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Wrestlemania 18 (if we could re-book it)
great post from another

Most of us remember 2001 as the year the WWE botched the much anticipated war between WCW and WWF. If the feud, could, and would, have been done correctly, then it should have concluded at Wrestlemania X8 in 2002. The final battleground in the monday night wars.


The Rock vs Hulk Hogan
This is the one match from Wrestlemania X8, that they got right. BUT I would have tweaked it a bit. Seeing as how this was only a few months after the 9/11 attacks, I would have had Hogan enter the ring after Rock so that he could come out in his classic red and yellow colors, waving old glory to the "real american" theme. Hogan could have been in his nWo colors leading up to the ppv, but at Wrestlemania I would have pulled a swerve and had Hogan come out in his classic Wrestlemania red and yellow attire. Everything else about that match was picture perfect. No need to change anything else. Not even the finish. The old blood should always put the new blood over. But even though Rock wins, Hogan still gets the final photo op as he poses for the crowd.

Stone Cold vs Goldberg
Why wait to sign Goldberg until 2003 when you could have brought him in a year earlier and had the match everyone always wanted to see. In fact, I would even go so far as to have Goldberg defeat Austin. He's younger, he's faster, he's stronger. Logically he should win. Besides, Austin's career was coming to a close and he ended up walking out on WWE in the spring of 2002 anyhow, so if he's leaving he might as well pass the torch to Goldberg and put him over. Besides, you can't have it be a clean sweep for WWF over the WCW stars. At least one WCW guy has to get a win.

The Undertaker vs Sting
People talked about this match possibly happening at this past years Mania. I'm glad it didnt. Niether man is in his prime at this stage in their careers. The time to have this match was Wrestlemania X8. I understand Sting didn't trust how he'd be used, so this match probably isnt' possible. But that's why we have fan fiction.

DX: HBK & HHH vs nWo: Hall & Nash
The two greatest factions in wrestling history never ended up meeting in the ring even though they obviously could have in 2002. Micheals, Hall, and Nash all returned to WWF in the year 2002, so this match very easily could have happened. Micheals should have returned at Wrestlemania X8 in 2002 rather than later that year at Summerslam. Shawn returs for Mania as HHH's partner in a DX reunion against the nWo to close out the war between wwf and wcw. I also would have thrown X-Pac in as a guest referee. The storyline would be, will X-Pac show preference to one group over the other seeing as how he was a member of both. In the end, all 5 men embrace as DX and the Wolfpac embrace as one and we get a classic Kliq reunion at Wrestlemania.

SUBMISSION MATCH: Kurt Angle vs Ric Flair
The ankle lock vs the figure four. The two best technical wrestlers of there companies. Flair, the man who held the big gold belt more times in history than any other man vs the only olympic gold medalist in wrestling history. Again, much like Hogan putting Rock over, here we would have another legend of the past putting over the younger star.

STREET FIGHT: Vince McMahon vs Eric Bischoff
Eric made the challenge on Nitro many years back, but it never came to fruition. But it could have. Bischoff ended up signing with the WWE in 2002 anyhow, so why he wasnt used in the WCW vs WWF feud is beyond me. Seeing as how in real life it was Vince's company that came out victorious, it only makes sense that Mr.McMahon gets the last laugh here as well and beats Bischoff in a bloodbath.

So, any other suggestions for a WCW vs WWF WRESTLEMANIA X8 Rewrite?
Messages In This Thread
Wrestlemania 18 (if we could re-book it) - by Stardust - 05-19-2011, 03:18 AM
Wrestlemania 18 (if we could re-book it) - by LWC - 05-19-2011, 12:50 PM

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