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The American public the most gullible of all time?
TheRealThing Wrote:Your guys? The dems didn't want to make any spending cuts so they didn't. That has been the case for the last several years and is the primary source of contention between the House and the Senate. Fiscal conservatives say we will be facing bankruptcy at some point in the relatively near future. Keynesian bedazzled dems say we can spend and borrow as much as we want without fear of going bankrupt.

This administration dreamed up the sequester as a way to paint the fiscally conservative thinking republicans into a political corner. Though the White House rightly assumed the entitlement rationale would carry them through in the last presidential election, they overplayed their hand with regard to spending cuts. Everybody that works, whether good at managing money or bad, understands the need to budget. So, politicizing the sequester has proved much more difficult than Obama and the liberal think tankers thought. The envisioned throngs of concerned citizens demanding republicans cooperate, by raising or eliminating the debt ceiling altogether didn't materialize. The whole idea was meant to force republicans to kneel and kiss Obama's ring, having been vanquished yet again by propaganda and distortions.

It didn't quite work out that way however. Republicans have finally found themselves again and their resistance in this matter has served them well. Your guys are too lazy to do their job, part of which is to manage our tax dollars well by eliminating waste, fraud and corrupt spending habits. Lawmakers have become so used to negotiating with a fist full of tax dollars abroad and at home, that's all they want to do. John Kerry appears to be very good at it, LOL. When the treasury gets low they merely use their legislative stick to hit the cash cow piñata for more money. The 2014 Mid-Terms could mean the end of the nightmare, now that republicans seem to have gotten a handle on things again.

On a side note, if your big 'guy' Oblame-a, was to cancel one of his multimillion dollar golfing weekends, thusly saving the $180,000 dollars an hour it takes to fly Air Force One around like some kind of an international playboy or something (thanks to the History Channel everybody knows his true alter ego) maybe we could go ahead and ink in plans for the Easter Egg Roll. Or maybe even fuel up an aircraft carrier or two. :Thumbs:
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The American public the most gullible of all time? - by vector - 03-21-2013, 05:02 PM

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