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Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
TheRealThing raises some valid points. I could never be a Democrat or vote for a Democrat for one main reason. Democrats openly and completely support the premeditated murder of our innocent babies merely at the choosing of the women upon whom those innocents depend for life. Democrats want no limits put on the ability of these women claiming a woman's bogus "right to choose". This is hypocrisy at its worst. Science has conclusively proven that the baby, from conception, has separate DNA from the woman carrying it. Abortion supporters don't mention science anymore, do they? Thus, there can be no argument that abortion doesn't murder a separate human being.

Republicans are spineless and have little if anything to offer. They talk and talk and do nothing. Still, they oppose the murderous act of abortion. That is enough for me. If God (not usually a part of TheRealVille's lexicon) doesn't severely punish those who participate in, perform, condone and support abortion, He will have some serious explaining to do. I trust He will do so.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:TheRealThing raises some valid points. I could never be a Democrat or vote for a Democrat for one main reason. Democrats openly and completely support the premeditated murder of our innocent babies merely at the choosing of the women upon whom those innocents depend for life. Democrats want no limits put on the ability of these women claiming a woman's bogus "right to choose". This is hypocrisy at its worst. Science has conclusively proven that the baby, from conception, has separate DNA from the woman carrying it. Abortion supporters don't mention science anymore, do they? Thus, there can be no argument that abortion doesn't murder a separate human being.

Republicans are spineless and have little if anything to offer. They talk and talk and do nothing. Still, they oppose the murderous act of abortion. That is enough for me. If God (not usually a part of TheRealVille's lexicon) doesn't severely punish those who participate in, perform, condone and support abortion, He will have some serious explaining to do. I trust He will do so.
Are you in favor of your tax dollars supporting all the millions of "babies" if abortion were outlawed?

There has to be a god for him to punish anybody, orexplain anything to you. Do you have proof of a god?
The US did not up unto the fairly recent past, facilitate or otherwise subsidize losers. Welfare consisted of boxed up food items, not a nifty credit card (with a balance loaded monthly by the government) proudly featuring an American flag blowing in the breeze emblazoned on it's face. In those days, one worked or he lived a very humble subsistence level life style. Then, if and when said dead beat got tired of not having the things he wanted, and having gotten his mind right, all of a sudden he became motivated to get work.

Judges used to drop the gavel on dead beat Dads. They became intrinsically bound to that little love child through the courts. Thus, the shotgun wedding was surrendered to by both parents and many made a go of it. Not so now, dead beats don't just father a love child or two these days. No, they got a stable of about 30 breeding age women who dutifully surrender their government gotten booty to.

Liberals never want to hold anybody responsible for their own actions. Like I've said before, if buying the people's trouble could have worked, it would have worked under the "Great Society" initiative set in motion during the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidency. At that point there were a rather invisible 36 thousand souls receiving welfare, boxed food in that day. Today, that number has exploded to reach over 47 million. With a like number of irresponsible parents that RV wants to keep handing the moon to.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you in favor of your tax dollars supporting all the millions of "babies" if abortion were outlawed?

There has to be a god for him to punish anybody, orexplain anything to you. Do you have proof of a god?

I'm in favor of women keeping their pants zipped or, if they cannot do so, caring for the innocent human being they helped create. If they are not willing to do either, sterilize them. No exceptions for the bogus "rape, incest, or health of the woman".

The existence of God is accepted by a majority of people. Thus, it is up to you to prove otherwise. I do feel sure He is not a member of the AFl-CIO or Planned Parenthood.
Nor the ACLU!
This thing will reach tsunami status before it's all said and done. Trey Gowdy is irate and Darrell Issa is saying welcome to my nightmare. Remarkably in his case, the Dems were able to keep the negative attention focused on Mr Issa for having asked the pertinent questions during his tenure as Chair of the House Oversight Committee, and off those who were actually involved.

"The State Department has ordered an internal audit of its record keeping, officials said Friday, outlining a top-to-bottom look at the agency's practices in the aftermath of revelations that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private email account and server during her tenure."

