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The American public the most gullible of all time?
TheRealVille Wrote:The federal government should rule on stuff that biased states can be biased in their votes. Mississippi for example, would most likely vote to do away with the civil rights amendment, and go back to the era of black equality. The high court has ruled 14 times that marriage is a right, yet there are several states that say gays shouldn't be allowed to get married.

RV, it's the same old circle with you. God Himself set up the institution of marriage way back at the very beginning with earth's first two inhabitants, Adam and Eve. There is no federal mandate regarding marriage, that is God's purview, and His alone. Therefore, matters involving marriage automatically fall back into the hands of the individual state legislatures. It's a shame we even have to talk about legalizing sexually depraved behavior but, such is modern day America.

You're not only demanding that the federal government be given the power to trump your own state government, you're want to extend the federal government's reach to trump GOD's law. Most of us don't want that and therefore no referendum in the near future has a ghost of a chance of passing muster. Hence, your call for federal mandates in matters involving these social issues. You and other liberals are so cock you're right, you would see the collective will of the rest of us, who comprise the majority BTW, vanquished by whatever means necessary. Activist judges, federal government, Putin, whatever.
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The American public the most gullible of all time? - by TheRealThing - 03-24-2013, 04:00 PM

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