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McConnell Wins
Do-double-gg Wrote:I thought (according to people like TRV and CNN) that the Republican party was dead. After last night I think the American people sent a loud and clear message that a party red or blue is only as strong or weak as the last person to fill an office and how good of a job they did, but the Republican party and the values of the people in it are alive and well. I was not a big fan of Bush Jr and I think he did hurt the Republican chances in the last 2 elections, but I also think that Obama is now hurting his own party for 2016. I think the scary thing for democrats is that Obama still has 2 years to make it even worse. I think that the eyes of all the nation will be on Obama from now till 2016 to see how he responds to this Republican surge and if he does bad I can see a Republican in office in 2016 IMO.
Go back to, and including Reagan years, and see how congress has changed in "6th year" midterms.
You guys are crowing that conservatives have finally woke up, and taking back the country from democrats, yet this happens with every President in their 6th year., as far as I went back and looked. I wouldn't crow too much, republicans took back over in red states. Shocker huh? You can bet your ass that this country is moving in a more liberal direction. If you aren't seeing it, you spend too much time watching Fox News.
TheRealVille Wrote:Go back to, and including Reagan years, and see how congress has changed in "6th year" midterms.
You guys are crowing that conservatives have finally woke up, and taking back the country from democrats, yet this happens with every President in their 6th year., as far as I went back and looked. I wouldn't crow too much, republicans took back over in red states. Shocker huh? You can bet your ass that this country is moving in a more liberal direction. If you aren't seeing it, you spend too much time watching Fox News.

Well, drawing from the 'canon' you have established in your writings on here over the past several years, this argument doesn't hold a drop of water. After the last Presidential election you were on here advising Republicans that if they ever intended to win another election they would have to moderate dramatically to the left. They didn't do that but, again swept the Mid-Terms anyway. Now your diminishing the results by saying that always happens in the 6th year of Presidency.

In typical fashion, liberals always overstate their position with the people and deny America's traditional conservative values. If conservatives really have awakened, your side is in for a political fight and it's high time in my book.
TheRealVille Wrote:Go back to, and including Reagan years, and see how congress has changed in "6th year" midterms.
You guys are crowing that conservatives have finally woke up, and taking back the country from democrats, yet this happens with every President in their 6th year., as far as I went back and looked. I wouldn't crow too much, republicans took back over in red states. Shocker huh? You can bet your ass that this country is moving in a more liberal direction. If you aren't seeing it, you spend too much time watching Fox News.
When Obama took office, Democrats had large majorities in both the Senate (57 seats) and the House of Representatives (257 seats).

In January, after 6 years of Obama's lawless behavior in the Oval Office, Republicans control both houses of Congress by comfortable margins (54 Senate seats and 244 House seats). Republicans have their largest majority in the House since Herbert Hoover was president in 1930 (84 years ago).

If you look at what happened to the Democrats at the state level across the country, it is even more clear that Republicans delivered a historic smack-down to the Democratic Party this week. This does not happen with every president. Most presidents lose a few seats in second term mid-term elections. Obama continues to be a wrecking ball for (to) the national Democratic Party.

If you are not seeing this election as a monumental repudiation of Obama, his liberal agenda, and his failure to faithfully execute the laws of the land, then maybe you should be watching Fox News.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:When Obama took office, Democrats had large majorities in both the Senate (57 seats) and the House of Representatives (257 seats).

In January, after 6 years of Obama's lawless behavior in the Oval Office, Republicans control both houses of Congress by comfortable margins (54 Senate seats and 244 House seats). Republicans have their largest majority in the House since Herbert Hoover was president in 1930 (84 years ago).

If you look at what happened to the Democrats at the state level across the country, it is even more clear that Republicans delivered a historic smack-down to the Democratic Party this week. This does not happen with every president. Most presidents lose a few seats in second term mid-term elections. Obama continues to be a wrecking ball for (to) the national Democratic Party.

