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LSU-24 Alabama-21
Tough loss for Bama!
Tough loss indeed.
My prediction that Auburn will win both the SEC and BCS Championship still stands.
Unless Bama stops the other group of Tigers.
I continue to be wronged by LSU. I truly did not believe in this team, but over the last few weeks, they have proved that not only are they legit, they are probably the best team in the country.
Like I've said all season, McElroy is holding this team back.

He's out there to manage the offense and not blow people away with his arm or decision making, to bad he can't even do that. Teams are loading up the box on Ingram & Richardson and forcing them to throw and that's what has beat them in their two losses now.
4th and LES,lol, calls them tricky 4th down plays and saves his hide
Les miles walks the line between brave and dumb again lol
The SEC...the most exciting conference in the nation....
The Mad Hatter pulls some more tricks out of the bag in the 4th quarter of this one and stuns the Crimson Tide! :rockon:
I hate to see this cause Bama will prolly knock off Auburn and the SEC will get screwed out of a title game while Boise and Tcu get in by playing woohoo state community college.
Hopefully Auburn will win out.
Tough loss for Bama.
I don't like Bama but I can't stand Les Miles and LSU. He usual underachieves with the talent he has every year. This year looks to be an exception.

vundy33 Wrote:Hey Tideshoss, how's this feel? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, isnt this cute. Good luck to UK when they play their annual December 14th Valusmart Produce Grocery Bowl. Thats usually where they send the 9th place SEC team to play the 7th place Sun Belt team, where you can watch it at 4am on tape delay. You'd think Feds Creek Public Television would create a spot for that big showdown. Oh, by the way, we may not be challenging for a national championship, but our bowl game will be in January, and on a major network. :moon:
Good win for LSU, now if Auburn wins next weekend against Georgia, then the Tigers are SEC West Champs.... I look for Auburn to lose to Alabama in the Iron Bowl, but beat Florida in the SEC Championship game and go on to play for the National Championship
Aslan Wrote:I don't like Bama but I can't stand Les Miles and LSU. He usual underachieves with the talent he has every year. This year looks to be an exception.

He'll still choke when it most matters
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Well, isnt this cute. Good luck to UK when they play their annual December 14th Valusmart Produce Grocery Bowl. Thats usually where they send the 9th place SEC team to play the 7th place Sun Belt team, where you can watch it at 4am on tape delay. You'd think Feds Creek Public Television would create a spot for that big showdown. Oh, by the way, we may not be challenging for a national championship, but our bowl game will be in January, and on a major network. :moon:

As much as I hate to say, this is true!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I hate to see this cause Bama will prolly knock off Auburn and the SEC will get screwed out of a title game while Boise and Tcu get in by playing woohoo state community college.
Hopefully Auburn will win out.
Tough loss for Bama.

I was thinking the same thing. when does Alabama and Auburn play?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Well, isnt this cute. Good luck to UK when they play their annual December 14th Valusmart Produce Grocery Bowl. Thats usually where they send the 9th place SEC team to play the 7th place Sun Belt team, where you can watch it at 4am on tape delay. You'd think Feds Creek Public Television would create a spot for that big showdown. Oh, by the way, we may not be challenging for a national championship, but our bowl game will be in January, and on a major network. :moon:

Man, that was good. Touche'. :worthy:
Mmm Bama with 2 losses this season
You people are mean Sad
I was kind of looking forward to seeing Alabama play for a chance at back to back national champs.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:You people are mean Sad

even the best fall down sometimes
Love it!
TidesHoss32 Wrote:You people are mean Sad

Ohhh, the Decline of Bama Football. The only "Bowl" that TH32 and the Tide players will be doing in January is at the Family Fun Bowling lanes :biggrin:
Stardust Wrote:Ohhh, the Decline of Bama Football. The only "Bowl" that TH32 and the Tide players will be doing in January is at the Family Fun Bowling lanes :biggrin:
Still not as steep as that sudden "here today, gone tomorrow" Bengal decline though. Wink
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Well, isnt this cute. Good luck to UK when they play their annual December 14th Valusmart Produce Grocery Bowl. Thats usually where they send the 9th place SEC team to play the 7th place Sun Belt team, where you can watch it at 4am on tape delay. You'd think Feds Creek Public Television would create a spot for that big showdown. Oh, by the way, we may not be challenging for a national championship, but our bowl game will be in January, and on a major network. :moon:

Even as a UK fan, I have to laugh at this one! :lmao:
Yeah the Feds Creek part was genius.
ROCKSOLID69 Wrote:I was thinking the same thing. when does Alabama and Auburn play?

I believe Auburn has Georgia this week then Bama in the last regular season game, then they will have to play the Florida/South Carolina winner in the SEC championship.
If they win all three theyll be playing for a national title. If they lose just one i would think there done. Then you can look forward to a Oergon/TCU national Championship.....:HitWall: That would suck, probably be the lowest ratings ever for a national championship game. Or even worse a Boise/TCU title game, all 14 people watching that one would get a wonderful game im sure.
You would be one of those 14 people, RunItUpTheButt.

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