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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims
TheRealThing Wrote:Get back to me on that AFTER this coming election.
This coming election, you will see. Obama will be back in office. After Obama is re-elected, then you can explain how you all have the voting majority.
TheRealVille Wrote:You know he is going to agree with any assessment against the left and disagree with anything that is said against the right. I don't believe in his christian god, and that code doesn't apply to me, or the government. "God's moral code" doesn't mean squat in the US, other than for christians.

which requires the most faith--believing in GOD or not believing in GOD.
the other guy Wrote:which requires the most faith--believing in GOD or not believing in GOD.
Faith is not a relative word. Facts and proof, on the other hand are.
TheRealVille Wrote:Faith is not a relative word. Facts and proof, on the other hand are.

You're alive and breathing. You live on a beautiful planet, in a free country (for now) how much proof would it take? I respect your right to hold to whatever beliefs you choose but there is "absolutely zero" proof out there to refute the validity of God's claim of Creator, King and Savior. Anyway, doesn't relativism teach the absence of absolute truth?
TheRealThing Wrote:You're alive and breathing. You live on a beautiful planet, in a free country (for now) how much proof would it take? I respect your right to hold to whatever beliefs you choose but there is "absolutely zero" proof out there to refute the validity of God's claim of Creator, King and Savior. Anyway, doesn't relativism teach the absence of absolute truth?
I am very thankful for evolution, and a planet that is just the right distance from the sun, with all the chemical elements to produce life.
TheRealVille Wrote:I am very thankful for evolution, and a planet that is just the right distance from the sun, with all the chemical elements to produce life.

A very fortunate set of random circumstances indeed. The right distance from the sun, exactly. The right degree of wobble 23.5, exactly. The earth's orbit around the sun isn't a perfect circle, it's an ellipse, and the sun isn't even in the center, it's slightly off to one side. So in mid January we are at the perihelion, the closest point to the sun, 91.4 million miles away. The tilt is caused the gravitational pull of the moon, which by yet another happy coincidence, is the exact distance from the earth it needs to be, 238,857 miles, in order to influence the tides and cause the 23.5 degree tilt which in turn causes the seasons.

So, once one accepts that order comes from randomness, it's a mere hop, skip and a jump to then assume the thousands, if not millions, of precise coincidences necessary to evolve man into existence, all sort of lined up at the right time and the miracle which is the human mind and body, sort of just fell out of a tree with a banana peel in it's hand. Add the infinite aeons of time, (up in the billions of years), necessary by defintion to in any way give the whole absurd notion the credibility it would need in view of know science, and we have the perfect theory.

I heard it put this way. The odds that a human being is the product of evolution, via the theorized process known as natural selection, are about the same as having a tornado blowing through a junk yard produce a fully functioning 747 complete with avionics, working toilets and cold drinks in the refridgerator. Friend, there is no way, and evolutionISM has never been proven.
TheRealVille Wrote:I am very thankful for evolution, and a planet that is just the right distance from the sun, with all the chemical elements to produce life.

but doesn't that require a certain amount of (what i call faith) in science? Maybe there's a better word for it.
TheRealThing Wrote:A very fortunate set of random circumstances indeed. The right distance from the sun, exactly. The right degree of wobble 23.5, exactly. The earth's orbit around the sun isn't a perfect circle, it's an ellipse, and the sun isn't even in the center, it's slightly off to one side. So in mid January we are at the perihelion, the closest point to the sun, 91.4 million miles away. The tilt is caused the gravitational pull of the moon, which by yet another happy coincidence, is the exact distance from the earth it needs to be, 238,857 miles, in order to influence the tides and cause the 23.5 degree tilt which in turn causes the seasons.

So, once one accepts that order comes from randomness, it's a mere hop, skip and a jump to then assume the thousands, if not millions, of precise coincidences necessary to evolve man into existence, all sort of lined up at the right time and the miracle which is the human mind and body, sort of just fell out of a tree with a banana peel in it's hand. Add the infinite aeons of time, (up in the billions of years), necessary by defintion to in any way give the whole absurd notion the credibility it would need in view of know science, and we have the perfect theory.