If you are not seeing this election as a monumental repudiation of Obama, his liberal agenda, and his failure to faithfully execute the laws of the land, then maybe you should be watching Fox News.
Every President, at least back to Reagan, came in with majorities in Congress from their party. And, in every one of those terms, in the 6th year midterms, Congress went to the other party.

The turnaround this time came mostly from red states electing republicans. Again, shocker huh?
TheRealVille Wrote:Every President, at least back to Reagan, came in with majorities in Congress from their party. And, in every one of those terms, in the 6th year midterms, Congress went to the other party.
In this case, you have to go all the way back to Hoover for a bigger win by Republicans. It may have been just as long since either party had such a good election in the gubernatorial and state legislature elections. When Republicans win governor races in deep blue states like Massachusetts and Maryland, then you have to admit that it was an unusually bad night for Democrats, don't you? I think Democrats' poor showing in state races was an even bigger shocker than their poor performance in national elections. The party switching is just getting started.
TheRealVille Wrote:Every President, at least back to Reagan, came in with majorities in Congress from their party. And, in every one of those terms, in the 6th year midterms, Congress went to the other party.

The turnaround this time came mostly from red states electing republicans. Again, shocker huh?

Maybe to you and Obama, LOL.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In this case, you have to go all the way back to Hoover for a bigger win by Republicans. It may have been just as long since either party had such a good election in the gubernatorial and state legislature elections. When Republicans win governor races in deep blue states like Massachusetts and Maryland, then you have to admit that it was an unusually bad night for Democrats, don't you? I think Democrats' poor showing in state races was an even bigger shocker than their poor performance in national elections. The party switching is just getting started.
Obama lost 13 in the house, 7 in the senate. How many did Bush jr. lose in his 6th year?

Quote:1874 - Republican Ulysses S. Grant: Lost 93 seats in the House*, lost 1 seat in the Senate (the smallest swing in the history of the Senate).
1894 - Democrat Grover Cleveland (although this was his second term, it was not consecutive with his first): Lost 107 seats in the House* (the largest swing in the history of the House), lost 4 seats in the Senate*.
1918 - Democrat Woodrow Wilson: Lost 22 seats in the House*, lost 5 seats in the Senate*.
1938 - Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt: Lost 72 seats in the House, lost 7 seats in the Senate.
1950 - Democrat Harry S. Truman: Lost 28 seats in the House, lost 5 seats in the Senate.
1958 - Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower: Lost 48 seats in the House^, lost 13 seats in the Senate^.
1974 - Republican Richard Nixon (although Gerald Ford was President when the elections took place that year): Lost 48 seats in the House^, lost 4 seats in the Senate^.
1986 - Republican Ronald Reagan: Lost 5 seats in the House^, lost 8 seats in the Senate*.
2006 - Republican George W. Bush: Lost 30 seats in the House*, lost 6 seats in the Senate*.
2014 - Democrat Barack Obama: Lost 13 seats in the House^, lost 7 seats in the Senate*.
Since Reagan, Congress has flipped to the other party in the 6th year. According to that site, Clinton gained seats, but republicans had control in the 6th year.
TheRealThing Wrote:Maybe to you and Obama, LOL.
It's never a shocker to me when a red state elects a republican.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama lost 13 in the house, 7 in the senate. How many did Bush jr. lose in his 6th year?

The more important fact here is that liberals, who thought they were firmly in control of their own destinies, were smacked down rudely by the real power brokers in this land, the voter. And, it isn't over. 2016 will see another historic turnout, as conservatives that bought into the Obama charisma will not be duped again, especially by Hillary who has distinguished herself as disconnected and above the grieving family members of the slain in Benghazi. Then we will see "what difference does it really make?"

BTW, you need to go ahead and add Louisiana and Alaska to that Senate list. Alaska is for all purposes gone already, even the true believer liberals can see that.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama lost 13 in the house, 7 in the senate. How many did Bush jr. lose in his 6th year?

