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Osama Bin Laden is Dead!
^ Amen to both of you guys. Navy Seals with the reward of the mission, but the entire for making this happen!
Just heard that it was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who gave the tip to GITMO interrogators of what bin Ladens' couriers nickname was. It was this courier that the CIA tracked back to bin Laden's Pakistan hideout.

Anyone who might feel that the GITMO facility is inhumane and interrogation tactics out out of bounds, you might want to think twice about what it accomplished.
Bob Seger Wrote:Just heard that it was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who gave the tip to GITMO interrogators of what bin Ladens' couriers nickname was. It was this courier that the CIA tracked back to bin Laden's Pakistan hideout.

Anyone who might feel that the GITMO facility is inhumane and interrogation tactics out out of bounds, you might want to think twice about what it accomplished.

Bob Seger Wrote:Just heard that it was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who gave the tip to GITMO interrogators of what bin Ladens' couriers nickname was. It was this courier that the CIA tracked back to bin Laden's Pakistan hideout.

Anyone who might feel that the GITMO facility is inhumane and interrogation tactics out out of bounds, you might want to think twice about what it accomplished.

It's war. What we accomplished in eliminating a threat was justified by whatever means necessary. I don't care how they attained the information. I've said it this way, if it was my son or daughter was murdered and you knew exactly how and who, I will stop at no point from attaining that information from you!
OffTheHook Wrote:I still wanna see the body! If we have us!


Man live-tweets Bin Laden operation without knowing it
CAIRO (AP) — Computer programmer, startled by a helicopter clattering above his quiet Pakistani town in the early hours of the morning Monday, did what any social-media addict would do: he began sending messages to the social networking site Twitter.
With his tweets, 33-year-old Sohaib Athar, who moved to the sleepy town of Abbottabad to escape the big city, became in his own words "the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it."
Soon the sole helicopter multiplied into several and gunfire and explosions rocked the air above the town, and Athar's tweets quickly garnered 14,000 followers as he apparently became the first in the world to describe the U.S. operation to kill one of the world's most wanted militants.
-tweets Bin Laden operation without knowing it

Found this to be interesting. Image waking up hearing all that noise only later to find out the most hunted man in the world lived down the street from you
By the way this was great news and all but it's not the end all to the war on terror. This is just another step in a long march to stop this type of Islamic fundamentalism.

Wonder how long it will take Trump to come out and complain about how the news was released? Since the White House started to leak the story and say the President would speak around 10:30 but it wasn't until after 11:20. Trump will make some claim that the White house did like that to preempt his show on NBC:thatsfunn
It is a good thing that Obama abandoned his campaign promises, quit listening to his bevy of leftwing nuts and, instead, continued the policies of the Bush Administration. Otherwise bin Laden would still be alive and well, Gitmo would be vacant, the administration would have continued to be clueless, and the students at The Ohio State University would not have had an excuse to have a party.

Good work by the US Military and, thankfully, the Obama Administration, for once, stayed out of the way.
Stardust Wrote:It's war. What we accomplished in eliminating a threat was justified by whatever means necessary. I don't care how they attained the information. I've said it this way, if it was my son or daughter was murdered and you knew exactly how and who, I will stop at no point from attaining that information from you!

Hey Stardust, that's exactly what I was saying. How did you take it any other way?
Truth Wrote:It is a good thing that Obama abandoned his campaign promises, quit listening to his bevy of leftwing nuts and, instead, continued the policies of the Bush Administration. Otherwise bin Laden would still be alive and well, Gitmo would be vacant, the administration would have continued to be clueless, and the students at The Ohio State University would not have had an excuse to have a party.

Good work by the US Military and, thankfully, the Obama Administration, for once, stayed out of the way.


By Barack Obama from the foreign policy Presidential debate in 2008:

“What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants. And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”
BillyB Wrote::dontthink

By Barack Obama from the foreign policy Presidential debate in 2008:

“What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants. And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”
I think he was referring to his campaign promise to close GITMO.
BoondockSaint Wrote:I agree with you. Bin Laden would have been more valuable to us taken alive, but being dead and out of the picture is a close second.

