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Congrats to Shawn Hall, new 15th Region Assigning Secretary
Heard rumor today that Bubby Davis is going to be the assistant assigning sect.
Can you say Johnson County Mafia!!!!!
longball Wrote:Heard rumor today that Bubby Davis is going to be the assistant assigning sect.
Can you say Johnson County Mafia!!!!!
Sure beats the Pike Co. mafia that they tried to pull off!!!
You'll not find a better man to help. I don't blame Bubby for not calling games this year because it's not FUN to him anymore. It's been the Buddies system for the last time. You have to have your top people to represent you durning District and Regionals by the ratings not who is SUCKING up to the assigning secretary. The Buddies calling him everyday sucking up so they can get better games. It's great to have men who will do a good job and do it fair. Why do you think the better officals QUIT...Good help is hard to find. From what I was told the OFFICALS are glad that there has been a change. Good luck

longball Wrote:By a vote of 9 to 7 Shawn Hall edges out Pike Central's AD Eugene Lyons for the job. Good Luck Coach Hall you have your work cut out for you.
i dont like him he tried to throw me out of a game a couple years ago at Johnson Central when i litterally hadnt opened my mouth it was the guy couple rows below me . He embarrased me and after it was straightened out he never had the courtesy to appoligise
Does the assigning secretary position carry a stipend with it?
MCDADDY Wrote:Does the assigning secretary position carry a stipend with it?
Yes, Each school pays in about 150.00 dollars. There is no assistant that is paid as it was once in the past. Someone correct me if this is wrong and know more about it.
This man will play politics.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:I just don't think a coach should have this job. An A.D. is a good candidate, or even a school administrator, but a coach I don't think should have any say where these officials go. I understand he doesn't coach basketball, but at the same time he is still a coach at that school. It's obviously just my opinion, but I just don't think that is a job for a head coach.

Just as a coach of any sport should not be officiating games of any kind, especially within the distirct where he coaches. Not to mention any names......
hawkhead Wrote:Let the mess begin !!!!
Don't you mean continue. Actually though, I think Hall will do a good job. Even if he doesn't, he couldn't do any worse.
Greenrock Wrote:Two out of the three would be O.K. ...But Hurley-- that's all we need is for him to come back as a official..............And may be Hurley can keep his West Virginia crew in West Virginia with him.
OOHH. I didn't think about him officiating again. Not good.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:They really didn't have an advantage last year because the secretary was un-biased. This year I can't see him being fair. There are certain people in Johnson County who are well thought of and well respected who really pushed for him to get it. They wanted to keep it out of Pike County's hands, and for that matter I don't blame them, but since he is still a "Head Coach" in a participating school system I just don't think it's right. Like I said though that is just my opinion. Everybody is going to be on different sides of this fence, and that i just my side on it.
And no matter what he does, right or wrong, fair or unfair, there will be someone unsatisfied just as they always are. Let's give him a chance before he's bashed. Maybe he has more integrity and character than everyone is giving him credit for having.
NEXT Wrote:Why all the hate for Pike Co.?
You must be from Pike County or you wouldn't have to ask that question.
Tubby Lover Wrote:This man will play politics.
Any proof to back up this statement?
BballFan63 Wrote:Just as a coach of any sport should not be officiating games of any kind, especially within the distirct where he coaches. Not to mention any names......

I completely agree! I can't believe that have that crap going on as well. Him and his brother have been doing the 57th forever, and it just isn't right for them to be associated within the district as head coaches and officiating against the other members. I don't care who you are in that situation it would be hard to stay unbiased.

BballFan63 Wrote:And no matter what he does, right or wrong, fair or unfair, there will be someone unsatisfied just as they always are. Let's give him a chance before he's bashed. Maybe he has more integrity and character than everyone is giving him credit for having.

Well maybe he does, and maybe he don't. We will find out, but I wish they could have picked somebody else without a head coaching job within the Region. All it does is it leaves himself wide open for criticism and accusations.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:I completely agree! I can't believe that have that crap going on as well. Him and his brother have been doing the 57th forever, and it just isn't right for them to be associated within the district as head coaches and officiating against the other members. I don't care who you are in that situation it would be hard to stay unbiased.

Well maybe he does, and maybe he don't. We will find out, but I wish they could have picked somebody else without a head coaching job within the Region. All it does is it leaves himself wide open for criticism and accusations.

Very true; I personally wouldn't have put myself in that situation. Looks like he would have enough stress just being a head coach. Maybe he wants to see some long needed changes made. But, as you said, we'll have to wait and see what kind of job he does.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:I completely agree! I can't believe that have that crap going on as well. Him and his brother have been doing the 57th forever, and it just isn't right for them to be associated within the district as head coaches and officiating against the other members. I don't care who you are in that situation it would be hard to stay unbiased.

Well maybe he does, and maybe he don't. We will find out, but I wish they could have picked somebody else without a head coaching job within the Region. All it does is it leaves himself wide open for criticism and accusations.