Since Reagan, Congress has flipped to the other party in the 6th year.

You are a bit premature there, TheRealVille. Your boy will lose 9 seats in the US Senate. You forgot Louisiana and Alaska.

I can think of one intelligent quote from the little fairy in the White House- elections have consequences. He also said, "I won. You lost" and "If you want to have power, win an election".

Well, whether he admits it or not, he got his girlie-jeaned a** stomped. And, I would hope the Republicans (remember Mitch McConnell who you were going to beat with a nothing candidate) show him the same consideration he has shown to them. Absolutely nothing. The Republicans need to make sure that elections have harsh consequences for the little arrogant ferret.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama lost 13 in the house, 7 in the senate. How many did Bush jr. lose in his 6th year?

Since Reagan, Congress has flipped to the other party in the 6th year. According to that site, Clinton gained seats, but republicans had control in the 6th year.

TheRealVille Wrote:It's never a shocker to me when a red state elects a republican.

Then why did you continually post that Clueless Barbie had a chance? She got her rather broad a** thumped, too. But, although the election results were already in and he was no longer a danger to Jailbird Jerry the Puppetmaster and his neophyte daughter, they found Andy Lundergan so it wasn't a complete loss for you.

I have a job application from Payless Shoe Source. Should I mail it to Clueless Barbie? Of course, there is no guarantee that she is qualified to work there.
TheRealThing Wrote:The more important fact here is that liberals, who thought they were firmly in control of their own destinies, were smacked down rudely by the real power brokers in this land, the voter. And, it isn't over. 2016 will see another historic turnout, as conservatives that bought into the Obama charisma will not be duped again, especially by Hillary who has distinguished herself as disconnected and above the grieving family members of the slain in Benghazi. Then we will see "what difference does it really make?"

BTW, you need to go ahead and add Louisiana and Alaska to that Senate list. Alaska is for all purposes gone already, even the true believer liberals can see that.
Like I said, don't read too much into this red state, 6th year itch, fliparound.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama lost 13 in the house, 7 in the senate. How many did Bush jr. lose in his 6th year?
Democrats lost 63 seats in the 2010 mid-term elections in the House and 6 seats in the Senate. Democrats managed to pick up a few seats in 2012, but the gains were small compared to the losses that they have suffered in the two mid-term elections (2 Senate seats and 8 House seats). You are making a good effort to put a positive spin on Democrats' electoral disaster, but that is all it is - spin.

TheRealVille Wrote:Since Reagan, Congress has flipped to the other party in the 6th year. According to that site, Clinton gained seats, but republicans had control in the 6th year.
Obama suffered a huge setback on Tuesday, but like you, he is in denial of what a pariah he has become politically.

Obama will continue to drag your party down until (unless) he starts governing like an adult and heeding public opinion by signing some legislation with bipartisan support. Republicans will give him that opportunity. Let's see if he is smart enough to stop the bleeding. Clinton was, but I just don't see Obama putting in the hard work that it will take to stop the bleeding in his party.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are a bit premature there, TheRealVille. Your boy will lose 9 seats in the US Senate. You forgot Louisiana and Alaska.

I can think of one intelligent quote from the little fairy in the White House- elections have consequences. He also said, "I won. You lost" and "If you want to have power, win an election".

Well, whether he admits it or not, he got his girlie-jeaned a** stomped. And, I would hope the Republicans (remember Mitch McConnell who you were going to beat with a nothing candidate) show him the same consideration he has shown to them. Absolutely nothing. The Republicans need to make sure that elections have harsh consequences for the little arrogant ferret.

