney *cocks gun* lmao” – @i_SlapSluts

“Who's voting for Romney? ... *Cocks gun *Looks around” – @_camillexoxo

“Who's voting for Romney? ... *Cocks gun.” – @imari__

“Food stamps are such a beautiful thing. Romney better hope he lose tomorrow , I cock my gun on his ass he take MY food stamps away lol” – @_MaliksWright

“I seen a suburban that had Romney 2012 , wrote in the windows .. only if i had a gun at the time -_____-“ – @datDAMN_TB


Remember, after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting last year, when the establishment left called for conservatives and libertarians to “tone down the rhetoric”? Well, that apparently doesn’t apply to them, as no repercussions have come to these Twitter users.

“Threatening to kill a public figure is a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison,” writes Watson. “However, the vast majority of these individuals will face no retribution whatsoever, partly because of the mass media’s blanket refusal to treat the issue seriously, a stance that only served to embolden thousands more Twitter users to echo the threats.”

Though the Secret Service has said that they are aware of the threats and are monitoring them, the Twitter users continue to call for violence.

But it’s not just users of Twitter, though, who have been making threats against Romney and his supporters.

On Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, host Maher made a joke suggesting violence against white people who vote for Romney: “I would like to make this one plea. Black people know who you are and they will come after you.”

I would honestly put all of them in jail now.
4_real Wrote:Yea cause we all know the entire state of Kentucky will fall without coal. Thats the difference between a democrat and a republican, democrat are for the people, republicans are for themselves.
This may be the dumbest statement I've ever read on here. Where do you think Eastern Kentuckians go for apparel, restaurants, weekend getaways, etc.? What name do you think is on that fancy new dorm for the UK basketball players? Whose name is on the UK basketball practice facility? Who lets Coach Cal use their personal jet for recruiting? It's called a trickle down effect. Without coal in Eastern KY, the money will not be there for them to continue to stimulate Fayette County's economy. And whether you like to admit it or not, Lexington will see a huge financial hit should coal mining evaporate in Eastern Ky.

That, my friend, is how a Republican thinks. You know, we think about money and how we can make it, and how it may affect us going forward. Not how we can go about getting something as a hand out like the rest of you socialist idiots.
BCF4L Wrote:This may be the dumbest statement I've ever read on here. Where do you think Eastern Kentuckians go for apparel, restaurants, weekend getaways, etc.? What name do you think is on that fancy new dorm for the UK basketball players? Whose name is on the UK basketball practice facility? Who lets Coach Cal use their personal jet for recruiting? It's called a trickle down effect. Without coal in Eastern KY, the money will not be there for them to continue to stimulate Fayette County's economy. And whether you like to admit it or not, Lexington will see a huge financial hit should coal mining evaporate in Eastern Ky.

That, my friend, is how a Republican thinks. You know, we think about money and how we can make it, and how it may affect us going forward. Not how we can go about getting something as a hand out like the rest of you socialist idiots.

Actually socialist or not socialist in this case is irrelevant. He is simply an "idiot"...period.
TheRealVille Wrote:It is already breaking news on WYMT that over a 150+ miners are going back to work in Pike county. Mark my words, now that coals big layoff "ploy" didn't get Obama beat, they will be hiring soon in mass. Granted, they will have to continue to mine safely and cleanly, unlike the free hand they had before, but they will be hiring back. They won't be able to sit on that coal 4 more years. Alpha is sitting on 150 million tons, refusing to mine it. I'm not sure if it is political, or because the coal is costing more to mine, than sell, in this area, but they will find a way to sell, and mine it now.

Do you just sit there and make stuff up?

I will mark your words though. :Thumbs:
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Do you just sit there and make stuff up?

I will mark your words though. :Thumbs:
TheRealVille Wrote:No.

How confident are you that miners "will be hired back"?
Chris Matthews remarks that he was glad Sandy hit......
Not wanting people to get hurt, just good for politics.

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