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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012

Just Curious what u guys think about this?
That's the problem not only in Washington but in Frankfort as well. Always looking at what's best for the next election not whats best for the country/state. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue it's a politician issue
nky Wrote:That's the problem not only in Washington but in Frankfort as well. Always looking at what's best for the next election not whats best for the country/state. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue it's a politician issue


That is why I want a law passed to put term limits on congressmen. Career congressmen is a huge problem, IMO.
LWC Wrote::Thumbs:

That is why I want a law passed to put term limits on congressmen. Career congressmen is a huge problem, IMO.

I like the idea of term limits but I wish politicians would self impose the idea- I did like all his stancces on issues but Ken Lucus- KY 4th District Democrat did that a few years ago.

Then again I hope one day the voters would understand that career politicians only look out for themselves and their special interest
nky Wrote:That's the problem not only in Washington but in Frankfort as well. Always looking at what's best for the next election not whats best for the country/state. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue it's a politician issue


YOu think there number 1 priority would be the economy. Not blocking every bill, and putting a stop to any economic recovery.

But im sure he came back out with another statement redefining what he "actually" meant.
Wildcatk23 Wrote::Thumbs:

YOu think there number 1 priority would be the economy. Not blocking every bill, and putting a stop to any economic recovery.

But im sure he came back out with another statement redefining what he "actually" meant.

I agree with you guys on term limits. The House of Representatives sent a bill up to the Senate several days ago, and Harry Reid said it was "DOA" Since it is the purview of the House to actually author any and all spending legislation, who are you saying is blocking bills?
There is nothing wrong with making Obama a one-term president a top priority. He is a Marxist who is destroying jobs and our economy.

However, McConnell's performance during the debt ceiling debate has been awful. No guts, no glory, and Mitch has been pushed aside by Republicans who are not afraid to lead. Proposing a bill to allow Obama and the liberal Democrats to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally to make sure that the Republicans would not be blamed in 2012 was a huge strategic blunder and just the wrong thing to do.
Wildcatk23 Wrote::Thumbs:

YOu think there number 1 priority would be the economy. Not blocking every bill, and putting a stop to any economic recovery.

But im sure he came back out with another statement redefining what he "actually" meant.
Where's the Democrats plan?Where's the Democrats budget? Where are the Democrats solutions to the real world problems? Where are the Democrats plans to increase jobs? Who's blocking and who's leading? It's not a party issue because both are doing it. Yet the main stream Media will continue the mantra that the Republicans are saying no all the time and helping their rich friends.
nky Wrote:Where's the Democrats plan?Where's the Democrats budget? Where are the Democrats solutions to the real world problems? Where are the Democrats plans to increase jobs? Who's blocking and who's leading? It's not a party issue because both are doing it. Yet the main stream Media will continue the mantra that the Republicans are saying no all the time and helping their rich friends.
i would not raise the debt ceiling and let the people decide in 2012
nky Wrote:Where's the Democrats plan?Where's the Democrats budget? Where are the Democrats solutions to the real world problems? Where are the Democrats plans to increase jobs? Who's blocking and who's leading? It's not a party issue because both are doing it. Yet the main stream Media will continue the mantra that the Republicans are saying no all the time and helping their rich friends.

Thats exactly my point. There(Democrat and Republican) number one priority should be the future of this country and economy. Not about who's going to win the election in 2012.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Thats exactly my point. There(Democrat and Republican) number one priority should be the future of this country and economy. Not about who's going to win the election in 2012.

You're point is very well taken. I would just point out that since Obama is the sitting president neccessarily he is the only one sweating bullets. But, back to you're point, I really do hate the eternal campaign rhetoric. And, it shows you how far they are really willing to go to win.
TheRealThing Wrote:You're point is very well taken. I would just point out that since Obama is the sitting president neccessarily he is the only one sweating bullets. But, back to you're point, I really do hate the eternal campaign rhetoric. And, it shows you how far they are really willing to go to win.

I disagree. All Obama has done during this process is to whine and sit around with his thumb up his rearend. He goes on television and tries to panic those who depend on their monthly government check (many deserving, many not). He has proposed nothing. Still, butt-kissers like Lawrence O'Donnell on, of course, MSNBC continually declare that Obama is handling this matter "flawlessly and brilliantly".

In the end, the media will paint Obama as the winner- the "adult" in the room. Sadly, it will work and BO will get reelected.
Truth Wrote:I disagree. All Obama has done during this process is to whine and sit around with his thumb up his rearend. He goes on television and tries to panic those who depend on their monthly government check (many deserving, many not). He has proposed nothing. Still, butt-kissers like Lawrence O'Donnell on, of course, MSNBC continually declare that Obama is handling this matter "flawlessly and brilliantly".

