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23 million more Americans would be uninsured under House bill
TheRealThing Wrote:Now you've stopped distorting and gone to outright lying in the open. All liberals eventually do that when cornered. The able bodied are to work. Statistics bear out the fact that most on welfare are healthy.

Cornered? What goes on in that swollen head of yours? "Those who are physically and mentally employable should be employed." I doubt any of us disagree with that. "There are very few people who are not physically and mentally employable." The waters are a bit murkier here, but, still, in principle, not a lot of disagreement. Yet in a nation of some 350 million people, it is misleading to suggest that only the elderly need a safety net. One doesn't have to be particularly perceptive to see that quite a few folks are born into this world not physically and/or mentally employable.
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23 million more Americans would be uninsured under House bill - by The Urban Sombrero - 05-29-2017, 06:36 AM

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