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wal mart drops health insurance
TheRealThing Wrote:Question. By way of cutting to the chase here, consider for a minute your local lawn service. What if the high school boy that mows your lawn during the summer months were to join a lawn care worker's union and, health care laws passed and enforced by the government demanded that you (as an employer) contribute to his health care costs? What would you do, drop the service and cut your own grass or pay hundreds of dollars extra to have your grass done for you? I know what Obama is trying to do too, he's trying to make people with money be responsible for people who don't have money. A sort of government mandated benevolence fund, where successful citizens are forced to pay for the lazy or citizens who have lack for whatever reason. That is not the way America works. Health insurance is attainable, but not for professional zombie killers on a diet of twinkies and mountain dew.

Logic dictates that some people are brain surgeons while some dig ditches, that is just how it is, and I find nothing unethical about that arrangement. I do find it to be inequitable to think that folks who do lawn work should expect to have all the amenities that the brain surgeon has though.

Absolutely agree. Great post. :Thumbs:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Wasn't you guys saying Obamacare isn't even in action yet?

No, not quite. We we're saying that costs have already begun to soar becausse of ObamaCare. My premiums have gone up just over 40% in the two years since the 2,200 plus page monstrosity was rammed through in 2010. Health organizations and employers are dropping like flies because full implementation will happen in 2014, and they see the red ink rising.

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