In the end, the media will paint Obama as the winner- the "adult" in the room. Sadly, it will work and BO will get reelected.

I understand your frustration. I respectfully disagree right back. I think the liberals will vote for Obama. And, I think they would do it no matter what the state of the Union or the world may be leading up to the election. One of the strategies for the dems right now is to act like the independents are in Obama's pocket already, they're in the fold. This liberal reverse psychology only works on their own faithful. No amount of misinformation doled out by them and the biased liberal main stream press, can hide the missteps of the present administration. Therefore, I believe it's more than likely a coalition of independents, republicans, and disillusioned dems who are not rabbid extreme left wingers, will vote him out.

The left wing media will sell their soul to the devil during the next 16 months. They will claim that without Barack at the helm we would be bankrupt and rudderless but, they won't sell anybody but the left. :biggrin:
Truth Wrote:I disagree. All Obama has done during this process is to whine and sit around with his thumb up his rearend. He goes on television and tries to panic those who depend on their monthly government check (many deserving, many not). He has proposed nothing. Still, butt-kissers like Lawrence O'Donnell on, of course, MSNBC continually declare that Obama is handling this matter "flawlessly and brilliantly".

In the end, the media will paint Obama as the winner- the "adult" in the room. Sadly, it will work and BO will get reelected.

Obama Causing Panic? I head the same thing you did,

The Repubs and Dems are calling it the end of the world as we know it. Its crazy, The Debt Ceiling has been raised 102 times. Just raise it again and quit playing with our lives for votes.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Obama Causing Panic? I head the same thing you did,

The Repubs and Dems are calling it the end of the world as we know it. Its crazy, The Debt Ceiling has been raised 102 times. Just raise it again and quit playing with our lives for votes.

Since you mentioned that let's get to the point in fact, that is stopping the agreement from happening right now. Everybody except a scant few of the tea party caucus is ready to cut their losses, pass a resolution and live to fight another day. The president had insisted that any legislation regarding the debt ceiling must take us past the 2012 presidential election and subsequent races for the House and Senate. The reason cited for this according to Mr Obama is that the nation doesn't need more of the stress associated to legislation dealing with our national debt right now.

Of course the real reason is because he needs the horror of this moment to fade from the voter's consciousness. In his mind he'll be able to rationalize all this as being caused by the right wing extremist republicans. In other words he is willing to put his reelection proccess above the needs of the nation and the world and, yet again, blame the republicans. I guarantee you he THINKS he is way more important than I do. But, back to the point, Obama likes to compare himself to Reagan, well, Reagan's administration raised the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years. That's right, we voted to raise the debt ceiling every 5 and 1/2 months or so. First time in history now we are supposed to give the president a one and a half year window, enough slack so he won't have to take up the issue until 2013, AFTER THE ELECTION. The republicans are very reluctant to oblige him and I don't blame them a bit. Here we are again, supposedly, the president and the dems are saying can't we all come together, when in fact they are trying to gain an advantage for the elections of 2012 by trying to pass legislation that guarantees the dems an unfair advantage and, to add salt to the wound, manuvering the republicans into a corner forcing THEM to vote for it!:yikes: If that artificially long debt ceiling time frame wasn't part of Reid's Bill the republicans would come together and comprimise for the sake of Americans.

This country has functioned and progressed with great success for over 200 years. All the right is saying, paraphrasing," if it aint broke don't fix it ", and meanwhile the left wants to make America like a European country. My history book said early settlers to America came here to get away from the oppression of european injustice. Obama promised on the campaign trail that he would "fundamentally change the face of America". Folks, that gave me a chill, and, events of late seem to validate my concerns. To state the nature of the conflict we have struggled with since Obama's election as concisely as possible; Obama and his legions of faithful are indeed trying to "change" everything and, the conservative right is trying to stop them, why, because we know everything works just fine as it is! Are you kidding me? ONE man is going to raise his own status to the point where we are supposed to all sit at his feet and let him totally redefine America?

I heard today that all we have to do is freeze spending for 6 years at the 2011 levels and we will be flush by the end of that period. Please count me in! I'll be interested to see how many people on here rush to defend the leftist policies being rammed down America's throat right now after everybody's 401k's and pensions are reduced to half or less of their present values, even while inflation is at work erasing the other half.
TheRealThing Wrote:Since you mentioned that let's get to the point in fact, that is stopping the agreement from happening right now. Everybody except a scant few of the tea party caucus is ready to cut their losses, pass a resolution and live to fight another day. The president had insisted that any legislation regarding the debt ceiling must take us past the 2012 presidential election and subsequent races for the House and Senate. The reason cited for this according to Mr Obama is that the nation doesn't need more of the stress associated to legislation dealing with our national debt right now.

