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#1 golfer Tiger Woods seriously injured in crash near home
Never having been a TW fan, having his career fall apart, from a guy who thought the world revolved around him, doesn't exactly bring any sympathy from me. I hope he gets everything coming to him, including the possible charges of paying for prostitution, many times over. This morning it was released that he was still sending these women monthly, 5,000 to 20,000 each, depending on the person he needed to keep quiet the most.
I personally haven't been purchasing Nike, and for them to stand behind this sleazebag is beyond me. The phrases they use, just do it, do what you got to do, whatever else they say that is not going to sound very wholesome after these affairs. If you can call them affairs, they were more like Tiger does everybody. I myself will not be purchasing Nike, my son performs UA and Adidas anyway. NIKE No I'm Kissing Eldrick :moon:
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#1 golfer Tiger Woods seriously injured in crash near home - by mrsportsfan - 12-15-2009, 07:17 PM

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