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Pikeville- 62 Shelby Valley- 51
The atmosphere was amazing and the game was great! Pikeville just got Valley out of sink on the offensive end and really got under their skin and caused a few bone moves by Valley players.
The game tonight was was a great atmosphere all 4 quarters...i think valley missed their 6th man tonite in the "blue crew"...but Pikeville's pep section sure came out strong!
CONGRATS TO THE PANTHERS! Coach Williams is what made this possible. He had a game plan to beat SV and his players executed it. Booher wasn't prepared for this one and it sounds like the SV players were taken completely out of their usual style of play. Had SV hit more of their 3's they probably would have won, but they should never have relied on the 3 ball, especially since they didn't have to. No wonder they didn't get more free throws. I doubt that SV was intimidated as some suggest, because they already beat Pikeville once. I'd have to give the props to Coach Williams for making adjustments to the gameplan, controlling the tempo and taking SV out of their gameplan.

Valley needs to get back in sync. They are still a regional favorite.

Good luck Tigers!
Congrats Panthers, glad to see them coming around, hopefully they can take this and sustain it, its not often we see kids as big as Adams in the mountain regions. Often when they do, they can make a run at a state championship, I dont think that will happen this year, but in the next coming years as he develops and matures, it is a possibility, gonna be a tough 59th district for this and the following two seaons.
A-TRAIN Wrote:Congrats Panthers, glad to see them coming around, hopefully they can take this and sustain it, its not often we see kids as big as Adams in the mountain regions. Often when they do, they can make a run at a state championship, I dont think that will happen this year, but in the next coming years as he develops and matures, it is a possibility, gonna be a tough 59th district for this and the following two seaons.

Adams is a Junior, Ashley will dominate the paint against Pikeville in 2 years.
A-TRAIN Wrote:Congrats Panthers, glad to see them coming around, hopefully they can take this and sustain it, its not often we see kids as big as Adams in the mountain regions. Often when they do, they can make a run at a state championship, I dont think that will happen this year, but in the next coming years as he develops and matures, it is a possibility, gonna be a tough 59th district for this and the following two seaons.

Next season, you got that right!!
Hearing this score on the radio after watching another All "A" game in the 14th Region was a shock . After watching the Pikeville Panthers play two games in the WYMT, I felt they were a good team but was not playing at the level to pull of a great win like this over SV. Congratulations Coach Williams and the Panthers on this win. This loss as everyone has stated might get the SV Wild Cats attention to show them they need to bring their A game every night.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I'd like to see the stats and fouls for this game, internet sounded like there were like twice the amount of fouls called on Valley then when they played at Valley.

Congrats Pikeville, go beat Paintsville.

Of course, there wont be alot of fouls called on valley at valley...
OK.....for a couple of weeks now, everyone has been saying that Valley isn't playing good. They have also been plenty predicting someone to upset them soon. So is everyone that surprized, and do you all think Valley thought they were unbeatable in the 15th? This game will make Valley work harder for the rest of the year, but just because they already knew they were heading this direction. I don't think it is a wake up call if Valley already knew they were vulnerable.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:The thing with Valley in the games I have seen them play this season which has been this one and Pike Central. When they get down they get lazy, and take stupid shots. It's like they are to worried about losing the game rather then trying to find a way to get back into it. The rush into shooting threes every trip down the floor when they are down. Until they realize the way to come back is work the ball around until you get a good solid open look, then they will not win many ball games against good teams when they get down. I think the difference maker in this game was the play of Adams. As well as the late foul+T on Bryant. IMO it was a clean take away from the way I saw it and the T was just a stupied move on his part.

Did anyone that watched it on TV see the Valley fan trying to get down to court level idk what that was about but I thought for sure something bad was about to happen.

I saw it I was really worried but it was pretty funny to watch the women trying to calm him down!Smile
Congrats Pikeville
Seems your players wanted it more than Valley and they brought their game face. Wildcats just took it for granted that you were a easy win. Valley is the type of time that listens to all the buzz that they are soooo good and they believe that all teams are going to come to lose to them. No way with the talent they have should they have lost this game. But sometimes you need a wake up call and they got that one tonight. Past games win or lose are just that past games. You need to come to each game just like you do the first game of the season wanting to show what you can do not what you have done. And really lets not try to turn a poorly played game into a ref against us game .face it they just didn't play ball. Good luck to all teams in the 15th
congrats the first half the refs were horrible they called pretty much everything for pikeville..but after halftime valley came out and it was as if they didnt want to play like they gave honestly pikeville deserved this win. i do think that if valley would have came out the second half with the same attitude they would have won no doubt about it but they didnt. but good luck to pikeville in the championship!
Great win Panthers! Every Panther played their hearts out tonight!!! Way to go!!!
Dazed&Confused Wrote:The game tonight was was a great atmosphere all 4 quarters...i think valley missed their 6th man tonite in the "blue crew"...but Pikeville's pep section sure came out strong!

