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Three Democratic Senators trying to usurp the power of the Constitution using social media, have called for the President to resign this weekend. One of them is that paragon of virtue and socialist Bernie Sanders, (who BTW accepts his role as DNC national stooge as if it were a badge on honor) Then would come Corey Booker and Jeff Merkley, two Junior Senators whose only accomplishments to date are the occasional embarrassments suffered for their own lack of discretion where opinion is concerned and sophomoric displays like the afore mentioned #MeTooMoment.

Keeping in mind the fact that it was just after lunch this past Thursday that Al Franken folded his tent, it only took a day and a half for Dems to reveal their new #NeverTrump end game strategy. It seems that after 19 years of erosive distortions beginning with the wagon circling of the Clinton Impeachment, they're going to try to force Trump out of office by using the sudden and ridiculous appearance of moral responsibility on the part of the left. Franken resigned they say, and Trump should do the same. :please: A totally on board and replenished DOJ wouldn't be remotely able to sort it's way through the shenanigans of the past 8 years, much less the deepstate circus with which we're still saddled.

Obviously this war being waged by the left on our traditionally conservative values and all who would espouse them, will not be ending soon. Therefore it is my contention that out of the 17 member Presidential field of candidates, only Trump had the guts to take these guys on. What we need now is endurance, not somebody who will knuckle under. It will take two terms for Trump to clean up the mess, and then two more terms of Mike Pence to restore us to a state of relative sanity. By that time the court will be healed, and those already indoctrinated with liberal lies will have grown up enough to understand the truth. But since it only took 20 years for liberals to seemingly erase the hard truths from the minds of Americans which were won and demonstrated by the Reagan Administration, we must unfortunately assume they could easily once again get us back to the brink in a similar time frame. Parents dare not ever let down again, and the Church must once again resume her rightful role of guidance.

No wonder the framers expressed foreboding and anxiety in handing over this nation's leadership responsibilities to those who would follow their excellent example. And there is no wonder that in order to understand the nature of the continual threat which manifests itself against our nation in an ever morphing and more dangerous manner, it will have to be the Christians to whom God gives current wisdom in such understanding, to take the point on sounding the alarms.

Somehow easy living has the effect of bringing about decay, it has happened in every great society throughout history. That decay has happened much more rapidly where the USA is concerned, and has been due to nearly real time news loop on TV and an explosively fast internet. As the Archangel Michael explained to Daniel, at "the time of the end knowledge shall be increased." Dan 12:4 (KJV) At present we have a knowledge explosion going on, as knowledge doubles every 12 months. And according to IBM that time frame will soon be reduced to a mere 12 hours. But over the past 20 years in particular, Americans sort of stopped taking their cues from their pastor, and started taking them from TV and movies. That is an unfortunate reality which will have to be reversed if America is to survive in any case.
Messages In This Thread
#MeTooMoment - by TheRealThing - 12-10-2017, 11:12 PM
#MeTooMoment - by mr.fundamental - 12-11-2017, 02:57 PM
#MeTooMoment - by TheRealThing - 12-11-2017, 05:06 PM

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