The US military deserves ALL credit for this, not Obama or Dubya.

Yep, the US Military, whose Commander in Chief is... Obama... can't disassociate the 2, no matter how hard you try.
In Barrack Obama's statement last night, he said that Bin Loden was "not a Muslim, but was a terrorist." What does he think a terrorist is? Osama Bin Loden was not only a Muslim, but was a hardcore all out Muslim. I'm glad he approved the campaign to get this job done, but that statement last night just made himself look like a fool.
VHSL-helper Wrote:Yep, the US Military, whose Commander in Chief is... Obama... can't disassociate the 2, no matter how hard you try.

I was having a debate with a group of people on Facebook about that. I said at one point, push your Obama hate to the side and realize that he is the highest ranking member of the military. (Grant it, that position is by default to the President, whoever it is, but still).

Any troops success is his success as well, but any troop failure is his as well. If the USA looks good, he looks good, if it looks bad he looks bad.
The world is the winner here. Bottomline, those Navy Seals did the job, not Obama. I don't really care what decision he made, he didn't do anything outside of his office. He didn't gather the intelligence. He didn't do the planning. He didn't execute the mission. This is no hate directed to him, but he did not do anything to execute what happened last night. So no political party is to lay claim or credit. If this is political debate, then we should have never been sitting here if it was not for Clinton to let Osama skate on his watch, right???
Stardust Wrote:The world is the winner here. Bottomline, those Navy Seals did the job, not Obama. I don't really care what decision he made, he didn't do anything outside of his office. He didn't gather the intelligence. He didn't do the planning. He didn't execute the mission. This is no hate directed to him, but he did not do anything to execute what happened last night. So no political party is to lay claim or credit. If this is political debate, then we should have never been sitting here if it was not for Clinton to let Osama skate on his watch, right???

Bob Seger Wrote:I think he was referring to his campaign promise to close GITMO.

Nevermind. Smile
Rot in ****!!!!!!
I heard that they threw his body in the Sea so they wouldn't bring him back to the Good Ole USA (GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!)

Rot in H*** you Piece of Sh**. Your nothing but a Sorry Stupid Mother F***er
First off, im glad we got the A**Hole.
Secondly, i dont believe this saved Obama at all for next year. Fact is, the SEALS are the ones who got Osama, not Obama. Truth is, our economy is still in shambles and will probably only get worse as im sure gas prices will continue to rise for sure now.
Dont get me wrong im glad we got him, but those of you who think he will get relected are sorely wrong IMO, atleast i hope you are and everyone is not blinded by this, but it shouldnt as the reality of the economy we soon overtake the joy of catching Osama im sure.
I heard that we had a Muslim priest come in a perform a a ritual on Osama's body. And in the Muslim believe, it is against their religion to keep a dead body out more then 24 hours after the person died. So the US took his body and rapped it up after the priest was done with his ritual and we dump him in the water is what I heard.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Truth Wrote:It is a good thing that Obama abandoned his campaign promises, quit listening to his bevy of leftwing nuts and, instead, continued the policies of the Bush Administration. Otherwise bin Laden would still be alive and well, Gitmo would be vacant, the administration would have continued to be clueless, and the students at The Ohio State University would not have had an excuse to have a party.

Good work by the US Military and, thankfully, the Obama Administration, for once, stayed out of the way.
:Thumbs: Yes, it is a good thing. Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan, his decision to basically stick to Bush's plan in Iraq, and his decision not to close Gitmo as he promised are probably the only issues on which I have praised Obama. I also like the fact that Obama recognized the value of General David Petraeus' leadership and kept him on following the shameful "General Betrayus" episode that liberals concocted to undermine Bush's war effort.

I have read reports that "enhanced interrogation methods" in secret prisons on foreign soil were instrumental in finally locating and blowing off Bin Laden's face. That should really fire up Obama's base.

