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Pikeville disqualified in KBA
Pikeville has been disqualified for using an illegal player in the KBA middle school state tournament.
Have to hate that for one of the Country's best. (Yahoo Sports) Kind of sucks for Dorton.
Can anyone explain the details of how this all went down?
I heard the Pikeville athletic director and principal verified that they where not there representing the Pikeville school system to the officials at the KBA. They were supposedly told that if they played they would have to go as an AAU team. I think they have a transfer that enrolled Monday and hadn't played the required games so the school system told them that had to go as an AAU team if he played. Shows some character by the Pikeville school officials as they supposedly told the officials at the KBA what had happened. Hats off to the KBA for doing the right thing and for the school officials in Pikeville. Makes you wonder how many other teams are bending rules for middle school basketball, it's ashamed you put such an premium on winning at the middle school level.
It's kind of easy to explain bball. You cheat and get caught you get DQ'ed. Simple!!!! I totally blame the coach on this one. He knew this wouldn't fly but yet he decided to take the team anyway. IF they are guilty and IF they did get DQ'ed, I have one question:

Mr. Pikeville Coach; Why did you cheat a bunch of 13-15 year olds out of the tournament? Simple question you knew the kid was illegal, so why put yourself and your team and your community in this situation? Nice job Pikeville, give everyone in the east a bad name because of one title, NICE!!!!!
My question is what will happen with this coach? This makes twice he has made headline... once for beating Kimper 100 - 2 (Be he said he held back. Score could have been worse.) ... Now he has taken an illegal team to the State tournament... I personally wouldn't want him representing my son or my school in any shape, form or fashion... If the people of Pikeville Independent back him this show just how low they are...
No Class in Pikeville!
It's sad that the young men playing in this tournament got cheated!!
I trully hate this for the Pikeville kids. May,Silvers,etc. are good kids and have to pay the price for adults decisions. I also think the people running this should be ashamed. I myself was put in this situation so I doubled and tripled checked my kids birthdates with the tournament director and he said we qualified..........we were DQ'd in the finals. The only thing I got was an apology and I got to see my kids cry because of it. It was not my fault but it sure felt like it was. This was a BCI tournament held several years back.
I feel sorry for the kids as well but I bet their parents had to know that they didn't have the school systems approval. Sometimes you reap what you sow.
I wonder how the kids from Pikeville feel. You as adults can blast the coaches, school, etc.., but the kids that have participated all season have been cheated out of an opportunity to compete. Win or lose, they are the one's who have to represent the shame of this situation.
Stardust Wrote:I wonder how the kids from Pikeville feel. You as adults can blast the coaches, school, etc.., but the kids that have participated all season have been cheated out of an opportunity to compete. Win or lose, they are the one's who have to represent the shame of this situation.

Bulls eye!!!!!! Sometime I think we overlook the effects our decisions will have on the most important part of sports, THE KIDS.
I wonder how the kids from the teams that lost to Pikeville feel? I heard that the way they got caught was that the players where telling other people that they had added a kid that didn't go to school there until Monday and the school told them they couldn't play him and play in it and they came anyway. Hopefully these kids learned that adults making a poor choice can hurt a lot of people and that winning is not the most important thing. I would say in the long run this will have a very positive effect on these young men as they continue to grow up and have first hand knowledge of the results of making the wrong decision for the wrong reason. Too many times young people today see things like this get pushed under the rug with no ramifications and they think that is the way it is. I see nothing but positives from this action both short term and long term.
When i was 12 years old we were going to play in a travel baseball tournament and when they came to my house to get me my father saw a 13 year old with his uniform on. He told me I could not play and then he went to the vehicle and told the coach that I would never play for him again. That day broke my heart but it made me a lot better man. In the end sports are played to build character and make children into better grown ups.....sometimes we lose sight of that.
i just think that u b1g are just full of crap coach johnson is an amazing coach and need some respect also i think yer just mad cause pikeville went to state and you didnt!
Big Bluecat, people like you never cease to amaze me! Unbelieveable
Why did Rider not play?
I love it when people post comments on this website when they have no idea what they are talking about! By the way big bluecat, the KBA tourny is not an invite only, nor is it based on season standings. You all kill me, but I have to laugh.:biglmao:
I feel horrible for the children involved in this... The children had nothing to do with this...
Alpha_Male Wrote:Have to hate that for one of the Country's best. (Yahoo Sports) Kind of sucks for Dorton.

What about the teams before Dorton, like Boyd, etc. Could/would have been an entirely different outcome.
southernky Wrote:I heard the Pikeville athletic director and principal verified that they where not there representing the Pikeville school system to the officials at the KBA. They were supposedly told that if they played they would have to go as an AAU team. I think they have a transfer that enrolled Monday and hadn't played the required games so the school system told them that had to go as an AAU team if he played. Shows some character by the Pikeville school officials as they supposedly told the officials at the KBA what had happened. Hats off to the KBA for doing the right thing and for the school officials in Pikeville. Makes you wonder how many other teams are bending rules for middle school basketball, it's ashamed you put such an premium on winning at the middle school level.
This was evidently after the tournament started, what's so standup about that. They should have done the right thing before the 1st game, imo
southernky Wrote:I heard the Pikeville athletic director and principal verified that they where not there representing the Pikeville school system to the officials at the KBA. They were supposedly told that if they played they would have to go as an AAU team. I think they have a transfer that enrolled Monday and hadn't played the required games so the school system told them that had to go as an AAU team if he played. Shows some character by the Pikeville school officials as they supposedly told the officials at the KBA what had happened. Hats off to the KBA for doing the right thing and for the school officials in Pikeville. Makes you wonder how many other teams are bending rules for middle school basketball, it's ashamed you put such an premium on winning at the middle school level.