Of course the real reason is because he needs the horror of this moment to fade from the voter's consciousness. In his mind he'll be able to rationalize all this as being caused by the right wing extremist republicans. In other words he is willing to put his reelection proccess above the needs of the nation and the world and, yet again, blame the republicans. I guarantee you he THINKS he is way more important than I do. But, back to the point, Obama likes to compare himself to Reagan, well, Reagan's administration raised the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years. That's right, we voted to raise the debt ceiling every 5 and 1/2 months or so. First time in history now we are supposed to give the president a one and a half year window, enough slack so he won't have to take up the issue until 2013, AFTER THE ELECTION. The republicans are very reluctant to oblige him and I don't blame them a bit. Here we are again, supposedly, the president and the dems are saying can't we all come together, when in fact they are trying to gain an advantage for the elections of 2012 by trying to pass legislation that guarantees the dems an unfair advantage and, to add salt to the wound, manuvering the republicans into a corner forcing THEM to vote for it!:yikes: If that artificially long debt ceiling time frame wasn't part of Reid's Bill the republicans would come together and comprimise for the sake of Americans.

This country has functioned and progressed with great success for over 200 years. All the right is saying, paraphrasing," if it aint broke don't fix it ", and meanwhile the left wants to make America like a European country. My history book said early settlers to America came here to get away from the oppression of european injustice. Obama promised on the campaign trail that he would "fundamentally change the face of America". Folks, that gave me a chill, and, events of late seem to validate my concerns. To state the nature of the conflict we have struggled with since Obama's election as concisely as possible; Obama and his legions of faithful are indeed trying to "change" everything and, the conservative right is trying to stop them, why, because we know everything works just fine as it is! Are you kidding me? ONE man is going to raise his own status to the point where we are supposed to all sit at his feet and let him [B]totally redefine America? [/B]

I heard today that all we have to do is freeze spending for 6 years at the 2011 levels and we will be flush by the end of that period. Please count me in! I'll be interested to see how many people on here rush to defend the leftist policies being rammed down America's throat right now after everybody's 401k's and pensions are reduced to half or less of their present values, even while inflation is at work erasing the other half.

Were have u been the past 2 elections? We had a president redefine America. No funding for 2 wars, countless tax cuts to the rich, lies upon lies and ur saying obama destroyed this nation in 2 years? 8 years under bush has brought down this country and u want to blame obama and the democrats for the not being able to float a sinking ship.
TheRealThing Wrote:Since you mentioned that let's get to the point in fact, that is stopping the agreement from happening right now. Everybody except a scant few of the tea party caucus is ready to cut their losses, pass a resolution and live to fight another day. The president had insisted that any legislation regarding the debt ceiling must take us past the 2012 presidential election and subsequent races for the House and Senate. The reason cited for this according to Mr Obama is that the nation doesn't need more of the stress associated to legislation dealing with our national debt right now.

Of course the real reason is because he needs the horror of this moment to fade from the voter's consciousness. In his mind he'll be able to rationalize all this as being caused by the right wing extremist republicans. In other words he is willing to put his reelection proccess above the needs of the nation and the world and, yet again, blame the republicans. I guarantee you he THINKS he is way more important than I do. But, back to the point, Obama likes to compare himself to Reagan, well, Reagan's administration raised the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years. That's right, we voted to raise the debt ceiling every 5 and 1/2 months or so. First time in history now we are supposed to give the president a one and a half year window, enough slack so he won't have to take up the issue until 2013, AFTER THE ELECTION. The republicans are very reluctant to oblige him and I don't blame them a bit. Here we are again, supposedly, the president and the dems are saying can't we all come together, when in fact they are trying to gain an advantage for the elections of 2012 by trying to pass legislation that guarantees the dems an unfair advantage and, to add salt to the wound, manuvering the republicans into a corner forcing THEM to vote for it!:yikes: If that artificially long debt ceiling time frame wasn't part of Reid's Bill the republicans would come together and comprimise for the sake of Americans.