It was obvious that valley missed their blue crew. The pep section from Pikeville showed a lot of poor sportsmanship by spitting on the valley cheerleaders. Really bad taste IMOSad
#1wildcatfan Wrote:It was obvious that valley missed their blue crew. The pep section from Pikeville showed a lot of poor sportsmanship by spitting on the valley cheerleaders. Really bad taste IMOSad
I would soooooo...thrash my son for that.....and he knows it!
They can't be as rude as Hazard's pep section. However, that is very...very poor sportsmanship.
The stats show that the team had 14 steals but you only show one player with steals, who had the other steals for the team?
The Guru Wrote:I would soooooo...thrash my son for that.....and he knows it!
Most parents would. The pep sections are great but I think they are getting a little out of hand.
What happened to the rabbits tonight?? Guess Pikeville had a magic hat of their own tonight against the Globetrotters.
I may be the first to say it, but I honestly think that Pikeville is on the same level as SV. You may say that Valley didn't bring their A game or was looking ahead but I strongly disagree.

Pikeville is a district rival of SV, enough of one that they did a little bit of storming the court after their win a week ago, so I doubt they were "overlooked", especially in a win or go home tournament...The first half SV played well and hard.

Which brings me to my next point - Pikeville was getting good shots the first 1 1/2 quarters but they weren't falling. They controlled the pace with varying defenses and a solid half-court offense, but had trouble scoring, so they fell behind by 10.

Then halfway through the 2nd, shots started falling and at halftime SVs lead was 1.

Pikeville came out strong at the beginning of the 3rd, pulling slightly ahead. And then SV was thrown into a position they rarely, if ever around here, get into. They had to come back from a second half deficate against a good team. This IMO made them very uncomfortable, so they took ill-advised 3-pointers and made bad passes. Pikeville did a resonable job sealing the deal.

Many of you are saying that the Technical of Bryant was very big...It may have been a factor, but IMO it really wasn't game-changing - Pikeville was up by 6 and had the ball when the fouls occurred, and gained only 4 points, as they turned it over on the possession after the free throws.

IMO Pikeville and SV are on the same playing field...The only advantage I would give would be to SVs closing - If they have a 4 point lead and the ball at any point in the 4th quarter, they win (because this is the situation they are most comfortable in).
#1wildcatfan Wrote:It was obvious that valley missed their blue crew. The pep section from Pikeville showed a lot of poor sportsmanship by spitting on the valley cheerleaders. Really bad taste IMOSad
I don't want this to start anything but I've asked around and can't find anyone who saw this happening so, who made the claims that this was happening? PM me.
They did spit on Valley's cheerleaders. Plain and simple.
I think that you are right on several points. The "T" was not a big factor because they(Pikeville) did turn the ball over. Pikeville hit the freethrows and they would have gotten 2 anyway for the foul so they gained 2 extra for the "T". However, Valley can usualy rally to come from behind when they need to. In the DWI tourney they made the biggest comeback in the history of the tournament in the 4th quarter. Valley's players seemed like they were not playing true team ball. In order to beat anyone they must get back to what Valley is known for "unselfish, team basketball". Until that point they may be in for a few more losing games. Good win Pikeville good luck tomorrow!
Just read about the score. Great job Pikeville and Coach Williams. I always support any Eastern KY. team when it comes to Central and Western Kentucky opponents in the end of the season tournaments but Shelby Valley was making way to many predictions way too early. Don't get me wrong! They are a great team that has recently been building a great winning tradition but here in Eastern Kentucky we are used to putting bullseyes on the back of the favorites. I feel that happened tonight in Betsy lane.
#1wildcatfan Wrote:It was obvious that valley missed their blue crew. The pep section from Pikeville showed a lot of poor sportsmanship by spitting on the valley cheerleaders. Really bad taste IMOSad
The whole game there was deputies under the goal right behind Shelby Valleys cheerleaders. Why didnt they tell one of them they was getting spit on? Why wait until a post at 11:30 to even bring it up? 3 hours after the Paintsville game was over.

PC_You_Know Wrote:They did spit on Valley's cheerleaders. Plain and simple.
You know it plain and simple even though you weren't at the game?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Sounds like Valley played a very inconsistent game. Good job by Pikeville to show more heart and make the come back in the second quarter. Congratz to Pikeville and good luck against Paintsville.
I thought the big play that sorta broke Valley's back was when Bryant fouled Clevinger and then got the technical foul....The game was still close at that point...I think it may have been like 5or 6 but when that happened there was a 4 point swing and Shelby Valley never recovered.....I think the call was right on the technical but I also thought it was sorta late...If they were going to wait that long, they shouldn't have called it...That's just my opinion...I thought Pikeville had a great game and executed to a T. Congrats to Coach Willliams and the Panthers....It also looked to me as if the Wildcats were looking to tomorrow night's game and forgot that they were playing a pretty good team tonight...I'm not so sure that Valley is in the best of shape either because at the end when they were actually trying to get after it and press a little, it seemed as if Pikeville just made on pass and beat them down the floor....Good luck to both teams the rest of the season!
Keep the topic on the game, and nothing else.
Congrats Panthers on a very nice victory.
Congrats to Bart and the Panthers. This is a much deserved win for the Panthers. This was the best I have seen them look this year. Clev did a nice job controlling the game from the point. Dev had another nice game. Gatlin Clark and Jordan Bell hit a few big shots that really helped out the Panthers.

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