I heard it put this way. The odds that a human being is the product of evolution, via the theorized process known as natural selection, are about the same as having a tornado blowing through a junk yard produce a fully functioning 747 complete with avionics, working toilets and cold drinks in the refridgerator. Friend, there is no way, and evolutionISM has never been proven.
Neither has your god.
It didn't take the religious people long to turn yet another thread into a thread about god talk.
TheRealVille Wrote:It didn't take the religious people long to turn yet another thread into a thread about god talk.

If you look back through the 127 posts on this thread there are only 12 referencing religious ideas. Four of them were a back and forth between myself and tvtimeout when I argued that conservatives do not tell people how to live. I made 4, you made 4, Wildcat23 made 2, RUTG 1, the other guy 1. If you think about it you could cut down on these religious comments by 1/3 if you'd quit posting. :biggrin:

Like Hoot said, when liberals are dictating terms and telling people how to live, it suits you just fine. I don't like it for a number of reasons but, one of the biggest is the fact that we spend 58% of our national budget on entitlements. And everything we spend after the month of July is borrowed from China and other countries.
TheRealVille Wrote:It didn't take the religious people long to turn yet another thread into a thread about god talk.

you sir take me wrong i could not care less if you believe in god or not. I was just putting forth a thought on the matter. So maybe a better word would me "trust" when used to accept the ideals put forth by science. And by the way religion is simlply beliefs so you have a religion by not believing.
TheRealVille Wrote:I know why you libertarians are pissed, you don't want any of your money spent helping people. I'll guarantee none of you have spent one dime helping people that you say should be helped on the local level. Your county is hurting Hoot. Are you helping them? How about you beetle? Tvtimeout? All of you are from Kentucky.

what if we didn' pay 44% in taxes we could help more(not that everyone would). Yes 44% add it up. All taxes paid on every level. property, income, utility,gas, sales, social security, medicare, employer match(it's really your money, if you didn't work they wouldn't pay it.) RV how much is enough and don't people need to be a little responsible for themselves? Just a little!!!
the other guy Wrote:what if we didn' pay 44% in taxes we could help more(not that everyone would). Yes 44% add it up. All taxes paid on every level. property, income, utility,gas, sales, social security, medicare, employer match(it's really your money, if you didn't work they wouldn't pay it.) RV how much is enough and don't people need to be a little responsible for themselves? Just a little!!!
I'm fine with my money helping people in need. If you aren't, quit paying taxes. For the last six months, I could have legally been getting governmental help. I wasn't, be glad. I paid taxes for it, yet didn't get it, and didn't bitch once.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm fine with my money helping people in need. If you aren't, quit paying taxes. For the last six months, I could have legally been getting governmental help. I wasn't, be glad. I paid taxes for it, yet didn't get it, and didn't bitch once.

Are you fine with 100 million dollars being used to build a flood wall at Martin halfway up the hillside and no flooding has been stopped. Do you like paying about $500.00 to put signs at every bridge in east ky naming it after some politicain. I don't care to help people in true need I'M JUST FED UP WITH THE
the other guy Wrote:Are you fine with 100 million dollars being used to build a flood wall at Martin halfway up the hillside and no flooding has been stopped. Do you like paying about $500.00 to put signs at every bridge in east ky naming it after some politicain. I don't care to help people in true need I'M JUST FED UP WITH THE
I don't live in Martin, you need to bring that up with the Martin officials. The bridges are not named after politicians, they are named after dead soldiers. Get your facts straight.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't live in Martin, you need to bring that up with the Martin officials. The bridges are not named after politicians, they are named after dead soldiers. Get your facts straight.

R D "doc" Marshal is the county judge of floyd co not a dead soldier. the Martin flood wall is a federal project not local. Get your facts right. I guess that you believe the federal gov. spends your money as wise as you would.
TRV is right on the bridge thing. There may be some named after politicians, but most, especially Letcher Co, are named after dead troops going all the way back to the Civil War.