Though I think it is likely that Kerry's 'order' is engineered to be just another self serving Democratic ploy, the overall outrage doesn't show the usual signs of just going away at some point.
I am fine with taking welfare money and using it for sterilization to those unable to afford children but pop them out every other year.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I am fine with taking welfare money and using it for sterilization to those unable to afford children but pop them out every other year.

I wholeheartedly support sterilization. These trashy baby factories produce babies on an annual basis. Quicker if physically possible. Why? They get more welfare, of course. Will anything ever be done about this abomination? No. All these minks and rabbits vote Democratic. Also, Republicans talk big and do nothing.

Abortion is premeditated murder. That cannot be disputed. And, refain from the BS argument of "rape, incest, and health of the woman (don't dare call her a "mother").
The greatest genocide in the black community is abortion. Abortion is not a choice it is legalized murder.
nky Wrote:The greatest genocide in the black community is abortion. Abortion is not a choice it is legalized murder.

So true and abortions are the work product of hypocrisy and wilful ignorance. Further, let us speak plainly with regard to the support of the hellish pursuit of abortion. Those who elect to have an abortion and those who perform them are guilty of murder. But, those who vote for candidates who openly campaign to further the practice through any means possible, legislation, adjudication, funding, propagandizing the youth, whatever, are guilty right along with them.

Republicans are guilty of leaving the issue on the back burner, which in some degree makes them complicitous. They should have done something by now for sure. However, though men may continue to sit on their hands, God will not. Judgment is coming.

The first step is for the voter to show Congress that he is serious by voting any and all who support abortion out of office. That fact alone will silence those who insist the people are behind the butchery. Then legislators will begin to get the courage to do the things which are necessary to effect the repeal of legalized infanticide.
TheRealThing Wrote:So true and abortions are the work product of hypocrisy and wilful ignorance. Further, let us speak plainly with regard to the support of the hellish pursuit of abortion. Those who elect to have an abortion and those who perform them are guilty of murder. But, those who vote for candidates who openly campaign to further the practice through any means possible, legislation, adjudication, funding, propagandizing the youth, whatever, are guilty right along with them.

Republicans are guilty of leaving the issue on the back burner, which in some degree makes them complicitous. They should have done something by now for sure. However, though men may continue to sit on their hands, God will not. Judgment is coming.

The first step is for the voter to show Congress that he is serious by voting any and all who support abortion out of office. That fact alone will silence those who insist the people are behind the butchery. Then legislators will begin to get the courage to do the things which are necessary to effect the repeal of legalized infanticide.

While I put a lot of blame on passive Republicans for the rapid decay of moral and spiritual standards, including the continual premeditated murder of our most innocent, in this country, I place the major blame on Christians and their churches. When Christians sit in their pews and express distress at the killing of these babies but do nothing other than shake their heads, the are passive conspirators in these heinous acts. And, with all due respect to my friend, TheRealThing, waiting on God to act isn't getting anything positive accomplished. He hasn't seen fit to intervene yet and babies continue to be murdered by the minute.

What I am saying is that Christians and other prolife proponents need to take off the gloves and fight fire with fire. How far should we go and what should we do? Whatever it takes to stop the killing. Singing hymns and mouthing prayers aren't saving the lives of any of God's most precious- the babies.

After all, Jesus ran the money changers out of the temple. He didn't wait around on God to do any judging.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:While I put a lot of blame on passive Republicans for the rapid decay of moral and spiritual standards, including the continual premeditated murder of our most innocent, in this country, I place the major blame on Christians and their churches. When Christians sit in their pews and express distress at the killing of these babies but do nothing other than shake their heads, the are passive conspirators in these heinous acts. And, with all due respect to my friend, TheRealThing, waiting on God to act isn't getting anything positive accomplished. He hasn't seen fit to intervene yet and babies continue to be murdered by the minute.

What I am saying is that Christians and other prolife proponents need to take off the gloves and fight fire with fire. How far should we go and what should we do? Whatever it takes to stop the killing. Singing hymns and mouthing prayers aren't saving the lives of any of God's most precious- the babies.