President Obama does deserve credit for staying the course that President Bush charted and even escalating the war in Afghanistan. Bush also deserves credit for yesterday's events but the lion's share of credit belongs to the US military - especially those who have put their boots on the ground and place their lives on the line every day.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: Yes, it is a good thing. Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan, his decision to basically stick to Bush's plan in Iraq, and his decision not to close Gitmo as he promised are probably the only issues on which I have praised Obama. I also like the fact that Obama recognized the value of General David Petraeus' leadership and kept him on following the shameful "General Betrayus" episode that liberals concocted to undermine Bush's war effort.

I have read reports that "enhanced interrogation methods" in secret prisons on foreign soil were instrumental in finally locating and blowing off Bin Laden's face. That should really fire up Obama's base.

President Obama does deserve credit for staying the course that President Bush charted and even escalating the war in Afghanistan. Bush also deserves credit for yesterday's events but the lion's share of credit belongs to the US military - especially those who have put their boots on the ground and place their lives on the line every day.
I never have and never will rejoice for the death of anyone.
I would much rather have had this man turn from his evil ways and continue to live a life that glorifies prison of course.
However, I am not naive enough to believe that this man wasn't so far off the beaten path that he simply was going to continue his terrorist ways as he has done for so many years.

I instead choose to never forget the events that unfolded on 9-11-2001 and applaud our military for taking steps to make sure that this never happens again. We are from a country that gives us more freedom than any other country on the planet and we have a military that allows it to stay that way. For that I am very grateful and thank God that I'm an American.
zaga_fan Wrote:I never have and never will rejoice for the death of anyone.
I would much rather have had this man turn from his evil ways and continue to live a life that glorifies prison of course.
However, I am not naive enough to believe that this man wasn't so far off the beaten path that he simply was going to continue his terrorist ways as he has done for so many years.

I instead choose to never forget the events that unfolded on 9-11-2001 and applaud our military for taking steps to make sure that this never happens again. We are from a country that gives us more freedom than any other country on the planet and we have a military that allows it to stay that way. For that I am very grateful and thank God that I'm an American.

Excellent post!:notworthy
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Reported a ground team took him out.

yes sir the NAVY SEALS, the best there is...
i also dont like to see any get killed,everyone human, no matter how evil still has a soul,while there alive they still have a chance,though it may be slim to none, but once that last breath is gone thats it..
I watched a Russian TV station on youtube talking about the death. I found out that Russians **** me off they made us out to look about half stupid. They said we really need an enemy to help us survive and that Russia won't shed a tear over Osama's death but they won't celebrate like us.
Hahahaha guys, I've been partying since I heard the news, including tonight.

President Obama does deserve some credit. This was a very, very gutsy call to launch this operation 120 miles into Pakistan, especially really not giving Pakistan much of a choice if they happened to resist, and they didn't, and refusing help from any Paki ground troops. So many things could have gone wrong. It was a small team, the usual U.S. Army SF (Special Forces for those not familiar) A-team has 12 members, a Captain which is the Operations Commander, a Warrant Officer that pretty much advises the CO(Commander) and takes care of all the technical work like getting transports from point A to point B, and he also will take command in the event the CO is killed or injured. Now to the enlisted..You have 10 of these usually, an Operations Sgt (Master Sgt), Weapons Sgt (SFC=Sgt First Class), Engineer Sgt (SFC), and finally a Medical Sgt (SFC).

All of those enlisted each have an assistant, which is usually a Staff Sergeant, and that makes 12. This is pretty much what the team that took Bin Laden down, whether it was SEAL Team Six or Delta Force or more likely a combination of both.