It would have shown more character had they told them before they were asked.
big bluecat Wrote:i just think that u b1g are just full of crap coach johnson is an amazing coach and need some respect also i think yer just mad cause pikeville went to state and you didnt!

Why I'm I full of crap? I don't coach so why would I care? If he is such a great coach why use an illegal player to win a what 8TH GRADE TITLE.... Wow what an amazing thing to do. Put that on a job resume. I could be the best 8th grade coach out there, give me a team full of sophomores and enter me in a 8th grade tournament and watch me roll.

On a serious note, how am I full of crap. If I was KBA, the coach of Pikeville would never step foot in my building again. Now for the kids, they would be welcome anytime, just bring a different coach. Let's flip this: If another team did the samething your coach did and won the state title over your team, would you be upset? Yeah, thought so. :please:
Shame on you Pikeville and Shame on you Brian Johnson.
I am sure everything happens in God's world for a purpose and this is no different. I am very moved emotionally how adult's can say that this is all about the kids! I am including myself when I say that teaching kids about the game of basketball is not just to win at any cost. Sometimes you lose, and there is a purpose to that as well. I look at this experience in many ways and am disturbed most of all to the fact that some people can want to win so bad that they will do anything. Especially those that lose, they get upset because their team gets beat and play superman to rescue who? The kids? Their pride? I really don't think that they feel anything for others except their own! I could have said something about this issue before the tournament started but there were children involved other than my own. We were also defeated by them and cheered for them. It is only when those choose to say something after they are defeated that made this stink so bad. I felt bad for the boys at Pikeville, Johns Creek, Northern Pulaski, Dorton, and others. I was tempted to question how Northern could accept the second place trophy when they were not the only team that could have said something before! Not After! What about Hayes and Owensboro Catholic? Maybe they should have cried when they lost! I believe God has a purpose in everything and he is far greater than any of this and he loves the children of the world. I just wish everybody else did. I don't know if this should have been said but I know a lot of people are questioning who are the biggest losers in this and it's not Pikeville it's the kids of all the teams that want to play and feel they did the best they could without someone making it about pride or greed and we all know who is tempting all of us and it sure is not the good Lord. So I will end with this remember when you are dealing with sports and children someone must win and someone must lose and if you lose find humility and if you win find appreciation for all your hard work. Sometimes when we win we lose and sometimes when we lose we Win!
I hink the kids can be more mature than the people on here... When I watched dorton play southern Pulaski I saw pikevilles players cheering dorton on... Whenever I saw pikeville in this championship game most of dortons players were watching and cheering them on as well.. And them knowing that they had a player that didn't play in the regular season...... Why can't us as adults cheer for a team that's in the same region? I would also like to point out that the reason pikeville was disqualified was not because of Teddy they almost got disqualified for that at the beginning of the game but at halftime they talked to coach Johnson and somehow came up with that we were an aau team because they did not ride a bus down. I also thought it was very immature of northern to cause these problems any team could have done it... After the game I saw the worst moment of my life these kids getting a state championship took away from them... Everyone of these kids have worked hard for that trophy.. And these kids love coach Johnson they look to him as family
I am very disappointed in the adults that knew that this was taking place. The fact is Pikeville fired a class act guy. If Denny would have coached this team they would of been a better team. It looked to me that they had gotten worse this year. Good luck to all parties.
hootie Wrote:I am very disappointed in the adults that knew that this was taking place. The fact is Pikeville fired a class act guy. If Denny would have coached this team they would of been a better team. It looked to me that they had gotten worse this year. Good luck to all parties.

My question is how does any of the parents, administrators, friends, family or players allow this to happen haven't they worked as a team all year for this? Then in walks one player the last day and “joins” the “team”.

It’s bad enough all the hold backs and recruiting all in the name of what...... 6th 7th or 8th grade tournament win. Really who cares… how do these kids feel when they are ineligible to play your senior year (because they are 19 or 20 years old) because you won a GRADE SCHOOL tournament when you where 15 or 16, instead of 11 to 14 like the rest of the USA, but I digress.

Just amazing that it gets this far, I was not there and I do not have a horse in the race but it seems to me that red flags had to be flying all over the place and not one parent, player friend or administrator steps up before some sore loser or potential sore loser cry's foul in the 12hr...

Its grade school basket for kids that should not have to worry about anything but having fun with friends and doing something to the best of their abilities win lose or draw… Just my $.02 which these days are worth far less than when I was a kid!
The fact is, the administrators knew, just like everyone else involved. They got caught and are trying to cover everything up to take the heat off the school. They already had it planned to tell officials that they played against the JV squad, the Varsity , and some other made up games so Teddy could play with them.
This all happening in light of the stuff that went on in the lockerroom at halftime of the Pike County Championship game! Heard lawyers came to school and everything over that.

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