When he rode into DC in his chariot wearing his crown of laurel leaves, he was certainly taking no prisoners. And how about those Greek columns? They were strangely prophetic were they not? They portrayed the symbolism of greatness of standing, and intellect, however, inside where it really counted they were just Styrofoam. At any rate, we are speaking of consideration. There was certainly no consideration shown to the people's representatives from across the aisle when ObamaCare was rammed through. Not one Republican had a thing to do with it. In fact, Republicans were excluded from the so-called legislative process, in that every machination emanated only from within the Democratic Caucus. Pelosi had that asinine looking gavel which no doubt mirrored her immense ego, which was put on display for all to see during her walk across the mall.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, don't read too much into this red state, 6th year itch, fliparound.
You are truly suffering from tunnel vision by ignoring the results in blue states like Massachusetts and Maryland, and purple states like Iowa. Joni Ernst won a seat in Iowa that had been held by the most radical left winger in the U.S. Senate (with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders).

Republicans gained control of both the West Virginia state Senate and House of Delegates and there is widespread speculation that Gov. Manchin may become a Republican. Those results are all on Obama and his War on Coal.

It might make you feel better to think of the election results being just normal mid-term losses in states where Democrats are weak, but believing that does not make it true.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, don't read too much into this red state, 6th year itch, fliparound.

It's obvious that you don't read much into anything. Otherwise, you would be better informed. You need someone to sum it all up for you so I will provide a public service and do so. Your incompetent, socialist-leaning, athletically challenged community organizer with the huge ego got his skinny butt handed to him. He is not even a lame duck. He is moot. But, on the other hand, he still has his girlie jeans and his pansy demeanor and Barney Frank and Rachel Maddow still support him.
A weak president is a dangerous president. Obama is the most effeminate president of my lifetime and he has never been as weak as he is now. There is not much hope that a man with Obama's big, unjustified ego will start acting in this country's best interests after six years, but he needs to shake up his cabinet and put some competent people in place of the idiots who are currently serving.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It's obvious that you don't read much into anything. Otherwise, you would be better informed. You need someone to sum it all up for you so I will provide a public service and do so. Your incompetent, socialist-leaning, athletically challenged community organizer with the huge ego got his skinny butt handed to him. He is not even a lame duck. He is moot. But, on the other hand, he still has his girlie jeans and his pansy demeanor and Barney Frank and Rachel Maddow still support him.
Get back to me in 2 years when 24 republicans are vulnerable. The map in the next election favors democrats, so if republicans win more then, you can crow. For now, with mostly red states electing republicans, I'd hold off.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:A weak president is a dangerous president. Obama is the most effeminate president of my lifetime and he has never been as weak as he is now. There is not much hope that a man with Obama's big, unjustified ego will start acting in this country's best interests after six years, but he needs to shake up his cabinet and put some competent people in place of the idiots who are currently serving.
You are actually talking about Obama doing something, when republicans have done everything possible to destroy his Presidency, by blocking any and everything he tries? They even signed a pack to try to destroy his Presidency, from the very beginning no less.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:A weak president is a dangerous president. Obama is the most effeminate president of my lifetime and he has never been as weak as he is now. There is not much hope that a man with Obama's big, unjustified ego will start acting in this country's best interests after six years, but he needs to shake up his cabinet and put some competent people in place of the idiots who are currently serving.

Isn't that the truth! The Middle East is raging, Putin is reconstituting the former USSR, Iran is going nuclear (if I didn't know better I might think we were actually allies with Iran), North Korea hasn't stopped sabre rattling lately and China has nearly put the US in her rear view during his tenure. All he cares about is social justice and putting the US in what he thinks is her rightful place in the world. But, if what Dennis Lynch has been saying is anywhere near the truth, the real number of illegals may be much closer to 40 million not 11 million and, we have already imported the collapse of the US via illegal immigration. VIDEO LINK----
TheRealVille Wrote:You are actually talking about Obama doing something, when republicans have done everything possible to destroy his Presidency, by blocking any and everything he tries? They even signed a pack to try to destroy his Presidency, from the very beginning no less.
Harry Reid has been the cause of gridlock in Washington. He, with Obama's urging, has blocked votes on several hundred bills that were passed by the House. Reid also refused to allow Republicans to even propose amendments to most Senate bills. There has been no compromise because Obama and Reid made no effort to compromise.

