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Kentucky Middle School Football Association
Since someone moved our other post, I figured we could continue to discuss the benefit of having such a great organization available for the developement of our kids... I feel that the organization has the best intentions in mond as a group,, and unlike other groups there are representation from all over the state. Great to call when you have an issue,, great that they care about programs around the state and have safe guards in place that reduce the number of chances to have to play kids that are 2-3 years older in a game,,, we have all seen that.. " He is an eigth grader yes,,, but he is driving to school and parking in the admin spots and getting tickets!"
The KYMSFA is new and a change for alot of people,, and like change,, people sometimes are resisitant to it. From watching for a couple of years the program has done what it has promised to do,, it has brought school systems together into larger conferences and now give the kids something to play for at the middle school level. I applaud the efforts of the KYMSFA and the plan to are trying to produce... I can see others who wish to not compete and thats their choice,, but it is NICE to have a choice rather than not have a choice...... I still feel that this is the way of the future and that the KYMSFA will try to make it fair for all teams,,,,,,,,who want to compete at a higher level......
So once again I Applaud your efforts..........
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
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Kentucky Middle School Football Association - by DEVILOLOGIST - 07-20-2009, 07:57 AM

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