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There are still this many candidates?
^ How many?
Romney has looked good thus far. Really made Cain look bad.
7 or 8.
Gingrich just complimented Cain for the same thing many people are complimenting him for...actually proposing a real plan.
Santorum might fight Romney.
Anderson Cooper is the worst moderator in the history of debating. Holy Christ. He just lets anything happen. He probably wants to make the GOP as stupid as they look right now.
So was Mitt Romney for tarp? LOL
Cain "I was for TARP when it looked good"
There ya have it, Mitt Romney can fix the world.
Mitt Romney is a bully, lol.
You can tell that nobody cares about Santorum.
LWC Wrote:Mitt Romney is a bully, lol.

He answered the question which was where do u stand with the wall street protest with "Are president sucks and i can fix the world"
Ron Paul doesn't appear as cooky as the last go round.
BTW- what is TARP?

Just found it, nevermind.
Santorum's obvious goal of this debate is to point as many fingers as he can at the other candidates, lol.
I like it, Hes calling them out on there lies.
^Cain is honest, maybe too much so.
Paul looks better tonight than before. I look for him to go up a point or two.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Anderson Cooper is the worst moderator in the history of debating. Holy Christ. He just lets anything happen. He probably wants to make the GOP as stupid as they look right now.

Very true.
Newt is like a grandfather surrounded by grandchildren. If he could get more time he would move to the front. He would absolutely CRUSH Obama in the debates.
LWC Wrote:Very true.
Yep, and Newt just told him so.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Anderson Cooper is the worst moderator in the history of debating. Holy Christ. He just lets anything happen. He probably wants to make the GOP as stupid as they look right now.
Yep, and Newt just told him so.
What did he say, I have been multi-tasking, lol.
Love me some Newt. Had his campaign not had all the trouble at the start and if he would get a little more time I agree he would be doing better in the polls. But its not where you are right now, but where you finish. There is still some time.
LWC Wrote:What did he say, I have been multi-tasking, lol.
Cooper was going to let each candidate tell why they were the best choice to beat Obama. He let them bicker back and forth so much that Bachman & Newt were not going to get their chance. They insisted they get their time and when Newt got to say something he said they couldn't bicker their way to the Whitehouse and that Cooper was encouraging it with his style of moderating.

Quick attacking each other and tell us why your gonna kick obamas ass and fix the economy. I would have no problem voting for anyone of them if they would tell me how and when thy can fix the issues were having.

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