After all, Jesus ran the money changers out of the temple. He didn't wait around on God to do any judging.

Yep, you're not going to get any argument out of me on this one. In fact, complacent Christians are likely upwards of 100% responsible for the whole mess. Compromise is not something the Lord looks upon kindly; Revelation 3:16 (KJV) 16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

We've (Christians) been backing up since the end of WW2. All ills seemed cured after victory was achieved, there were no more enemies to defeat. Successive generations have lost touch with reality since those days in terms of threat, whether that be in the spiritual or the secular sense. So in reality, the ramifications of our (the Church's) spiritual derelictions since that day are one in the same with this world's present state of free fall. Since those who are too young to remember unfettered access to a McDonald's drive-thru have no point of reference to rely on, they are never going to buy into what I'm saying here. Though, when it comes time to pay the piper at some point in the very near future, they will.

My position is largely based on the belief that liberals and this administration in particular, are so naïve these days that by the time they see the iceberg, it will be too late to alter course. Shock and dismay will then pervade the "everybody's working for the weekend" US culture. Such is the nature of Judgment.
OK let me get this straight
Nixon missing 18 minutes of tape = impeachment/resign/crook for life
Hillary destroying 55000 emails/crushing server= hero let's elect her Prestident.

My have times changed.
nky Wrote:OK let me get this straight
Nixon missing 18 minutes of tape = impeachment/resign/crook for life
Hillary destroying 55000 emails/crushing server= hero let's elect her Prestident.

My have times changed.

My thoughts exactly.
This sums up Hillary and her followers.


Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square?
Was fashion the reason why they were there?

They disguise it, Hypnotize it.
Television made you buy it.

I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my

She's scared that I will take her away from there.
Dreams and her country, left with no one there.

Mesmerized the simple minded
Propaganda leaves us blinded.
^^Might as well add insult to injury, right?

"As reporters literally ran to Hillary Clinton’s “Mystery Van’” campaign stops in Iowa on her first day of campaigning, what many did not report was that the “ordinary Americans” with whom she met for purportedly spontaneous discussions were actually plants. The meetings were scripted, pre-arranged affairs filled with people transported to the events by Hillary staffers.

I mean, you got to be kidding. This revelation made me remember something from 2008. Even though Obama said some things that were very unnerving during his run up to the white house, I must confess that at the time, I enjoyed seeing Hillary bested by a nobody. I have nothing but contempt for Obama, but my ability to stomach Hillary was taxed to the limit long before she was handed her Senate job, much less her libatious lurchings as Secretary of State. I for one have had enough lies.
Not that it will matter to those idiots who still plan on voting for Hillary, but the State Department is now admitting that Clinton's emails contain so much potentially classified material that it is taking more time than expected to go through it before producing it to federa; Judge Rudolph Contreras. Placing classified information on networks that have not been cleared to handle classified information is known as "spillage." Spillage is rare on federal government servers, but apparently it was part of Clinton's SOP.

Quote:State Department blames classified info for Clinton email delays

The State Department says all of the potential secret information in former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails has knocked them off pace, and told a federal judge late Friday that’s why the department is currently in violation of his orders.

John F. Hackett, the top open records officer for the department, said the government belatedly realized all of the potentially classified information in Mrs. Clinton’s communications and, prodded by two watchdogs, realized they needed to be running her emails by intelligence officers to make sure they weren’t giving out secrets.
According to FOX, (the only one even admitting Hillary had a computer) the amount of classified emails sent number much higher than anyone could have expected.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
According to FOX, (the only one even admitting Hillary had a computer) the amount of classified emails sent number much higher than anyone could have expected.
The department in which I work has thousands of users with Secret and Top Secret clearances. AFAIK, in the five years that I have been a federal contractor, we have had two instances of inadvertent spillage of classified material on to our unclassified servers. In each case, the file containing the classified material was located and removed from the server immediately. Spillage on the scale that occurred onto Hillary's email server does not happen by accident.

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