The only ones who will criticize or accuse are those that want to hide behind names on BGR or other forums. The bottom line is, Coach Hall is a standup guy no matter how you look at it. You don't hire principals unless they have some experience dealing with kids. Why would you vote in someone in this position who has never had the experience or dealings with referees. Come on, Common sense goes a long way. The FEW who hate change, make everything miserable for the rest of us. Make no mistake about it, he was the best candidate for this position considering those that wanted it! It wouldn't make sense to vote someone in who couldn't come in and evaluate referees properly either. How could one do that who has never done it themselves? Bill Mike Runyon openly endorsed Hall, everyone on here seems to think he is a saint....that must count for something now, right?
How can you say at who the 15th region has had for their assigning secretary in the past. A certain assigning secretary was the principal at Belfry High if I am not mistaken he was also a coach for Belfry for years while being the assigning secretary...The guy who followed him was from Pike Co. Is he not a athletic director of Pike
Co. schools. lol...The last one from Pike Co. had a son who played for Belfry. Get real.
You guys are just jealous because it is not in Pike Co. anymore.
How can you say at who the 15th region has had for their assigning secretary in the past. A certain assigning secretary was the principal at Belfry High if I am not mistaken he was also a coach for Belfry for years while being the assigning secretary...The guy who followed him was from Pike Co. Is he not a athletic director of Pike
Co. schools. lol...The last one from Pike Co. had a son who played for Belfry. Get real. You guys are just jealous because it is not in Pike Co. anymore.
BigBlueNation Wrote:The only ones who will criticize or accuse are those that want to hide behind names on BGR or other forums. The bottom line is, Coach Hall is a standup guy no matter how you look at it. You don't hire principals unless they have some experience dealing with kids. Why would you vote in someone in this position who has never had the experience or dealings with referees. Come on, Common sense goes a long way. The FEW who hate change, make everything miserable for the rest of us. Make no mistake about it, he was the best candidate for this position considering those that wanted it! It wouldn't make sense to vote someone in who couldn't come in and evaluate referees properly either. How could one do that who has never done it themselves? Bill Mike Runyon openly endorsed Hall, everyone on here seems to think he is a saint....that must count for something now, right?

I was never questioning his integrity or that he wasn't the best option for this job. If I did make it sound that way I didn't mean to. The only thing I was/am concerned with is the fact that he not only coaches football, but is the Head Coach for the baseball team, who is a very competitive team every year and it takes year around to develop that. I just think he has too much on his plate, that's all.
Sounded like you were. No way you can say this because if a principal who is over the whole school 6,7 or 800 students and a athletic director who is over 6 schools can do it then it should be a piece of cake for a coach.
He can't do any worse than what has been done over the last 6 to 7 years.
Just as the schools. Even the Pike Co schools will tell you this.
GOT GAME Wrote:Sounded like you were. No way you can say this because if a principal who is over the whole school 6,7 or 800 students and a athletic director who is over 6 schools can do it then it should be a piece of cake for a coach.

I can't believe you actually think that. So teaching, football, baseball, and now this. To me it's just too much. No principal I have ever seen puts in the time and effort most coaches do. They work later, put in more hours on weekends, and they are at it year around. I don't know any principal that does that. I am only speaking about the successful programs, we all know that some coaches don't do jack and just take their 1,500 bucks and head to the house. Shawn actually does I think, and this will be too much. It's just my opinion though, you can have yours as well.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:I was never questioning his integrity or that he wasn't the best option for this job. If I did make it sound that way I didn't mean to. The only thing I was/am concerned with is the fact that he not only coaches football, but is the Head Coach for the baseball team, who is a very competitive team every year and it takes year around to develop that. I just think he has too much on his plate, that's all.

Shawn doesn't coach football at all. Baseball games don't start (they do practice/condition I know) until after basketball season is 99% completed. He is a good guy, a fair guy, and will do a great job. Just wait and see...give him a shot. I promise you if he can't get the job done, no one will need to tell him that! He will step down himself. Just my opinion....
BigBlueNation Wrote:Shawn doesn't coach football at all. Baseball games don't start (they do practice/condition I know) until after basketball season is 99% completed. He is a good guy, a fair guy, and will do a great job. Just wait and see...give him a shot. I promise you if he can't get the job done, no one will need to tell him that! He will step down himself. Just my opinion....

Yes he did. He coached middle school football this past season.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Yes he did. He coached middle school football this past season.

Did and Do are two different things. I think it was stated that he "does" now and that is not true. Nevertheless, I'm sure he could handle middle school football as well. Shawn is the assigning secretary and a head baseball coach, period!
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Another great example of how politics runs our athletic department in the mountains.

how this is the first time some one from pike county hasnt gotten in in 26 years!!!!
You know, somebody has to do this job. It would be very difficult to find somebody who has no ties whatsoever with a particular school. Shawn is/was an excellent official. This job should be done by someone who has officiating experience who can help younger officials. I have yet to see an assigning secretary blow the whistle to decide a game. Most people are making a much bigger deal than is necessary. How can the A.S. help schools? By giving them the better officials? Look around, you can practically count the good officials on one hand.
BigBlueNation Wrote:Did and Do are two different things. I think it was stated that he "does" now and that is not true. Nevertheless, I'm sure he could handle middle school football as well. Shawn is the assigning secretary and a head baseball coach, period!

Haha! Well if your going to go at it like that, I state that he "coached" football, which is used in the past tense. So if I did say that in the first post I corrected it in the second. haha
IntheZone Wrote:how this is the first time some one from pike county hasnt gotten in in 26 years!!!!

Is that true? That is unbelievable. If that is true than I will change my comment and competely support him because I love when people rock the boat, and I bet that really killed the people from Pikeville.
This thread started as a "Congrats to Shawn Hall" on his new 2nd job as assigning secretary for ALL the 15th Region.

I would love to see everyone back off, wish him congrats and good luck, and let him do his job.

All this bickering over whether a coach or athletic director should be assigning is really boring.

And why does EVERY thread end up being about politics within the region???

Anyone interested in making officiating in the 15th Region better???
Why not start making phone calls and help Shawn recruit new officials??
Why not encourage some young former players to get registered??

Recruiting, training, scheduling, and evaluating...there is plenty of work to be done.
It is not an easy job.
Good Luck Shawn Hall

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