I couldn't give a damn less though. We voted these people in...we can only bitch so much..
the other guy Wrote:R D "doc" Marshal is the county judge of floyd co not a dead soldier. the Martin flood wall is a federal project not local. Get your facts right. I guess that you believe the federal gov. spends your money as wise as you would.
Did the judge have something to do with getting the bridge built? It sounds to me like you are a republican, and RD Marshall is a democrat, and you are pissed that he is in office. I can't imagine having a flood wall that doesn't work. You didn't provide enough information for me to form an opinion on the wall.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did the judge have something to do with getting the bridge built? It sounds to me like you are a republican, and RD Marshall is a democrat, and you are pissed that he is in office. I can't imagine having a flood wall that doesn't work. You didn't provide enough information for me to form an opinion on the wall.
Went to Ashland today. The bridge on 23 at hutch Chevy is named for, I think the names are right Bob and Ann hutchison. Were these people soldiers? A few are for soldiers but start looking most are not. As far as the wall, Hal Rodgers has been involved big time, one reason I will never vote for him. The wall is what you see across the bridge from rt 80. Drive over and take a look the next time you head to Hazard. We have roads and bridges named after anyone who ever sang a country song. How does that provide the the general welfare?
the other guy Wrote:Went to Ashland today. The bridge on 23 at hutch Chevy is named for, I think the names are right Bob and Ann hutchison. Were these people soldiers? A few are for soldiers but start looking most are not. As far as the wall, Hal Rodgers has been involved big time, one reason I will never vote for him. The wall is what you see across the bridge from rt 80. Drive over and take a look the next time you head to Hazard. We have roads and bridges named after anyone who ever sang a country song. How does that provide the the general welfare?
Bob is not married, I know him personally. Maybe they pay for the signs themselves. I can tell you are a republican, pissed because democrats are in office in Floyd county.
the other guy Wrote:Went to Ashland today. The bridge on 23 at hutch Chevy is named for, I think the names are right Bob and Ann hutchison. Were these people soldiers? A few are for soldiers but start looking most are not. As far as the wall, Hal Rodgers has been involved big time, one reason I will never vote for him. The wall is what you see across the bridge from rt 80. Drive over and take a look the next time you head to Hazard. We have roads and bridges named after anyone who ever sang a country song. How does that provide the the general welfare?

Hal Rogers has a waterpark (williamsburg) and an entire parkway named after him lol.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bob is not married, I know him personally. Maybe they pay for the signs themselves. I can tell you are a republican, pissed because democrats are in office in Floyd county.

please read the post i said i wasn't sure about the names. you are missing the point i don't care what names. the point is why do taxpayers pay for these signs.
the other guy Wrote:please read the post i said i wasn't sure about the names. you are missing the point i don't care what names. the point is why do taxpayers pay for these signs.

To give someone a job... but it is pointless spending!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hal Rogers has a waterpark (williamsburg) and an entire parkway named after him lol.

Hahahhaha..I've been trying to think of that waterpark's name for like 5 days now! Gracias amigo.

It's the Hal Rogers Kentucky Splash Waterpark

I lived just 10-15 miles away in Whitley County for my entire life pretty much. I live close to Corbin but you get the picture.
The waterpark was built when i was in high school and i can proudly say ive only been to it twice. I hate that place, but its nice for kids, but to many skanks fill it up every single day.
Seems like there's nothing but swamp donkeys everywhere these days...
TheRealVille Wrote:Bob is not married, I know him personally. Maybe they pay for the signs themselves. I can tell you are a republican, pissed because democrats are in office in Floyd county.

It's named for Bill & Mary Jane Hutchison. Those were Bob's parents. Bob is about as hard core republican as they come, by the way, and yeah I probably know him better than anyone,..... on here
Bob Seger Wrote:It's named for Bill & Mary Jane Hutchison. Those were Bob's parents. Bob is about as hard core republican as they come, by the way, and yeah I probably know him better than anyone,..... on here
Bob is a good guy, no matter the politics. I just said I know him, and he me, not debating whose best friends with him. :biggrin: My best friend in the world is a hard core republican.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bob is a good guy, no matter the politics. I just said I know him, and he me, not debating whose best friends with him. :biggrin: My best friend in the world is a hard core republican.

And no doubt he is a "salt of the earth" kinda guy. At least you "run" with the right kind of folks. :biggrin:

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