Republicans have not destroyed Obama's presidency, he has self-destructed, and he is still talking like a president who controls both houses of Congress. If Obama is going to accomplish anything over the next two years, then he needs an attitude adjustment. Otherwise, he will continue to destroy his own party's 2016 election prospects.

As of this moment, the historic 2014 election has solidified Obama's position as the worst president in U.S. history. If he wants to improve his position, then he needs to follow the Clinton model.

I watched Clinton's reaction to losing control of the U.S. Senate in 1998 and Obama's comments following Tuesday's election. Clinton took full responsibility for the Democrats' losses and acknowledged that he would need to find areas of common interest with Republicans in the last two years of his second term. Obama? He talked as if he had won the election because turnout was low and two-thirds of registered voters stayed home.

Like I said, if Obama does not come to grips with reality, things will only get worse for him and his party. Republicans will send bills to Obama's desk and if he vetoes a large number of them, then the voters who have not already recognized who has been responsible for gridlock will have no doubt by 2016.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are actually talking about Obama doing something, when republicans have done everything possible to destroy his Presidency, by blocking any and everything he tries? They even signed a pack to try to destroy his Presidency, from the very beginning no less.

I would suggest that your last statement deserves a bit of verification. Cite your authority and we'll hope it isn't Huffington or some other such crap source.

And, it was "enlightening" to learn that Michigan, Maryland, Illinois, and the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts are red states. Obvious an oversight on your part but all four now have Republican governors.

The bottom line is that the actual taxpayers got out and voted and the deadbeats, welfare kings and queens, and minorities didn't. Did you people quit offering them their Thunderbird wine for voting or are many of them busy readying themselves for the scavenger hunt in Ferguson.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I would suggest that your last statement deserves a bit of verification. Cite your authority and we'll hope it isn't Huffington or some other such crap source.

And, it was "enlightening" to learn that Michigan, Maryland, Illinois, and the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts are red states. Obvious an oversight on your part but all four now have Republican governors.

The bottom line is that the actual taxpayers got out and voted and the deadbeats, welfare kings and queens, and minorities didn't. Did you people quit offering them their Thunderbird wine for voting or are many of them busy readying themselves for the scavenger hunt in Ferguson.
Look up the 15 person dinner that republicans had in the Caucus Room. Search where Newt admitted it. Look it up, republicans have 24 vulnerable seats in 2016. And, I said most of the republican wins were from red states. I also stated that about Congress, if you would read. Last I heard, Governors aren't part of Congress. Also, check out the fact that democrats didn't come out to vote in this election. Yes, Huffington is one source, but Newt, and the timeline proves true.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are actually talking about Obama doing something, when republicans have done everything possible to destroy his Presidency, by blocking any and everything he tries? They even signed a pack to try to destroy his Presidency, from the very beginning no less.

Maybe you can bid on a slot on Maldives dune with Piers Morgan and Obama. At any rate, when Dems held the majority in both houses of the Congress nothing got blocked, that's for sure. We got a trillion dollar stimulus, the repeal of DADT, ObamaCare, a greatly weakened military and enough scandals to fuel the news for the next decade. I've had enough of his successes.

If you can discipline yourself enough to listen to the video below, you will see two things. First, you're parroting Al Sharpton talking points and secondly, Obama threw away his opportunity to govern in the mold of Bill Clinton and chose in stead in the vein of Frank Sinatra, "My Way."

TheRealThing Wrote:Maybe you can bid on a slot on Maldives dune with Piers Morgan and Obama. At any rate, when Dems held the majority in both houses of the Congress nothing got blocked, that's for sure. We got a trillion dollar stimulus, the repeal of DADT, ObamaCare, a greatly weakened military and enough scandals to fuel the news for the next decade. I've had enough of his successes.