This country has functioned and progressed with great success for over 200 years. All the right is saying, paraphrasing," if it aint broke don't fix it ", and meanwhile the left wants to make America like a European country. My history book said early settlers to America came here to get away from the oppression of european injustice. Obama promised on the campaign trail that he would "fundamentally change the face of America". Folks, that gave me a chill, and, events of late seem to validate my concerns. To state the nature of the conflict we have struggled with since Obama's election as concisely as possible; Obama and his legions of faithful are indeed trying to "change" everything and, the conservative right is trying to stop them, why, because we know everything works just fine as it is! Are you kidding me? ONE man is going to raise his own status to the point where we are supposed to all sit at his feet and let him [B]totally redefine America? [/B]

I heard today that all we have to do is freeze spending for 6 years at the 2011 levels and we will be flush by the end of that period. Please count me in! I'll be interested to see how many people on here rush to defend the leftist policies being rammed down America's throat right now after everybody's 401k's and pensions are reduced to half or less of their present values, even while inflation is at work erasing the other half.

Were have u been the past 3 elections? We had a president redefine America. No funding for 2 wars, countless tax cuts to the rich, lies upon lies and ur saying obama destroyed this nation in 2 years? 8 years under bush has brought down this country and u want to blame obama and the democrats for the not being able to float a sinking ship.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Were have u been the past 3 elections? We had a president redefine America. No funding for 2 wars, countless tax cuts to the rich, lies upon lies and ur saying obama destroyed this nation in 2 years? 8 years under bush has brought down this country and u want to blame obama and the democrats for the not being able to float a sinking ship.

Starting with Jimmy carter U.S. federal debt

Jimmy carter dropped 3.3% Democrat.

Ronald Reagan rose 20.6% Republican

George H. W. Bush rose 13% Republican

Bill Clinton dropped 9.7 percent Democrat

George W. Bush rose 27.8% Republican

Barack Obama Rose 9% Democrat
Benchwarmer Wrote:Starting with Jimmy carter U.S. federal debt

Jimmy carter dropped 3.3% Democrat.

Ronald Reagan rose 20.6% Republican

George H. W. Bush rose 13% Republican

Bill Clinton dropped 9.7 percent Democrat

George W. Bush rose 27.8% Republican

Barack Obama Rose 9% Democrat

Do you guys have any brain cells that have said howdy lately?

National debt as of Nov 2, 2008 10,574,094,462,968.23
National debt as of Dec 15, 2010 13,879,785,059,580.12

Conclusion (if 2+2 is still 4) in just over 2 years our debt soared 3.2 trilliion in Obama's first two years. By my reckoning that's a 33% increase for that time period.

National debt as of July 29, 2011 14,342,865,885,306.46

Overall conclusion 3.7 trillion in new debt to date during Obama's watch. Any way you want to slice it, WAY past 9%.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Starting with Jimmy carter U.S. federal debt

Jimmy carter dropped 3.3% Democrat.

Ronald Reagan rose 20.6% Republican

George H. W. Bush rose 13% Republican

Bill Clinton dropped 9.7 percent Democrat

George W. Bush rose 27.8% Republican

Barack Obama Rose 9% Democrat
Lies, damned lies, and statistics, and wikipedia for the full chart

If you look at the chart you'll notice that Clinton had a 9% drop with a Republican controlled Congress and GW Bush had a 20% rise with a Democratic controlled Congress
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Were have u been the past 3 elections? We had a president redefine America. No funding for 2 wars, countless tax cuts to the rich, lies upon lies and ur saying obama destroyed this nation in 2 years? 8 years under bush has brought down this country and u want to blame obama and the democrats for the not being able to float a sinking ship.

23 there is a little confusion here. In the part of my post that you have bolded I was just speaking in general terms, not specifically about the national debt. I appologize for the misleading nature of that particular rant. However, I wouldn't take one word of it back, (again speaking in the general sense)

Those deficit numbers make our presidents look bad, but, it's not all their fault. There are a number of things that bear directly on the out of control nature of our national spending.

First- the more people that are on the federal dole, the more money we have going out, added to this is the endless list of reasons so many millions of Americans are eligible to recieve entitlements.

Second- who's in control of the Congress?


1985-1987 Robert Dole ® 99TH CONGRESS REAGAN
1987-1989 Robert Byrd (D) 100TH CONGRESS REAGAN


As is obvious by this list for at least 12 the last 25 years the dems have been in control of BOTH houses of government and they totally ruled the House of Representatives the past 40 years. The difference between now and then? RESPECT, and love of country. Dems have by no means been denied the opportunity to lead, and, share responsibility for whatever we have going on right now. No way to deny that. Why is the national debt nearly 14.4 trillion to date? entitlements and waste for sure and a lot of fraud that might as well be a budgeted entitlement as well.

Stop spending growth, (spending freeze at 2011 levels for a few years) and enact a balanced budget ammendment and our troubles will be behind us.
Yeah but...If Obama had not been elected, it would be 26,789,456,123,465.99. He has been a champ in slowing down the mess Bush left him. It doesn't matter how much it has grown since Obama has been in office, his policies are all that's saved us from collapse caused by Bush and every other republican ever elected. PRAISE HIM!