The news reports I've seen and what my unit has heard was that it was a JSOC/CIA operation, with JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) doing the military work and the CIA getting the intel along with the military and various other U.S. Intel agencies and definitelyhaving two to six operators from the CIA Special Activities Division's Special Operations Group (SAD-SOG), the elite of the elite with their operators recruited straight out of units like 1st SFOD-D and SEAL Team Six, on the ground along with the military personnel. By the way, a little info on JSOC. JSOC is not to be confused with U.S. SOCOM (United States Special Operations COMmand). SOCOM is the head command of all Special Operations Forces in the U.S. Military, with the main players being JSOC, U.S. Army Special Forces/U.S. Army Rangers, MARSOC (Marine Corps Special Operations Command, the newest and youngest special operations unit in the U.S. military having been created only in 2006), U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command and the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command.

JSOC is the most specialized in Counter-terrorism, secretive about it's actions, and pretty much the best of the best of the 4 war-fighting services in the U.S. military. Their mission is to make it easier for the different services' Special Operations Forces and civilian agencies, such as the CIA's SAD (Special Activities Division), to work together and get the mission done and to eliminate communication mix-ups and services competing against each other for the missions and operations. It has went far beyond those goals and is no beast to be messed with.

Within JSOC, there are three units, two of which are our only Tier One units in the U.S. military, called Special Mission Units (SMU). They perform the most classified operations our country has ever seen, and most of the time, Americans never learn about what they do. From what I know, only three SMU units have been identified, which doesn't mean there isn't more. MARSOC (MarineCorpsSOC) is the only service SOF that isn't part of JSOC, but they do work with them pretty frequently. In my opinion, MARSOC and it's subordinate units will continue to gain experience and will become a part of JSOC as well. The three current JSOC SMU's are:

-The U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D, Delta Force) [Tier One]
-The U.S. Navy's Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU, SEAL Team Six)
-The U.S. Air Force's 24th Special Tactics Squadron (24th STS)

The Intelligence Support Agency is part of JSOC, too. The ISA does just what it's name says...gathers intel, provides it, and supports the SMU, JSOC, and eventually SOCOM and the entire U.S. military. They can also engage in PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) and signals support, among many other missions. Also, JSOC can take command of SOCOM Army units 160th SOAR (Special Operations Aviation Regiment, probably the best aviation unit in the world) and Army Rangers when it needs to and if it's plausible.

The info about the U.S. Navy SEALs in this mission isn't that they conducted it solely and alone, which is highly unlikely. It's that they were "involved", which is a key giveaway to JSOC. It would be my guess that the helo's and pilots that flew them in were from the U.S. Army's 160th SOAR, and the attacking force was a combination of the Army's Delta Force, SEAL Team Six, and the CIA's SAD.

Some other information I've gotten while writing this ridiculous rant trying to help you all understand this very historic event better is that when our team/s broke into the actual room Bin Laden was in, he was given a chance to surrender, probably in usual military fashion with guns up, everyone closing in on him and yelling "get the f*** down!". He decided not to, so he went to Allah.

lol, that was one **** of a rant, but I hope I helped some of you that aren't all that familiar with the military understand it, this operation, and the ongoing war in Afghanistan.

In my opinion, Al-Qaeda is angry, and they'll try their best to come up with something to get back at us for killing their leader. It's expected, what would we do if the enemy killed our leader? Anyway, quite alot of reporters, who think they know about the military but have no clue, think that there's a good chance of an attack here in America...I don't believe that. I've seen it first hand..Yemen is Al-Qaeda's biggest safe-haven, and you all have seen me saying that for months and months. We have had Army SF and JSOC teams there since the 07'-08' time frame, but President Obama really revamped our effort over there with training of the Yemeni Army, AF, and Navy, along with U.S. teams conducting operations with Yemeni's troops and using our un-matched air power to kill many, many Al-Qaeda members.

With the unrest in Yemen currently and the AQ presence in Yemen and the surrounding areas, the entire Arabian Peninsula is at stake. Our SOF need to and will shift more focus to that area to finally stomp out Al-Qaeda once and for all now that their leader is shark ****.

Good job men.
^ vundy, I was wondering where you were at. I knew you would be quite pleased with thsi operation

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