If you can discipline yourself enough to listen to the video below, you will see two things. First, you're parroting Al Sharpton talking points and secondly, Obama threw away his opportunity to govern in the mold of Bill Clinton and chose in stead in the vein of Frank Sinatra, "My Way."

I watched it, and I also heard him admit about the inaugural night meeting about blocking Obama. FTR, the stimulus Newt speaks of happened after that republican meeting. Timelines are important. Newt even stated that Obama had the chance to work with them, after their meeting, and "out maneuver us" on the blocking tactics.
TheRealVille Wrote:I watched it, and I also heard him admit about the inaugural night meeting about blocking Obama. FTR, the stimulus Newt speaks of happened after that republican meeting. Timelines are important. Newt even stated that Obama had the chance to work with them, after their meeting, and "out maneuver us" on the blocking tactics.

That's not on the tape and Newt was saying Obama had the chance to out maneuver the Republicans like Clinton did. Obama chose to tell them if they want more say in government they'd have to "win some elections." Funny thing was, I've never been able to find that clause in the founding documents anywhere. As to the stimulus, it happened in the first month of Obama's tenure, I never heard of a President getting anything done on the night of his inaugural.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are actually talking about Obama doing something, when republicans have done everything possible to destroy his Presidency, by blocking any and everything he tries? They even signed a pack to try to destroy his Presidency, from the very beginning no less.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I would suggest that your last statement deserves a bit of verification. Cite your authority and we'll hope it isn't Huffington or some other such crap source.

TheRealVille Wrote:Look up the 15 person dinner that republicans had in the Caucus Room. Search where Newt admitted it. Look it up, republicans have 24 vulnerable seats in 2016. And, I said most of the republican wins were from red states. I also stated that about Congress, if you would read. Last I heard, Governors aren't part of Congress. Also, check out the fact that democrats didn't come out to vote in this election. Yes, Huffington is one source, but Newt, and the timeline proves true.

Didn't see the first word in either link about a "signed pact"
TheRealVille Wrote:Get back with us after the mid terms. Maybe we can re-evaluate then. Right now, all the momentum is with the democrats. That's fact.


Okay, here we go.

TheRealVille Wrote:What you should have taken away from last night that people are wanting to move forward on several issues, and not back to the 50's. America is tired of the direction republicans are wanting to drive the bus, socially. Like I said, until republicans release that death grip on a 50's style of social politics, they will die a slow painful death. If they ever want to get back into the lead, they are going to have to regroup on their stand on some issues. Last night proved that very well. America would have no problem electing people with a centrist view on the economy, as long as they stay out of peoples' business on some social issues. Another thing, the exit polls are showing that voters are tired of Washington catering to the rich. If they don't get with it, I think the next mid term elections might finally show you they mean business on these social issues, and letting people like Romney pay a 13% tax rate, while the middle suffer the burden.


TheRealVille Wrote:The day has come that just "white men" can't get you elected. It's not all "hand out" people that caused last night. It's also an America that wants "others to stay out of my business". I, "you", or anybody else, don't have the right to make others' decisions. You are politically pretty smart, surely you saw that last night?

TheRealVille Wrote:And women will keep killing your vote.

TheRealVille Wrote:I got a kick out of the republican strategists on Meet the Press this morning said their party had to rid themselves of the Romney types, and the far righters, which would include the top 3 republicans here. Demonizing the poor, blacks, hispanics, and young voters is killing the party they said. The one guy said until they get away from the "far right" in Washington, they are a "can't win" party.


TheRealVille Wrote:Where the blue is, big cities, and populous states, is what matters. Keep telling yourself all that red means much.
TheRealThing Wrote:Didn't see the first word in either link about a "signed pact"
Verbal pact then. Hows that? Newt admitted it.
WideRight05 Wrote:Confusednicker:

Okay, here we go.


Again, I wouldn't crow too loud in this mostly red state, republican win. I'll say it again, get back with me in the 2016 election, when republicans are vulnerable.

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