I believe some of these guys are really thinking that way.
nky Wrote:Lies, damned lies, and statistics, and wikipedia for the full chart

If you look at the chart you'll notice that Clinton had a 9% drop with a Republican controlled Congress and GW Bush had a 20% rise with a Democratic controlled Congress

Susinct nky :worthy:

Lying with statistics, one of the halmarks of the liberal faith.
Last night Reid, Durbin, Schumer got in front of the cameras to respond to the latest bill to come up from the House. All three, with talking points thoroughly rehearsed and corroborated, accused the republicans of fillibustering the debt limit crisis. A crisis Reid, Durbin and Schumer planned and presided over. The House has sent up two bills that the ever arrogant Harry Reid tabled without debate. Never-the-less, they raised the fillibuster issue before the anticipated fillibuster, because the dems are afraid republicans will employ the tactic now that Reid has blocked all legislation coming from the House on this matter. My question; when will the American public hold these liberal clowns responsible for their bias? Since he would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven, Reid will wreck the economy before he lets his boss down on getting us past the next election cycle, thus preventing this nightmare from reemerging to assert itself with a vengance. In the interim, the dems think they can slake the money fears and nightmares we are all having right now as the full force of worry hits home and, we face the coming election.

If Americans haven't awakened by now and, are not ready to vote these guys out yet then, what would it take?
TheRealThing Wrote:Last night Reid, Durbin, Schumer got in front of the cameras to respond to the latest bill to come up from the House. All three, with talking points thoroughly rehearsed and corroborated, accused the republicans of fillibustering the debt limit crisis. A crisis Reid, Durbin and Schumer planned and presided over. The House has sent up two bills that the ever arrogant Harry Reid tabled without debate. Never-the-less, they raised the fillibuster issue before the anticipated fillibuster, because the dems are afraid republicans will employ the tactic now that Reid has blocked all legislation coming from the House on this matter. My question; when will the American public hold these liberal clowns responsible for their bias? Since he would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven, Reid will wreck the economy before he lets his boss down on getting us past the next election cycle, thus preventing this nightmare from reemerging to assert itself with a vengance. In the interim, the dems think they can slake the money fears and nightmares we are all having right now as the full force of worry hits home and, we face the coming election.

If Americans haven't awakened by now and, are not ready to vote these guys out yet then, what would it take?
The more poverty, unemployment, federal jobs, and misery that liberal Democrats spread, the larger their core base of supporters becomes. Poor, ignorant, illiterate people are more easily convinced that the only thing keeping them from starving is their government check.
TheRealThing Wrote:[/B]

Do you guys have any brain cells that have said howdy lately?

National debt as of Nov 2, 2008 10,574,094,462,968.23
National debt as of Dec 15, 2010 13,879,785,059,580.12

Conclusion (if 2+2 is still 4) in just over 2 years our debt soared 3.2 trilliion in Obama's first two years. By my reckoning that's a 33% increase for that time period.

National debt as of July 29, 2011 14,342,865,885,306.46

Overall conclusion 3.7 trillion in new debt to date during Obama's watch. Any way you want to slice it, WAY past 9%.

Do you guys have any brain cells that have said howdy lately?

National debt under Bush went from:
5,807,463,412,200.06 09/30/2001


11,909,829,003,511.75 09/30/2009

Overall conclusion 6.1 trillion in new debt to date during Bushes watch.
nky Wrote:Lies, damned lies, and statistics, and wikipedia for the full chart

If you look at the chart you'll notice that Clinton had a 9% drop with a Republican controlled Congress and GW Bush had a 20% rise with a Democratic controlled Congress
Benchwarmer Wrote:Do you guys have any brain cells that have said howdy lately?

National debt under Bush went from:
5,807,463,412,200.06 09/30/2001


11,909,829,003,511.75 09/30/2009

Overall conclusion 6.1 trillion in new debt to date during Bushes watch.

As I have already pointed out in an earlier post for half of his watch he had to deal with a democratically controlled House and Senate. Further, ALL of the spending legislation came out of the democratically held House of Representatives and was sent for debate and ammendments for ratification up to the Senate which was controlled by the dems for 4 of his 8 years in office. He chose not to fight the spiralling debt which, arguably he should have. At any rate the House controlls spending, that is until now when Harry Reid has tried to assume that role for hmself and the democratic majority in the US Senate.

The national debt as of Jan 20, 2009, (inauguation day) -
10,626,877,048,913.08 but, even if you cheat and use the number you did, 2 trillion is still 20% not 9.

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